4 research outputs found

    Perancangan Aplikasi Pendataan Barang Masuk Pada PT Satria Jaya Prima

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    Technology users in the present cannot be considered to be few in number, even their existence can hardly be separated from every activity and is always used everywhere. The increase in users of this technology can be seen from several companies that have used computer systems to support performance in the company. PT. Satria Jaya Prima is a company that has used a computer system to store data of goods entered in the database. However, not all sectors have used a computer system, such as the warehouse. All data processing and data checking of incoming goods in PT. Satria Jaya Prima is still done manually. This certainly makes the company's performance less efficient in terms of time, money and space. Therefore it is necessary to have a Android-based entry data collection application with features for inputting data on incoming goods and also making news events. The design of this application uses a prototype system development model because in the warehouse of PT. Satria Jaya Prima does not have a previous system application so it requires a design to create the program, and uses Balsamiq Mockups for designing interfaces in desktop applications and diagram.drawio for designing the program flow. Keyword: Technology Users, Collection Applications, Android, Prototype,Balsamiq Mockup

    Analisis Penerapan Green Computing Pada Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Teknologi Informasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penerapan green computing pada Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas Palembang dan merekomendasikan strategi-strategi dalam penerapan green computing. Dimana green computing itu sendiri adalah studi dan realisasi dalam penggunaan sumber daya komputasi secara efisien serta ramah lingkungan. Tujuan green computing adalah untuk meningkatkan kinerja komputasi dan mengurangi konsumsi energi dan jejak karbon. Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas Palembang sudah lama menggunakan Teknologi Informasi (IT), salah satunya adalah komputer untuk mendukung berlangsungnya proses sivitas akademika. Tetapi penggunaan komputer tanpa disadari memberikan peran besar dalam pencemaran lingkungan dan emisi CO. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa masih perlu sosialisasi tentang pemahaman mengenai pentingnya dilakukan pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan dalam penggunaan perangkat IT serta kebijakan untuk mendukung pengurangan konsumsi energi dan pencemaran lingkungan

    Aplikasi Konseling Psikologi Klinis Berbasis Sistem Pakar Pada Platform Android

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    Today the development of technology is developing very fast. Through technological developments that have increased from time to time, it has resulted in the emergence of many electronic devices that are connected to the internet network with various technologies, one of which is mobile technology. Generally, a device will run on a platform and there are many types of platforms that can be used on a device. One type of platform that is often used is android. Through various existing developments, the idea emerged to develop an application on the Android platform that can be accessed online by accessing data on the database provided by web hosting that is connected to a web server. By conducting this research, the application of the clinical psychology expert system references data through pre-existing research. The application summarizes clinical psychological disorders experienced by clients, starting from looking for symptoms and this according to the mechanism of forward chaining. The application is designed using the Java programming language. In modeling this application using the UML method. This research will produce an expert system application for diagnosing clinical psychology disorders that can perform data access online with web hosting. Keywords: Expert System, Forward Chaining, Android, Clinical Psycholog


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    Abstract :  This study aims to determine the level of application of green computing at the Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas Palembang and recommend strategies in implementing green computing. Where green computing itself is the study and realization of the use of computing resources efficiently and environmentally friendly. The purpose of green computing is to increase the efficiency of use and reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint. Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas Palembang has long been using Information Technology (IT), one of which is a computer to support the ongoing process of the academic community. But the use of computers unwittingly provides a big role in environmental pollution and CO2 emissions. Based on the results of research that still needs to be socialized about understanding the importance of management and utilization in the use of IT equipment and policies to support the reduction of energy consumption and environmental pollution