21 research outputs found

    Quantifying the Effects of Waste in a Product Development Process

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    Overview •Setting the stage: Sources of waste in Product Development •The Main Act: Identifying and measuring waste in typical development processes •Finale: Solutions and a real-time metric •Encore: Related research paths could spawn from here within our Product Lifecycle research tea

    A 2030 United States Macro Grid Unlocking Geographical Diversity to Accomplish Clean Energy Goals

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    Some U.S. states have set clean energy goals and targets in an effort to decarbonize their electricity sectors. There are many reasons for such goals and targets, including the increasingly apparent effects of climate change. A handful of states (Washington, California, New York, and Virginia) are aiming for deep decarbonization by 2050 or earlier, a mere 30 years or less from today. The urgency of substantial carbon emissions reduction (50% or more by 2030) needed to avoid catastrophic climate impacts requires even more ambitious efforts than some of the original targets (e.g., a 30% renewable portfolio standard) set for between now and 2030. With the cost of solar and wind energy falling faster than expected in recent years, economics are also driving rapid expansion of clean energy investments. With this in mind, this report examines combinations of interregional AC and High-Voltage DC (HVDC) transmission upgrades and additions to evaluate the benefits of large-scale transmission expansion

    Plaque sizes of the DENVax MVS.

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    <p>Mean plaque diameters (mm) ± SD (error bars) of the virus plaques in Vero cells under agarose overlay measured on day 9 pi. The wt DENVs and previously published research-grade vaccine candidate viruses were included for control and comparison.</p

    Restricted growth of DENVax MVS in C6/36 cells.

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    <p>Mean titers ± SD (error bars) of the viruses replicated in C6/36 cells 6 days pi. The wt DENVs and previously published research-grade vaccine candidate viruses were included for comparison.</p

    Neurovirulence in newborn mice.

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    <p>Pooled results of numerous experiments summarizing the neurovirulence of wt DENV-2 16681 virus in CDC-ICR (<i>n</i> = 72) and Taconic-ICR (<i>n</i> = 32) newborn mice challenged ic with 10<sup>4</sup> pfu of the virus (A). Neurovirulence of DENVax MVS tested in Taconic-ICR mice with a dose of 10<sup>4</sup> pfu (B) or 10<sup>3</sup> pfu (C). The numbers of animals tested per group in one experiment (n = 16) or two pooled experiments (n = 31 or 32) are indicated.</p

    Characterizations of pre-master (P7) seeds.

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    a<p>Cloned viruses (by serial plaque purifications) selected for further development of MVS are designated in bold.</p>b<p>*: Reversion rate <0.07% (detection limit).</p>**<p>: Reversion rate <0.01% (detection limit).</p>c<p>Plaque phenotypes: P2: similar to P2 virus; L = larger than P2 virus, D = similar size, but appear somewhat different in clearness of the plaques; S = smaller than P2.</p>d<p>Substitutions differing from the engineered DENVax cDNA clones. Amino acid mutations are listed with residue position in the viral proteins. Total numbers of silent mutation in structural and non-structural genes, as well as substitution at non-coding regions (5′ or 3′NCR) are also noted.</p>e<p>nd = Not done. These clones had higher 5′NCR-57 reversion rates (by TaqMAMA) than other clones, so were excluded from further sequence analysis.</p