20 research outputs found

    Deep Reinforcement Learning with Multitask Episodic Memory Based on Task-Conditioned Hypernetwork

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    Deep reinforcement learning algorithms are usually impeded by sampling inefficiency, heavily depending on multiple interactions with the environment to acquire accurate decision-making capabilities. In contrast, humans rely on their hippocampus to retrieve relevant information from past experiences of relevant tasks, which guides their decision-making when learning a new task, rather than exclusively depending on environmental interactions. Nevertheless, designing a hippocampus-like module for an agent to incorporate past experiences into established reinforcement learning algorithms presents two challenges. The first challenge involves selecting the most relevant past experiences for the current task, and the second challenge is integrating such experiences into the decision network. To address these challenges, we propose a novel method that utilizes a retrieval network based on task-conditioned hypernetwork, which adapts the retrieval network's parameters depending on the task. At the same time, a dynamic modification mechanism enhances the collaborative efforts between the retrieval and decision networks. We evaluate the proposed method on the MiniGrid environment.The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method significantly outperforms strong baselines

    Diel Feeding Rhythm and Grazing Selectivity of Small-Sized Copepods in a Subtropical Embayment, the Northern South China Sea

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    Small marine copepods are key components of the pelagic food webs in Chinese coastal waters, but very few studies have addressed their trophodynamics, with even fewer studies addressing their diel feeding rhythms. In this study, the diel feeding rhythm and grazing selectivity of the copepod assemblage in Daya Bay during September 30 to October 2, 2014, were studied based on gut pigment analysis. Small copepods (body length < 1.5 mm) including Paracalanus parvus, Temora turbinata, Acrocalanus gibber, Temora stylifera, Euterpe acutifrons, and Acrocalanus gracilis, accounted for 73.9ā€“100% of the total copepod abundance. The copepod assemblage generally exhibited a diurnal feeding pattern, characterized by a higher gut pigment content and ingestion rate during the daytime, consistent with variation in the ambient Chl Ī± concentration. Fifty-five percent of the phytoplankton standing stock per day was consumed by the copepod assemblage, wherein diatoms, prymnesiophytes, and cyanobacteria were the main prey items with average contributions of 19.4ā€“32.9% to the gut pigment contents. The copepod assemblage showed a strong feeding preference for prymnesiophytes, a weak feeding preference for diatoms, and avoidance of cyanobacteria. These results suggest a strong top-down control on phytoplankton community, especially on small groups from small copepods in the Daya Bay ecosystem

    Allā€metal wideā€angle and polarizationā€independent microwave metamaterial absorber

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    Abstract An innovative allā€metal selfā€support microwave metamaterial absorber (MMA) based on a continuous complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) array frequency selective surface (FSS) is constructed. The CSRRā€based FSS has a selected frequency of 23 GHz and is proved to be polarization insensitive. And the allā€metal MMA has the same response frequency as the FSS, showing convenience in the geometrical scaling process. Additionally, in both transverse electric and transverse magnetic modes, the allā€metal MMA shows stable response at oblique incidences with an incident angle as large as 50Ā°. Along with lightweight, easy fabrication and high costā€performance ratio, the new proposed allā€metal FSSā€based MMA has good potential to serve in many practical applications

    Sensitive and Rapid Detection of the Plasmid-Encoded Colistin-Resistance Gene mcr-1 in Enterobacteriaceae Isolates by Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification

