21 research outputs found

    Structural Modulation of Gut Microbiota during Alleviation of Suckling Piglets Diarrhoea with Herbal Formula

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    To determine whether the traditional Chinese herbal formula of Shen Ling Baizhu (SLB) could modulate the composition of the gut microbiota and alleviate diarrhoea in suckling piglets, twenty-four newly born piglets (Large White × Landrace × Duroc) were selected and allocated to 4 groups (control group and experimental groups I, II, and III) randomly. Faecal microbiome composition was assessed by 16S rRNA gene 454-pyrosequencing. The result indicated that experimental groups I and II exhibited significantly different gut microbiota from the control group. Most notably, the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium were significantly elevated in experimental group II compared with the control group (P<0.05). Collinsella and Faecalibacterium were also enhanced in experimental group II compared with the control group (P<0.05). The results showed that SLB treatment could modulate the gut microbiota composition of suckling piglets, enriching the amount of beneficial bacteria in particular. The observed changes in the gut microbiota could provide the basis for further research on the pharmacological mechanism of the tested Chinese herbal formula

    A comparative analysis of the principal component analysis and entropy weight methods to establish the indexing measurement

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    Background: As the world's largest coal producer, China was accounted for about 46% of global coal production. Among present coal mining risks, methane gas (called gas in this paper) explosion or ignition in an underground mine remains ever-present. Although many techniques have been used, gas accidents associated with the complex elements of underground gassy mines need more robust monitoring or warning systems to identify risks. This paper aimed to determine which single method between the PCA and Entropy methods better establishes a responsive weighted indexing measurement to improve coal mining safety. Methods: Qualitative and quantitative mixed research methodologies were adopted for this research, including analysis of two case studies, correlation analysis, and comparative analysis. The literature reviewed the most-used multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods, including subjective methods and objective methods. The advantages and disadvantages of each MCDM method were briefly discussed. One more round literature review was conducted to search publications between 2017 and 2019 in CNKI. Followed two case studies, correlation analysis and comparative analysis were then conducted. Research ethics was approved by the Shanxi Coking Coal Group Research Committee. Results: The literature searched a total of 25,831publications and found that the PCA method was the predominant method adopted, and the Entropy method was the second most widely adopted method. Two weighting methods were compared using two case studies. For the comparative analysis of Case Study 1, the PCA method appeared to be more responsive than the Entropy. For Case Study 2, the Entropy method is more responsive than the PCA. As a result, both methods were adopted for different cases in the case study mine and finally deployed for user acceptance testing on 5 November 2020. Conclusions: The findings and suggestions were provided as further scopes for further research. This research indicated that no single method could be adopted as the better option for establishing indexing measurement in all cases. The practical implication suggests that comparative analysis should always be conducted on each case and determine the appropriate weighting method to the relevant case. This research recommended that the PCA method was a dimension reduction technique that could be handy for identifying the critical variables or factors and effectively used in hazard, risk, and emergency assessment. The PCA method might also be well-applied for developing predicting and forecasting systems as it was sensitive to outliers. The Entropy method might be suitable for all the cases requiring the MCDM. There is also a need to conduct further research to probe the causal reasons why the PCA and Entropy methods were applied to each case and not the other way round. This research found that the Entropy method provides higher accuracy than the PCA method. This research also found that the Entropy method demonstrated to assess the weights of the higher dimension dataset was higher sensitivity than the lower dimensions. Finally, the comprehensive analysis indicates a need to explore a more responsive method for establishing a weighted indexing measurement for warning applications in hazard, risk, and emergency assessments

    Removal of Cryptosporidium surrogates in drinking water direct filtration

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    Pilot-scale direct filtration challenge experiments were conducted to determine the impact of chemical pretreatment and filter design on the removal of Cryptosporidium surrogates dosed into the filter influent water at low temperatures (Average 0.5 °C). Copolymers-modified microspheres were identified as representative Cryptosporidium oocysts surrogates based on our previous findings and were used to evaluate the oocysts filtration removal at this pilot-scale study. The operational parameters examined included coagulant type (aluminum sulfate (alum) versus polyaluminium chloride (PACl)), filter aid polymer type (polyamine Magnafloc® LT-7981 versus poly(Dimethyl Diallyl Ammonium Chloride) (polyDADMAC) Magnafloc® LT-7995) and dose (0.5 versus 2.0 mg/L), and filter configuration (regular versus deep bed filters). The study found that higher Cryptosporidium surrogate removal was associated with higher polymer dose (2 mg/L) of polyDADMAC polymer and the deep bed filter configuration. The difference in surrogate removal between PACl and alum was no significant at cold temperature conditions tested. The deep bed filters were associated with higher surrogate removal, while exhibiting lower rates of flow reduction and longer filter run time. This work emphasizes the importance of optimizing chemical pretreatment and filter configuration for removing surrogates of Cryptosporidium oocysts in cold-water conditions in granular media water filtration processes. This pilot-scale study also demonstrated the exceed 2.5-log removal of Cryptosporidium surrogates (required from Guideline for Canadian Drinking Water Quality) can be achieved in the direct filtration during Edmonton cold-water condition when the pretreatment processes are optimized using 0.454 mg/L of alum as Al with addition of 0.5 mg/L poly DADMAC.</p

