5 research outputs found

    Prerequisites for Creating Textbooks for Auxiliary Schools: Correctional Psychopedagogy for Children with Intellectual Disabilities

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    The history of the use of school textbooks as a special teaching tool dates back more than two centuries. Throughout its existence, the textbook has played a significant role in teaching students. It records the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities to be acquired in the learning process. The textbook is a special didactic object, which is both a carrier of the content of education, forms of recording its various elements and a project of the educational process. It implements the substantive and procedural aspects of learning in their organic unity, because the content of education and the learning process are closely interrelated, without each other impossible. One of the important areas of research in the history of pedagogy is the study of the history of school textbooks, a phenomenon that has come a long way in history, and at the present stage is an important tool for learning. The didactic functions of the school textbook are determined: informational, consolidation and control, systematization, self-education, integrating, coordinating, reference, developmental and educational. It is established that foreign and domestic correctional pedagogy has accumulated some experience in the practical creation of textbooks for the auxiliary school. Most of all in Ukraine it concerns textbooks on native language and reading. It was found that the formation and development of textbooks for children with intellectual disabilities in Ukraine were not the subject of a comprehensive analysis that would overcome the fragmentary historical and pedagogical knowledge to understand the historical experience gained in Ukraine and help identify the most progressive ideas and provide useful material for use by authors of textbooks in modern conditions.</p

    Neuroscientific Principles in Labour Adaptation of People with Musculoskeletal Disorders

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    The article proves that the socialization of adults and children with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is closely related to development, education, rehabilitation and includes the following neuropsychological aspects: social adaptation, labour adaptation, assessment of prospects for one’s adult life and creation of a non-discriminatory environment in society. Besides, the article shows how the photography club implements such goals, as well as evaluates the effectiveness of its activities. The educational aim of the photography club was to familiarize persons with MSDs with the basic types of working with digital photography and basic computer programmes that enable processing of digital information; to develop their knowledge about the photography and design business, computer skills and independent work skills. The experimental group (EG) consists of 40 leavers (18 males and 22 females) from the Vinnytsia Centre for Social Rehabilitation of Children with Special Needs “Promin”, who were diagnosed with cerebral palsy and six leavers with mild mental disorders. The age requirement for EG is 14-19 years old. The control group (CG) consists of 40 persons diagnosed with CP and seven persons with mild mental disorders (23 males and 17 females). The respondents managed to study different types of shooting: portraits, landscapes, group and individual photography. The photography club used different methods: verbal methods (mini-lectures, stories, explanations, conversations); practical methods (computer exercises, independent work, role-playing games), as well as paid considerable attention to the psychological correction of persons with MSDs. Unfortunately, most options of the respondents for employment are rather passive. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare persons with MSDs for competition in the labour market through psychological training and counselling. It is also crucial to promptly inform them about the dynamics of the labour market. The international relevance of the article lies in an attempt to adjust available electronic and software technologies to labour adaptation of people with MSDs and consider neurophysiological patterns of such a process.</p

    The Creation and Development of Textbooks for Children with Cognitive Development Disorders

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    The implementation of reforms in education for children with cognitive development disorders requires that the historical aspect of the educational process should be reconsidered and scientifically justified, as well as the accomplishments of Ukrainian defectology should be creatively used. The relevance of the research lies in the need to overcome the fragmentarity of historical and pedagogical knowledge about the creation and development of textbooks for children with cognitive development disorders in Ukraine to justify and determine its characteristics and roles in modern correctional pedagogy. The research aims to identify the prerequisites for the emergence and the features of such processes as the creation and development of textbooks for children with cognitive development disorders in Ukraine in the period under study, as well as to highlight the scientific and practical value of the available accomplishments in the field to further improve such books for these children under modern conditions. Research methods include theoretical analysis; synthesis; comparison; systematization and classification of data from archival sources; historical-and-genetic, comparative, chronological, biographical methods; periodization; retrospective analysis. The research identifies and justifies the stages in the development of textbooks for children with cognitive development disorders in Ukraine, whose sequence is related to the development and reforms in the special education system, the elaboration of concepts, theoretical and methodological principles of education of children with cognitive development disorders, as well as the changes in organizational-and-pedagogical and scientific-and-pedagogical aspects. The research concludes that Ukrainian researchers and practicians regularly work on the improvement of textbooks’ content.</em

    Physical Rehabilitation of Adolescents with Postural Disorders in the Sagittal Plane and its Relation to Neurophysiology

