8 research outputs found

    Inheritance and QTL mapping of cucumber mosaic virus resistance in cucumber (<i>Cucumis Sativus</i> L.)

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    <div><p>The commercial yield of cucurbit crops infected with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) severely decreases. Chemical treatments against CMV are not effective; therefore, genetic resistance is considered the primary line of defense. Here, we studied resistance to CMV in cucumber inbred line β€˜02245’ using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population generated from a cross between β€˜65G’ and β€˜02245’ as susceptible and resistant parents, respectively. Genetic analysis revealed that CMV resistance in cucumber is quantitatively inherited. Analysis of the RIL population revealed that a quantitative trait locus (QTL) was found on chromosome 6; named <i>cmv6</i>.<i>1</i>, this QTL was delimited by SSR9-56 and SSR11-177 and explained 31.7% of the phenotypic variation in 2016 and 28.2% in 2017. The marker SSR11-1, which is close to the locus, was tested on 78 different cucumber accessions and found to have an accuracy of 94% in resistant and moderately resistant lines but only 67% in susceptible lines. The mapped QTL was delimited within a region of 1,624.0 kb, and nine genes related to disease resistance were identified. Cloning and alignment of the genomic sequences of these nine genes between β€˜65G’ and β€˜02245’ revealed that Csa6M133680 had four single-base substitutions within the coding sequences (CDSs) and two single-base substitutions in its 3’-untranslated region, and the other eight genes showed 100% nucleotide sequence identity in their exons. Expression pattern analyses of Csa6M133680 in β€˜65G’ and β€˜02245’ revealed that the expression levels of Csa6M133680 significantly differed between β€˜65G’ and β€˜02245’ at 80 h after inoculation with CMV and that the expression in β€˜02245’ was 4.4 times greater than that in β€˜65G’. The above results provide insights into the fine mapping and marker-assisted selection in cucumber breeding for CMV resistance.</p></div

    Mutation of the Csa6M133680 gene.

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    <p><b>a Distribution of 4 exons and 3 introns within the coding region of Csa6M133680.</b> b A single-nucleotide substitution (A / C) in exon 1, three single-nucleotide substitutions (C / T, C / T, T / A) in exon 4 and two single-nucleotide substitutions (T / A, C / G) in the 3’-untranslated region. c The four single-nucleotide substitution caused four amino acid substitutions (Lys / Thr, Ser / Leu, Pro / Leu, Asp / Glu). Note: The orange box indicates the 5’-untranslated region, the black box indicates coding regions, the black line indicates an intron, and the blue box indicates the 5’-untranslated region.</p

    The 0–9 infection ranking system was based on the severity of mosaic patterning and leaf distortion.

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    <p>0 = no symptoms; 1 = apical leaves with dispersed vein clearing or slight mottling; 3 = mosaic patches and/or necrotic spots on leaves; 5 = moderate mosaic patches and moderate distortion of the three youngest leaves; 7 = apical meristem exhibiting mosaic patches and deformation; 9 = extensive leaf mosaic patches and severe distortion of all leavesβ€”even plant death.</p

    Relative quantitative expression analysis of Csa6M133680 in β€˜65G’ and β€˜02245’.

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    <p>The data represent the expression of Csa6M133680 relative to that of actin, as measured by qRT-PCR at different times after inoculation of both β€˜65G’ and β€˜02245’. Note: The error bars represent the standard error of three biological replicates. **Significant difference (P<0.01). The six treatments (0 h,16 h, 40 h, 80 h, 132 h and 192 h after inoculation with CMV) of β€˜65G’ and β€˜02245’ corresponds to the six columns in the histogram.</p

    ELISA results for CMV and the distribution of CMV DIs.

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    <p>a Symptoms of the susceptible parental line β€˜65G’, the resistant line β€˜02245’ and their F<sub>1</sub> hybrid progeny after they were inoculated with CMV. b DAS-ELISA results for CMV in the leaves of P1 (β€˜65G’), P2 (β€˜02245’) and F1 plants as well as some plants within the RIL population; the result is consistent with the phenotypic identification. c Frequency distribution of the DI from CMV among the β€˜65Gβ€™Γ—β€˜02245’ RIL population. The frequency distribution in June 2016 and June 2017 each presented a normal distribution ranging from resistant to susceptible phenotypes.</p

    QTL controlling CMV resistance and its effect on cucumber seedlings during two years.

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    <p>One QTL was detected at the same location in June 2016 and June 2017; this QTL was identified on chromosome 6 (Chr.6). Note: The red box indicates June 2016, the blue box indicates June 2017, the black line indicates June 2016, and the red line indicates June 2017.</p