    Ultrasonic-assisted extraction and antioxidant capacities of flavonoids from Camellia fascicularis leaves

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    Ultrasonic-assisted extraction of flavonoids from Camellia fascicularis leaves was optimized using response surface methodology. The optimal extracting conditions of flavonoids were determined to be the ratio of liquid to raw material of 60 mL/g, ethanol concentration of 40%, extraction temperature of 72.3°C, and extraction time of 1.6 h, which contributed to the highest flavonoids yield of 4.765%. The crude flavonoids were purified through an AB-8 macroporous adsorption resin column, eluted with ethanol concentration of 40%, and purified flavonoids were obtained. In vitro antioxidant assay demonstrated that purified flavonoids showed significant antioxidant capacities in a concentration-dependent manner for scavenging hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion radical, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical, and azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt radical. Overall, ultrasonic-assisted extraction was found to be an effective method of extracting flavonoids from C. fascicularis leaves, which might be explored as potential natural antioxidant

    Synthesis, in Vitro Antimycobacterial and Antibacterial Evaluation of IMB-070593 Derivatives Containing a Substituted Benzyloxime Moiety

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    A series of novel IMB-070593 derivatives containing a substituted benzyloxime moiety and displaying a remarkable improvement in lipophilicity were synthesized and evaluated for their in vitro antimycobacterial and antibacterial activity. Our results reveal that the target compounds 19a–m have considerable Gram-positive activity (MIC: <0.008–32 µg/mL), although they are generally less active than the reference drugs against the Gram-negative strains. In particular, compounds 19h, 19j, 19k and 19m show good activity (MICs: <0.008–4 µg/mL) against all of the tested Gram-positive strains, including ciprofloxacin (CPFX)- and/or levofloxacin (LVFX)-resistant MSSA, MRSA and MSSE. Moreover, compound 19l (MIC: 0.125 µg/mL) is found to be 2–4 fold more active than the parent IMB070593, CPFX and LVFX against M. tuberculosis H37Rv ATCC 27294

    Accounting for Geometric Anisotropy in Sparse Magnetic Data Using a Modified Interpolation Algorithm

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    The construction of a high-precision geomagnetic map is a prerequisite for geomagnetic navigation and magnetic target-detection technology. The Kriging interpolation algorithm makes use of the variogram to perform linear unbiased and optimal estimation of unknown sample points. It has strong spatial autocorrelation and is one of the important methods for geomagnetic map construction. However, in a region with a complex geomagnetic field, the sparse geomagnetic survey lines make the ratio of line-spacing resolution to in-line resolution larger, and the survey line direction differs from the geomagnetic trend, which leads to a serious effect of geometric anisotropy and thus, reduces the interpolation accuracy of the geomagnetic maps. Therefore, this paper focuses on the problem of geometric anisotropy in the process of constructing a geomagnetic map with sparse data, analyzes the influence of sparse data on geometric anisotropy, deduces the formula of geometric anisotropy correction, and proposes a modified interpolation algorithm accounting for geometric anisotropy correction of variogram for sparse geomagnetic data. The results of several sets of simulations and measured data show that the proposed method has higher interpolation accuracy than the conventional spherical variogram model in a region where the geomagnetic anomaly gradient changes sharply, which provides an effective way to build a high-precision magnetic map of the complex geomagnetic field under the condition of sparse survey lines

    HDAC2 overexpression correlates with aggressive clinicopathological features and DNA-damage response pathway of breast cancer

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    There are 18 lysine deacetylases, also known as histone deacetylases (HDACs), that remove acetyl groups from histone and non-histone proteins, thereby playing critical roles in numerous biological processes. In many human cancers, HDACs are dysregulated through mutation, altered expression, or inappropriate recruitment to certain loci. However, knowledge of the genomic and transcriptomic alterations and the clinical significance of most HDACs in breast cancer remain incomplete. We used TCGA and METABRIC datasets to perform comprehensive, integrated genomic and transcriptomic analyses of 18 HDAC genes in approximately 3000 primary breast cancers and identified associations among recurrent copy number alteration, gene expression, clinicopathological features, and patient survival. We found distinct patterns of copy number alteration and expression for each HDAC in breast cancer subtypes. We demonstrated tha