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    The emergence of the plasmid-encoded colistin-resistance gene mcr-1 in Enterobacteriaceae represents a new threat to the treatment of infection in the clinical setting. A sensitive and rapid molecular method for detection of the mcr-1 gene in clinical isolates is needed to control the spread of this gene. In this study, we established a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for rapid detection of the mcr-1 gene. This assay was applied to cultured bacteria and spiked human stools. Real-time monitoring of turbidity and chromogenic visualization were used to assess the reaction results. The specificity and sensitivity of the primers in the LAMP reactions for detection of the mcr-1 gene were determined. All 20 clinically resistant isolates without the mcr-1 gene tested negative, indicating the high specificity of the LAMP primers. The sensitivity of LAMP, with a detection limit of 0.2 pg/Ī¼L DNA, was 10-fold greater than that of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The assay was also conclusive when applied to human stools spiked with mcr-1-positive Escherichia coli. During clinical screening in a major hospital in Beijing, China, seven isolates were identified as positive from the 556 Enterobacteriaceae isolates. In conclusion, the LAMP assay we developed was useful for detection of the mcr-1 gene in the clinical setting

    Distribution, Microfabric, and Geochemical Characteristics of Siliceous Rocks in Central Orogenic Belt, China: Implications for a Hydrothermal Sedimentation Model

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    Marine siliceous rocks are widely distributed in the central orogenic belt (COB) of China and have a close connection to the geological evolution and metallogenesis. They display periodic distributions from Mesoproterozoic to Jurassic with positive peaks in the Mesoproterozoic, Cambrianā€”Ordovician, and Carboniferousā€”Permian and their deposition is enhanced by the tensional geological settings. The compressional regimes during the Jinning, Caledonian, Hercynian, Indosinian, and Yanshanian orogenies resulted in sudden descent in their distribution. The siliceous rocks of the Bafangshan-Erlihe ore deposit include authigenic quartz, syn-depositional metal sulphides, and scattered carbonate minerals. Their SiO2 content (71.08ā€“95.30%), Ba (42.45ā€“503.0ā€‰ppm), and Ī£REE (3.28ā€“19.75ā€‰ppm) suggest a hydrothermal sedimentation origin. As evidenced by the Al/(Al + Fe + Mn), Sc/Th, (La/Yb)N, and (La/Ce)N ratios and Ī“Ce values, the studied siliceous rocks were deposited in a marginal sea basin of a limited ocean. We suggest that the Bafangshan-Erlihe area experienced high- and low-temperature stages of hydrothermal activities. The hydrothermal sediments of the former stage include metal sulphides and silica, while the latter was mainly composed of silica. Despite the hydrothermal sedimentation of the siliceous rocks, minor terrigenous input, magmatism, and biological activity partly contributed to geochemical features deviating from the typical hydrothermal characteristics

    Distribution, Microfabric, and Geochemical Characteristics of Siliceous Rocks in Central Orogenic Belt, China: Implications for a Hydrothermal Sedimentation Model

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    Marine siliceous rocks are widely distributed in the central orogenic belt (COB) of China and have a close connection to the geological evolution and metallogenesis. They display periodic distributions from Mesoproterozoic to Jurassic with positive peaks in the Mesoproterozoic, Cambrian-Ordovician, and Carboniferous-Permian and their deposition is enhanced by the tensional geological settings. The compressional regimes during the Jinning, Caledonian, Hercynian, Indosinian, and Yanshanian orogenies resulted in sudden descent in their distribution. The siliceous rocks of the Bafangshan-Erlihe ore deposit include authigenic quartz, syn-depositional metal sulphides, and scattered carbonate minerals. Their SiO2 content (71.08-95.30%), Ba (42.45-503.0 ppm), and Sigma REE (3.28-19.75 ppm) suggest a hydrothermal sedimentation origin. As evidenced by theAl/(Al + Fe + Mn), Sc/Th, (La/Yb)(N), and (La/Ce)(N) ratios and delta Ce values, the studied siliceous rocks were deposited in a marginal sea basin of a limited ocean. We suggest that the Bafangshan-Erlihe area experienced high-and low-temperature stages of hydrothermal activities. The hydrothermal sediments of the former stage include metal sulphides and silica, while the latter was mainly composed of silica. Despite the hydrothermal sedimentation of the siliceous rocks, minor terrigenous input, magmatism, and biological activity partly contributed to geochemical features deviating from the typical hydrothermal characteristics