3 research outputs found
Effects of the treatment of buckwheat seeds (Fagopyrum esculemntum) with cold plasma and electromagnetic fields on biomass gain, quantity of secondary metabolites and yield
Augalų sėklų apdorojimas šalta plazma (ŠP) ir elektromagnetiniu lauku (EML) – novatoriškas būdas didinti augalinės produkcijos išeigą ir kokybę, nekenkiant aplinkai. Darbo tikslas buvo įvertinti dviejų grikių kultivarų ‚VB Vokiai‘ ir ‚VB Nojai‘ atsaką į stresą, sukeltą apdorojant jų sėklas šalta plazma (ŠP) ir elektromagnetiniu lauku (EML). Buvo siekiama nustatyti, kokią įtaką dviejų grikių kultivarų sėklų apdorojimas ŠP ir EML turi daigumui, augalų augimui, biomasės prieaugiui, derliui ir antrinių metabolitų kiekiui, augant lauko sąlygomis. Buvo vertinama maksimali daigumo lauko sąlygomis išeiga, periodiškai (praėjus 4, 8 ir 14 savaičių po sėjos) nustatomi augalų morfometriniai rodikliai. Antioksidacinis aktyvumas grikių lapų ekstraktuose nustatytas DPPH• radikalo sujungimo metodu. Bendras fenolinių junginių kiekis sėklose nustatytas Folin-Ciocalteu metodu, rutino ir kitų antrinių metabolitų kiekis – HPLC metodu, mineralinių medžiagų kiekis – atominės absorbcinės spektrometrijos metodu.
Sėklų apdorojimas ŠP ir EML slopino (10-20 %) grikių kultivarų ‚VB Vokiai‘ ir ‚VB Nojai‘ daigumą lauko sąlygomis. ŠP veiksmingai didino abiejų kultivarų antžeminės augalo dalies svorį, stiebų ir lapų skaičių bei derlių. ŠP ženkliai didino grikių derlių: ‚VB Vokių‘ – 70 %, ‚VB Nojų‘ net 56-97 %. Praėjus 8 savaitėms po sėjos ‚VB Nojai‘ kultivaro lapų ekstraktų RJA buvo 2,9 karto didesnis, lyginant su ‚VB Vokiais‘. Stipriausias ŠP ir EML poveikis nustatytas Fe ir Zn kiekiams, tačiau šis poveikis grikių kultivarams buvo priešingas: ‚VB Vokių‘ sėklose stresoriai ženkliai padidino Fe ir mažino Zn kiekį, tačiau ‚VB Nojų‘ 7 min. ŠP mažino Fe kiekį, o EML didino Zn kiekį. Stresorių poveikis kvercetino, kvercitrino ir izoorientino kiekiui buvo stipresnis nei rutino ir D-fagomino.Treatment of plant seeds with CP and EMF is an innovative method of increasing the yield and quality of plant products without harming the environment. Purpose of work was to assess the response of two different buckwheat cultivars ‘VB Vokiai’ and ‘VB Nojai’ to the stress induced by pre-sowing seed treatment with cold plasma (CP) and electromagnetic field (EMF). The effects of CP and EMF treatments on germination, plant growth, biomass production, secondary metabolites and yields of the seeds for two buckwheat cultivars in field conditions were assessed. Maximal germination under field conditions was determined and periodic measurements (4, 8 and 14 after sowing) of morphometric parameters of buckwheat seedlings were performed. Antioxidant activity in buckwheat leaf extracts was determined by DPPH radical scavenging. The total amount of phenolic compounds in buckwheat seeds was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method, the amount of rutin and other secondary metabolites – by the HPLC, and mineral content – by the atomic absorption spectrometry.
Seed treatment with CP and EMF slightly (by 10-20%) supressed the germination of both buckwheat cultivars under field conditions. EMF treatment significantly increased the weight of the aboveground part of both cultivars, the number of stems and leaves, and the yield. The CP increased the buckwheat seed yield: for ‘VB Vokiai’ – by 70%, and for ‘VB Nojai’ by as much as 56-97%. 8 weeks after sowing, the RJA of the leaf extracts of the ‘VB Nojai’ was 2.9 times higher compared to ‘VB Vokiai’. The strongest effects of CP and EMF were found on the levels of Fe and Zn, but this effect was opposite on buckwheat cultivars: in ‘VB Vokiai’ seeds, stressors significantly increased the amount of Fe and reduced the amount of Zn, but for ‘VB Nojai’ CP 7 min. treatment reduced the levels of Fe but EMF increased the amount of Zn. The effects of stressors on the levels of quercetin, quercitrine and isorientine were more pronounced compared to the changes in the content of rutin and D-phagomin.Gamtos mokslų fakultetasBiochemijos katedr
The interface between values and critical thinking of 11-12 grade students
The problem: Scientist usualy analyse critical thinking and values separately. In Lithuanian reasearches we miss a holistic view – there is lack of reasearches about links between critical thinking and normative attitudes in individual development. Problem question: what are the links between critical thinking and moral values of 11-12 grade students? Key words: values, critical thinking, education. The object: The links between values and critical thinking of 11-12 grade students. The aim: to investigate links between values and critical thinking of 11-12 grade students. The tasks: 1. To evaluate 11-12 grade students’ moral values with respect of gender, 2. To evaluate links between values and critical thinking of 11-12 grade students. Conclusions: 1. With respect to gender, statisticaly significant differences between male and female values were found in instrumental values „releasing“ (p<0,05) and „obedient“ (p<0,05). 2. Statistically significant links between critical thinking and values were found between recognition of assumptions and instrumental values “ambicious” (p<0,05), “releasing” (p<0,05), “logic” (p<0,05), and terminal values “family safety” (p<0,05) and “health” (p<0,05). There are statistically significant links between evaluation of inferences and terminal value “salvation” (p<0,05), between making deductions and instrumental value “responsibility” (p<0,05), terminal value “health” (p<0,05). There also are significant relations between interpreting information and instrumental values “courage” (p<0,05), “obedience” (p<0,05) and “control” (p<0,05). There are significant links between evaluation of arguments and terminal values “openminded” (p<0,05) and “freedom” (p<0,05