369 research outputs found

    Sheared active fluids: thickening, thinning and vanishing viscosity

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    We analyze the behavior of a suspension of active polar particles under shear. In the absence of external forces, orientationally ordered active particles are known to exhibit a transition to a state of non-uniform polarization and spontaneous flow. Such a transition results from the interplay between elastic stresses, due to the liquid crystallinity of the suspension, and internal active stresses. In the presence of an external shear we find an extremely rich variety of phenomena, including an effective reduction (increase) in the apparent viscosity depending on the nature of the active stresses and the flow-alignment property of the particles, as well as more exotic behaviors such as a non-monotonic stress/strain-rate relation and yield stress for large activities.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Synchronisation and liquid crystalline order in soft active fluids

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    We introduce a phenomenological theory for a new class of soft active fluids, with the ability to synchronise. Our theoretical framework describes the macroscopic behaviour of a collection of interacting anisotropic elements with cyclic internal dynamics and a periodic phase variable. This system (i) can spontaneously undergo a transition to a state with macroscopic orientational order, with the elements aligned: a liquid crystal, (ii) attain another broken symmetry state characterised by synchronisation of their phase variables or (iii) a combination of both types of order. We derive the equations describing a spatially homogeneous system and also study the hydrodynamic fluctuations of the soft modes in some of the ordered states. We find that synchronisation can promote the transition to a state with orientational order; and vice-versa. Finally, we provide an explicit microscopic realisation: a suspension of micro-swimmers driven by cyclic strokes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamics and interactions of active rotors

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    We consider a simple model of an internally driven self-rotating object; a rotor, confined to two dimensions by a thin film of low Reynolds number fluid. We undertake a detailed study of the hydrodynamic interactions between a pair of rotors and find that their effect on the resulting dynamics is a combination of fast and slow motions. We analyse the slow dynamics using an averaging procedure to take account of the fast degrees of freedom. Analytical results are compared with numerical simulations. Hydrodynamic interactions mean that while isolated rotors do not translate, bringing together a pair of rotors leads to motion of their centres. Two rotors spinning in the same sense rotate with an approximately constant angular velocity around each other, while two rotors of opposite sense, both translate with the same constant velocity, which depends on the separation of the pair. As a result a pair of counter-rotating rotors are a promising model for controlled self-propulsion.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Excitable Patterns in Active Nematics

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    We analyze a model of mutually-propelled filaments suspended in a two-dimensional solvent. The system undergoes a mean-field isotropic-nematic transition for large enough filament concentrations and the nematic order parameter is allowed to vary in space and time. We show that the interplay between non-uniform nematic order, activity and flow results in spatially modulated relaxation oscillations, similar to those seen in excitable media. In this regime the dynamics consists of nearly stationary periods separated by "bursts" of activity in which the system is elastically distorted and solvent is pumped throughout. At even higher activity the dynamics becomes chaotic.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Hydrodynamic synchronisation of non-linear oscillators at low Reynolds number

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    We introduce a generic model of weakly non-linear self-sustained oscillator as a simplified tool to study synchronisation in a fluid at low Reynolds number. By averaging over the fast degrees of freedom, we examine the effect of hydrodynamic interactions on the slow dynamics of two oscillators and show that they can lead to synchronisation. Furthermore, we find that synchronisation is strongly enhanced when the oscillators are non-isochronous, which on the limit cycle means the oscillations have an amplitude-dependent frequency. Non-isochronity is determined by a nonlinear coupling α\alpha being non-zero. We find that its (α\alpha) sign determines if they synchronise in- or anti-phase. We then study an infinite array of oscillators in the long wavelength limit, in presence of noise. For α>0\alpha > 0, hydrodynamic interactions can lead to a homogeneous synchronised state. Numerical simulations for a finite number of oscillators confirm this and, when α<0\alpha <0, show the propagation of waves, reminiscent of metachronal coordination.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Rheology of Active Filament Solutions

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    We study the viscoelasticity of an active solution of polar biofilaments and motor proteins. Using a molecular model, we derive the constitutive equations for the stress tensor in the isotropic phase and in phases with liquid crystalline order. The stress relaxation in the various phases is discussed. Contractile activity is responsible for a spectacular difference in the viscoelastic properties on opposite sides of the order-disorder transition.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Nematic and Polar order in Active Filament Solutions

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    Using a microscopic model of interacting polar biofilaments and motor proteins, we characterize the phase diagram of both homogeneous and inhomogeneous states in terms of experimental parameters. The polarity of motor clusters is key in determining the organization of the filaments in homogeneous isotropic, polarized and nematic states, while motor-induced bundling yields spatially inhomogeneous structures.Comment: 4 pages. 3 figure

    Substrate rigidity deforms and polarizes active gels

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    We present a continuum model of the coupling between cells and substrate that accounts for some of the observed substrate-stiffness dependence of cell properties. The cell is modeled as an elastic active gel, adapting recently developed continuum theories of active viscoelastic fluids. The coupling to the substrate enters as a boundary condition that relates the cell's deformation field to local stress gradients. In the presence of activity, the coupling to the substrate yields spatially inhomogeneous contractile stresses and deformations in the cell and can enhance polarization, breaking the cell's front-rear symmetry.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, EPL forma

    Shear flow induced isotropic to nematic transition in a suspension of active filaments

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    We study the effects of externally applied shear flow on a model of suspensions of motors and filaments, via the equations of active hydrodynamics [PRL {\bf 89} (2002) 058101; {\bf 92} (2004) 118101]. In the absence of shear, the orientationally ordered phase of {\it both} polar and apolar active particles is always unstable at zero-wavenumber. An imposed steady shear large enough to overcome the active stresses stabilises both apolar and moving polar phases. Our work is relevant to {\it in vitro} studies of active filaments, the reorientation of endothelial cells subject to shear flow and shear-induced motility of attached cells.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Statistical mechanics of double-stranded semi-flexible polymers

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    We study the statistical mechanics of double-stranded semi-flexible polymers using both analytical techniques and simulation. We find a transition at some finite temperature, from a type of short range order to a fundamentally different sort of short range order. In the high temperature regime, the 2-point correlation functions of the object are identical to worm-like chains, while in the low temperature regime they are different due to a twist structure. In the low temperature phase, the polymers develop a kink-rod structure which could clarify some recent puzzling experiments on actin.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; final version for publication - slight modifications to text and figure