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    The adolescents aged between 15 and 17 with postural disorders in the sagittal plane, who live in mountainous regions in the Carpathians, achieve less than their peers with similar postural disorders, who live in plain regions. The research aims to develop the comprehensive programme for correcting postural disorders in the sagittal plane among pupils, who live in mountainous regions in the Carpathians, using physical rehabilitation, and establish the links between empirical data of the experiment and neurosciences to develop methods of complex psychophysical and neurophysiological diagnostic and rehabilitation of adolescents with such disorders in further research. The research is based on a detailed observation of 319 adolescents aged between 15 and 17 from mountainous regions of the Ukrainian Carpathians and 94 pupils from plain regions with postural disorders in the sagittal plane. The research methods are the following: an analysis of the scientific and specialized literature; surveys and questionnaires; pedagogical tests; methods for determining the indicators of physical development, functional readiness and functions of the spine; methods of mathematical statistics, namely, the Ruffier-Dickson test, Otto test, Schober test, Thomayer test, Fleischmann test, Sedin test and spinal index, inclinometer measurements. The pupils who suffer from the stoop and round spine have shown a decrease in average values in the angles of lordosis and kyphosis curves; pupils who suffer from flat back – an increase in the angles of the sacral bone, lordosis and kyphosis curves; pupils who suffer from the round and concave back – a decrease in the angles of the sacral bone, lordosis and kyphosis curves. The implementation of the author’s programme for physical rehabilitation has made it possible to achieve a statistically significant improvement in most of the analyzed indicators. Finally, the article extrapolates the results of the experiment to their neurophysiological and neuromedical application in terms of enhancing anamnesis and taking into account post-correction data in subsequent medical treatment.</p

    Передумови створення підручників для спеціальних шкіл: корекційна психопедагогіка для дітей з інтелектуальними порушеннями

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    The history of the use of school textbooks as a special teaching tool dates back more than two centuries. Throughout its existence, the textbook has played a significant role in teaching students. It records the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities to be acquired in the learning process. The textbook is a special didactic object, which is both a carrier of the content of education, forms of recording its various elements and a project of the educational process. It implements the substantive and procedural aspects of learning in their organic unity, because the content of education and the learning process are closely interrelated, without each other impossible. One of the important areas of research in the history of pedagogy is the study of the history of school textbooks, a phenomenon that has come a long way in history, and at the present stage is an important tool for learning. The didactic functions of the school textbook are determined: informational, consolidation and control, systematization, self-education, integrating, coordinating, reference, developmental and educational. It is established that foreign and domestic correctional pedagogy has accumulated some experience in the practical creation of textbooks for the auxiliary school. Most of all in Ukraine it concerns textbooks on native language and reading. It was found that the formation and development of textbooks for children with intellectual disabilities in Ukraine were not the subject of a comprehensive analysis that would overcome the fragmentary historical and pedagogical knowledge to understand the historical experience gained in Ukraine and help identify the most progressive ideas and provide useful material for use by authors of textbooks in modern conditions.Історія використання шкільних підручників як спеціального засобу навчання налічує понад два століття. Протягом усього часу існування підручник відігравав значну роль у навчанні учнів. У ньому фіксується обсяг знань, умінь і навичок, які необхідно набути в процесі навчання. Підручник – це спеціальний дидактичний об’єкт, який одночасно є носієм змісту навчання, форм фіксації його різних елементів і проектом навчального процесу. Він реалізує змістову і процесуальну сторони навчання в їх органічній єдності, оскільки зміст освіти і навчальний процес тісно взаємопов'язані, один без одного неможливі. Одним із важливих напрямків дослідження історії педагогіки є вивчення історії шкільних підручників — явища, яке пройшло довгий історичний шлях, а на сучасному етапі є важливим засобом навчання. Визначено дидактичні функції шкільного підручника: інформаційну, закріплюючу та контрольну, систематизуючу, самоосвітню, інтегруючу, координуючу, довідкову, розвивальну та виховну. Встановлено, що зарубіжна та вітчизняна корекційна педагогіка накопичила певний досвід практичного створення підручників для спеціальної школи. Найбільше в Україні це стосується підручників з рідної мови та читання. З’ясовано, що становлення та розвиток підручників для дітей з порушеннями інтелекту в Україні не були предметом комплексного аналізу, який би дозволив подолати фрагментарність історико-педагогічних знань для осмислення історичного досвіду, набутого в Україні, та допомогти виявити найбільш прогресивні ідеї та надати корисний матеріал для використання авторам підручників у сучасних умовах