4,761 research outputs found

    On the Formation and Evolution of Common Envelope Systems

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    We discuss the formation of a common envelope system following dynamically unstable mass transfer in a close binary, and the subsequent dynamical evolution and final fate of the envelope. We base our discussion on new three-dimensional SPH calculations that we have performed for a close binary system containing a 4 M⊙4\,M_\odot red giant with a 0.7 M⊙0.7\,M_\odot main-sequence star companion. The initial parameters are chosen to model the formation of a system resembling V~471~Tau, a typical progenitor of a cataclysmic variable binary. In our highest-resolution calculation, we find evidence for a corotating region of gas around the central binary. This is in agreement with the theoretical model proposed by Meyer \& Meyer-Hofmeister (1979) for the evolution of common envelope systems, in which this central corotating region is coupled to the envelope through viscous angular momentum transport only. We also find evidence that the envelope is convectively unstable, in which case the viscous dissipation time could be as short as ∌100\sim100 dynamical times, leading to rapid ejection of the envelope. For V~471~Tau, our results, and the observed parameters of the system, are entirely consistent with rapid envelope ejection on a timescale ∌1 \sim1\,yr and an efficiency parameter αCE≃1\alpha_{CE}\simeq1.Comment: uses AAS latex macros v4, 36 pages with figures, submitted to ApJ, complete postscript also available at http://ensor.mit.edu/~rasio/paper

    RS Ophiuchi: Thermonuclear Explosion or Disc Instability?

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    Sokoloski et al (2008) have recently reported evidence that the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi produced a pair of highly collimated radio jets within days of its 2006 outburst. This suggests that an accretion disc must be present during the outburst. However in the standard picture of recurrent novae as thermonuclear events, any such disc must be expelled from the white dwarf vicinity, as the nuclear energy yield greatly exceeds its binding energy. We suggest instead that the outbursts of RS Oph are thermal--viscous instabilities in a disc irradiated by the central accreting white dwarf. The distinctive feature of RS Oph is the very large size of its accretion disc. Given this, it fits naturally into a consistent picture of systems with unstable accretion discs. This picture explains the presence and speed of the jets, the brightness and duration of the outburst, and its rise time and linear decay, as well as the faintness of the quiescence. By contrast, the hitherto standard picture of recurrent thermonuclear explosions has a number of severe difficulties. These include the presence of jets, the faintness of quiescence, and the fact the the accretion disc must be unstable unless it is far smaller than any reasonable estimate.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Fuzzy Expert Systems: A More Human-Based Approach for Sensorial Evaluation of Coffee-Bean Attributes to Derive Quality Scoring

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    In the coffee industry, cupping is the process of sensorial evaluations of coffee beans, also known as Sample Evaluation. This process is done for three major reasons: to determine the actual sensory differences between coffee samples, to describe the flavors of the samples, and to determine preference of product. In totality, cupping targets the measurement of the coffee\u27s quality related to fragrance, taste, and appearance which are expressed with a final numerical score. When cupping, the expert judge writes down the individual components\u27 scores (fragrance, aftertaste, acidity, body, etc.) and ranks their intensities for reference. Despite the fact the cuppers are using natural language statements in their judgment, they are required to use numerical values to evaluate the coffee bean attributes. Fuzzy systems allow an intuitive way of representing the judge\u27s knowledge, by linguistically modeling the judge\u27s perception of the coffee\u27s attributes for sensorial evaluation of coffee-bean attributes to enhance the Specialty Coffee Association ofAmerica cupping process to derive quality scoring when grading specialty coffees. With a fuzzy expert system the judge\u27s perception could be better assisted with a collection of linguistically expressed terms instead of numbers (complementary terms acting as shapers of the coffee bean\u27s attribute score\u27s gradation of meaning)

    Evidence for a merger of binary white dwarfs: the case of GD 362

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    GD 362 is a massive white dwarf with a spectrum suggesting a H-rich atmosphere which also shows very high abundances of Ca, Mg, Fe and other metals. However, for pure H-atmospheres the diffusion timescales are so short that very extreme assumptions have to be made to account for the observed abundances of metals. The most favored hypothesis is that the metals are accreted from either a dusty disk or from an asteroid belt. Here we propose that the envelope of GD 362 is dominated by He, which at these effective temperatures is almost completely invisible in the spectrum. This assumption strongly alleviates the problem, since the diffusion timescales are much larger for He-dominated atmospheres. We also propose that the He-dominated atmosphere of GD 362 is likely to be the result of the merger of a binary white dwarf.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Desigualdades persistentes, relaciones raciales y modernidades en el RecĂŽncavo : el caso de SĂŁo Francisco do Conde

