102 research outputs found

    Methane-Rare Gas Interaction Potentials from Scattering Experiments

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    By using total differential cross sections with resolved diffraction oscillations and absolute integral cross sections with glory oscillations, a new improved spherically averaged potential surface for Ne-CH4 is determined with a potential well depth of ε = 5.50 meV and a minimum distance of Rm = 3.78 Å. A slightly improved parameter set is also given for the isotropic Ar-CH4 interaction. By assuming the same realistic reduced potential form as was found for Ne-CH4 and Ar-CH4, the isotropic parts of the potential for Kr-CH4 and Xe-CH4 are obtained from absolute integral cross sections

    Asymptotic Gluon Shadowing

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    We examine the low Bjorken xx gluon distribution in nuclei in the asymptotic region.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Deep inelastic scattering from A=3 nuclei and the neutron structure function

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    We present a comprehensive analysis of deep inelastic scattering from He-3 and H-3, focusing in particular on the extraction of the free neutron structure function, F_2^n. Nuclear corrections are shown to cancel to within 1-2% for the isospin-weighted ratio of He-3 to H-3 structure functions, which leads to more than an order of magnitude improvement in the current uncertainty on the neutron to proton ratio F_2^n/F_2^p at large x. Theoretical uncertainties originating from the nuclear wave function, including possible non-nucleonic components, are evaluated. Measurement of the He-3 and H-3 structure functions will, in addition, determine the magnitude of the EMC effect in all A < 4 nuclei.Comment: 40 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Color mixing in high-energy hadron collisions

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    The color mixing of mesons propagating in a nucleus is studied with the help of a color-octet Pomeron partner present in the two-gluon model of the Pomeron. For a simple model with four meson-nucleon channels, color mixings are found to be absent for pointlike mesons and very small for small mesons. These results seem to validate the absorption model with two independent color components used in recent analyses of the nuclear absorption of J/ψJ/\psi mesons produced in nuclear reactions.Comment: 3 journal-style page

    Medium Modifications of Hadron Properties and Partonic Processes

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    Chiral symmetry is one of the most fundamental symmetries in QCD. It is closely connected to hadron properties in the nuclear medium via the reduction of the quark condensate , manifesting the partial restoration of chiral symmetry. To better understand this important issue, a number of Jefferson Lab experiments over the past decade have focused on understanding properties of mesons and nucleons in the nuclear medium, often benefiting from the high polarization and luminosity of the CEBAF accelerator. In particular, a novel, accurate, polarization transfer measurement technique revealed for the first time a strong indication that the bound proton electromagnetic form factors in 4He may be modified compared to those in the vacuum. Second, the photoproduction of vector mesons on various nuclei has been measured via their decay to e+e- to study possible in-medium effects on the properties of the rho meson. In this experiment, no significant mass shift and some broadening consistent with expected collisional broadening for the rho meson has been observed, providing tight constraints on model calculations. Finally, processes involving in-medium parton propagation have been studied. The medium modifications of the quark fragmentation functions have been extracted with much higher statistical accuracy than previously possible.Comment: to appear in J. Phys.: Conf. Proc. "New Insights into the Structure of Matter: The First Decade of Science at Jefferson Lab", eds. D. Higinbotham, W. Melnitchouk, A. Thomas; added reference

    Transversity and Collins Fragmentation Functions: Towards a New Global Analysis

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    A new, preliminary global analysis of the experimental data on azimuthal asymmetries in SIDIS from HERMES and COMPASS collaborations, and in e+e- --> h_1 h_2 X processes from the BELLE collaboration, is performed. The new data allow for a more precise determination of the Collins fragmentation function and of the transversity distribution function for uu and dd quarks, in comparison with the results of our previous analysis. Estimates for the single spin asymmetry A_UT^{\sin(\phi_h + \phi_S)} at JLab and COMPASS, operating on a transversely polarized proton target, are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the XVI International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, DIS 2008, London, U.K., 7-11 April, 200

    Valence Quark Spin Distribution Functions

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    The hyperfine interactions of the constituent quark model provide a natural explanation for many nucleon properties, including the Delta-N splitting, the charge radius of the neutron, and the observation that the proton's quark distribution function ratio d(x)/u(x)->0 as x->1. The hyperfine-perturbed quark model also makes predictions for the nucleon spin-dependent distribution functions. Precision measurements of the resulting asymmetries A_1^p(x) and A_1^n(x) in the valence region can test this model and thereby the hypothesis that the valence quark spin distributions are "normal".Comment: 16 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Isospin Dependence of Power Corrections in Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    We present results of a perturbative QCD analysis of deep inelastic measurements of both the deuteron and proton structure functions. We evaluate the theoretical uncertainty associated to nuclear effects in the deuteron, and we extract simultaneously the isospin depedendence of: i)the higher twists terms; ii) the ratio of the longitudinal to transverse cross sections; iii) the ratio of the neutron to proton structure functions. The extraction of the latter, in particular, has been at the center of an intense debate. Its accurate determination is crucial both theoretically and for the interpretation of the more precise neutrino experiments including the newly planned high intensity 50 GeV proton synchrotron.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figure