13 research outputs found

    Engraftment of BM-MSCs into the wounded skin.

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    <p>(A) Allo-fibroblasts or allo-MSCs in wounds. Representative fluorescence microscopic images of day 7 wound sections showing that the injected allogeneic GFP<sup>+</sup>fibroblasts (allo-FB) were confined to the injection site and surrounded by a layer of inflammatory and fibroblast-like cells (arrow heads, left panel). Weak GFP signals were detected in some of allo-fibroblasts. After immunostaining for GFP, topically applied allo-fibroblasts (green) were shown to be poorly incorporated into the tissue (middle and right panels of upper row) and in many of them nuclei were not shown (arrow heads, middle panel of upper row), indicating cell death, while similarly applied allo-MSCs (green) were closely integrated into the wound (lower row, representative images from three mice). Wound beds are indicated by arrows. Nuclei were stained blue with Hoechst. scale bar, 50 µm. (B) Wounds treated with allogeneic or syngeneic BM-MSCs or vehicle medium (sham) in Balb/C or C57BL/6 mice at 1 or 2 weeks were enzymatically dissociated as discribed in “<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0007119#s2" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a>” and single-cell suspensions were analyzed by flow cytometry to detect percentages of GFP-positive cells. One representative result is shown. Cells from sham wounds were used for negative controls and gate setting. (C) Cell engraftment. Taking the initially implanted one million cells per wound as 100%, proportions of engrafted BM-MSCs or fibroblasts at different times after transplantation are shown. *<i>P</i><0.001 (allo-fibroblast vs MSC, n = 6 or 7).</p

    mRNA levels of cytokines and extracellular matrix molecules in BM-MSCs and fibroblasts.

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    <p>Total RNA extracted from BM-MSCs (MSC) or dermal fibroblasts (FB) treated under hypoxic conditions was analyzed by Real-Time PCR for mRNA expression of genes as indicated in the figure. Fold changes vs dermal fibroblasts are shown. Data are mean±SD; n = 3; *<i>P</i><0.05 vs FB. KGF, keratinocyte growth factor; HB-EGF, heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor; TGFb1, Transforming growth factor-β1; Ang, angiopoietin; SDF1, stromal cell-derived factor-1; MIP, macrophage inflammatory protein; SCF, stem cell factor; EPO, erythropoietin; TPO, thrombopoietin; G-CSF, granulocyte colony stimulating factor; MCP1, monocyte chemotactic protein-1; MIG, monokine induced by gama interferon.</p

    Surface marker profile of dermal fibroblasts and BM-MSCs

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    <p>Representative results of three FACS analyses of murine dermal fibroblasts and BM-MSCs. − ∼ ++++ represent percentages of cells expressing surface markers as indicated: “−” ≤ 2%; “+” 3∼10%; “++” 11∼50%; “+++” 51∼90%; “++++” 91∼100%.</p

    Protein levels of cytokines in BM-MSC-conditioned medium.

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    <p>(A) Antibody-based protein array analysis human dermal fibroblast (FB)- or BM-MSC-conditioned medium under hypoxic conditions. Similar results were obtained from three independent experiments and results from one of them are shown. The abbreviations are donated in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0001886#pone-0001886-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>. (B) ELISA measurement of cytokines in murine fibroblast- or BM-MSC- conditioned medium under hypoxic conditions. Data are expressed as means±SD (n = 3, *<i>P</i><0.01). PDGF-BB, platelet-derived growth factor-BB. Other abbreviations can be found in the legend for <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0001886#pone-0001886-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a>.</p

    Antibody-based protein array analysis of fibroblast- or MSC-conditioned medium

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    <p>Human or murine dermal fibroblast- or BM-MSC-conditioned medium under hypoxic conditions for 24 h was analyzed with antibody-based protein array. The intensity of each dot was measured. “−”, not detected; +/−, weakly detected; + ∼ ++++, intensity of positive detection; N/A, not tested; protein levels in medium under hypoxic conditions are indicated as up, down or NC (no change) compared to normoxic conditions.</p

    Analysis of cells in wounds.