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    La investigaciĂłn pretende ayudar a comprender de quĂ© manera la movilidad social y las desigualdades, sobre todo las que podemos definir como extremas y persistentes, son percibidas en diferentes generaciones de padres e hijos (Ă©stos Ășltimos en el grupo de edad de 15 a 35 años). Su enfoque analĂ­tico principal reside en el estudio del cambio generacional: la transferencia de desigualdades de una generaciĂłn a otra, los efectos del ascenso social entre algunos y del espejismo que ello causa en los demĂĄs, asĂ­ como el proceso mediante el cual este conjunto crea los lĂ­mites dentro de los cuales se construyen nociones de ciudadanĂ­a, expectativas con respecto al mundo laboral, y nuevas identidades sociales y raciales. En este Ășltimo caso, se trata de entender cĂłmo, cuĂĄndo y por quĂ© las personas comienzan a llamarse negros.En el corazĂłn del mundo azucarero. Contrapunto y transiciĂłn. Memoria. FotografĂ­a. Elites. Cultura popular, cultura negra y cultura afrobahiana. HombrĂ­a. ÂżY el gĂ©nero?. La familia. Las dos aboliciones. Conclusiones. BibliografĂ­a

    A Characterization of the Brightness Oscillations During Thermonuclear Bursts From 4U 1636-536

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    The discovery of nearly coherent brightness oscillations during thermonuclear X-ray bursts from six neutron-star low-mass X-ray binaries has opened up a new way to study the propagation of thermonuclear burning, and may ultimately lead to greater understanding of thermonuclear propagation in other astrophysical contexts, such as in Type Ia supernovae. Here we report detailed analyses of the ~580 Hz brightness oscillations during bursts from 4U 1636-536. We investigate the bursts as a whole and, in more detail, the initial portions of the bursts. We analyze the ~580 Hz oscillations in the initial 0.75 seconds of the five bursts that were used in a previous search for a brightness oscillation at the expected ~290 Hz spin frequency, and find that if the same frequency model describes all five bursts there is insufficient data to require more than a constant frequency or, possibly, a frequency plus a frequency derivative. Therefore, although it is appropriate to use an arbitrarily complicated model of the ~580 Hz oscillations to generate a candidate waveform for the ~290 Hz oscillations, models with more than two parameters are not required by the data. For the bursts as a whole we show that the characteristics of the brightness oscillations vary greatly from burst to burst. We find, however, that in at least one of the bursts, and possibly in three of the four that have strong brightness oscillations throughout the burst, the oscillation frequency reaches a maximum several seconds into the burst and then decreases. This behavior has not been reported previously for burst brightness oscillations, and it poses a challenge to the standard burning layer expansion explanation for the frequency changes.Comment: 18 pages including three figures, uses aaspp4.sty, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal on April

    The Formation of Cataclysmic Variables with Brown Dwarf Secondaries

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    The present-day formation of cataclysmic variables (CVs) with brown dwarf (BD) secondaries (0.013 M_sun < M_sec < 0.075 M_sun) is investigated using a population synthesis technique. Results from the latest, detailed models for BDs have been incorporated into the population synthesis code. For our models, we find that ZACVs with BD secondaries have orbital periods in the range 46 min to 2.5 hrs. We also find that ZACVs with BD secondaries comprise 18% of the total, present-day ZACV population. In addition, we find that 80% of ZACVs with BD secondaries have orbital periods < 78 minutes. This implies that 15% of the present-day ZACV population should have orbital periods shorter than the observed orbital period minimum for CVs. We also investigate the dependence of the present-day formation rate of CVs with BD secondaries on the assumed value of the common envelope efficiency parameter, alpha_CE, for three different assumed mass ratio distributions in ZAMS binaries. Surprisingly, we find that the common envelope process must be extremely inefficient (alpha_CE < 0.1) in order for CVs with BD secondaries not to be formed. Finally, we find that the progenitor binaries of ZACVs with BD secondaries have ZAMS orbital separations < 3 AU and ZAMS primary masses between ~1-10 M_sun, with ~75% of the primary masses less than ~1.6 M_sun. Interestingly, these ranges in orbital separation and primary mass place the majority of the progenitor binaries within the so-called ``brown dwarf desert.''Comment: preprint 27 pages 4 figures; to appear in ApJ April 1, 200

    The Ultraviolet Spectra of Active Galaxies With Double-Peaked Emission Lines

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    We present the results of UV spectroscopy of AGNs with double-peaked Balmer emission lines. In 2/3 of the objects, the far-UV resonance lines are strong, with single-peaked profiles resembling those of Seyfert galaxies. The Mg II line is the only UV line with a double-peaked profile. In the remaining objects, the far-UV resonance lines are relatively weak but still single-peaked. The latter group also displays prominent UV absorption lines, indicative of a low-ionization absorber. We interpret the difference in the profiles of the emission lines as resulting from two different regions: a dense, low-ionization accretion disk (the predominant source of the Balmer and Mg II lines), and a lower density, higher-ionization wind (the predominant source of the far-UV resonance lines). These results suggest a way of connecting the double-peaked emitters with the greater AGN population: in double-peaked emitters the accretion rate onto the black hole is low, making the wind feeble and allowing the lines from the underlying disk to shine through. This scenario also implies that in the majority of AGNs, the wind is the source of the broad emission lines.Comment: To appear in "The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei," IAU Coll. 222, eds. Storchi Bergmann, Ho, and Schmit