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    <p>(A) FACS analysis of cells derived from each wound indicated that wounds treated with concentrated BM-MSC-conditioned medium (MSC-M) at 7 or 14 days had increased percentages of CD4/80 positive monocytes/macrophages compared to wounds treated with vehicle control medium (vehicle-M) or concentrated fibroblast-conditioned medium (FB-M). (B&C) Percentages of cells in wound after FACS analysis (n = 5∼6, *<i>P</i><0.05). (D) Representative images of confocal microscopy of day 7 wounds treated with vehicle medium, concentrated fibroblast- or BM-MSC-conditioned medium after immunostaining for CD68 (red). Nuclei were stained blue with Hoechst. scale bar, 20 µm.</p

    Effects of BM-MSC-conditioned medium on cell migration and proliferation.

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    <p>(A) migration of CD14<sup>+</sup> monocytes. CD14<sup>+</sup> monocytes were isolated as described in “<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0001886#s2" target="_blank">Methods</a>” and equal numbers of the cells were loaded to the top chambers. Control (CTL) vehicle medium, fibroblast (FB-M)- or BM-MSC (MSC-M)-conditioned medium at different concentrations were added to the bottom chambers. Cells migrated into the bottom chambers were counted. Triple wells were used. Data shown represent mean±SD of 3 independent experiments (<i>P</i><0.01). (B) Keratinocyte migration. Equal numbers of murine dermal keratinocytes were added to the top chambers. Media in the bottom chambers were as indicated. Cells migrated to the down-side of the filter were stained, photographed (6 fields per well) and counted. Triple wells were used for each treatment and data shown represent mean±SD of 3 independent experiments (<i>P</i><0.001). (C) Keratinocyte proliferation. 0.5×10<sup>5</sup> murine dermal keratinocytes per well were incubated with vehicle-M, FB-M, MSC-M or keratinocyte SFM supplemented with EGF (5 ng/ml, EGF) for different times and cell numbers were counted. Triple wells were used for each treatment. Values shown represent mean±SD of 4 independent experiments (* <i>P</i><0.01). (D) HUVEC migration. The bottom chambers contained vehicle-M, FB-M or MSC-M at various dilutions. Cells migrated to the down-side of the filter were stained, photographed (6 fields per well) and counted. Triple wells were used for each treatment and data shown represent mean±SD of three independent experiments (*<i>P</i><0.01 vs vehicle-M; #<i>P</i><0.01 vs FB-M) (E) HUVEC proliferation. Equal numbers of HUVECs were grown in vehicle-, FB- or MSC-conditioned basal endothelial growth medium (EGM-2) supplemented with 2% FBS or complete EGM-2 and incubated for 3 days. Cell numbers were counted. Experiments were performed in triplicate wells (n = 3, * <i>P</i><0.001).</p

    Application of ChatGPT-based blended medical teaching in clinical education of hepatobiliary surgery

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    This study evaluates the effectiveness of incorporating the Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) into the clinical teaching of hepatobiliary surgery for undergraduate medical students. A group of 61 medical undergraduates from the Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University, undergoing hepatobiliary surgery training, were randomly assigned to either an experimental group (31 students) using ChatGPT-based blended teaching or a control group (30 students) with traditional teaching methods. The evaluation metrics included final exam scores, teaching satisfaction, and teaching effectiveness ratings, analyzed using SPSS 26.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) with t-tests and χ2 tests. The experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in final exam theoretical scores (86.44 ± 5.59 vs. 77.86 ± 4.16, p p = .001). Additionally, the experimental group reported higher teaching satisfaction (17.23 ± 1.33) and self-evaluation of teaching effectiveness (9.14 ± 0.54) compared to the control group (15.38 ± 1.5 and 8.46 ± 0.70, respectively, p  The integration of ChatGPT into hepatobiliary surgery education significantly enhances theoretical knowledge, clinical skills, and overall satisfaction among medical undergraduates, suggesting a beneficial impact on their educational development.</p