183 research outputs found

    Real-time Traffic State Assessment using Multi-source Data

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    The normal flow of traffic is impeded by abnormal events and the impacts of the events extend over time and space. In recent years, with the rapid growth of multi-source data, traffic researchers seek to leverage those data to identify the spatial-temporal dynamics of traffic flow and proactively manage abnormal traffic conditions. However, the characteristics of data collected by different techniques have not been fully understood. To this end, this study presents a series of studies to provide insight to data from different sources and to dynamically detect real-time traffic states utilizing those data. Speed is one of the three traffic fundamental parameters in traffic flow theory that describe traffic flow states. While the speed collection techniques evolve over the past decades, the average speed calculation method has not been updated. The first section of this study pointed out the traditional harmonic mean-based average speed calculation method can produce erroneous results for probe-based data. A new speed calculation method based on the fundamental definition was proposed instead. The second section evaluated the spatial-temporal accuracy of a different type of crowdsourced data - crowdsourced user reports and revealed Waze user behavior. Based on the evaluation results, a traffic detection system was developed to support the dynamic detection of incidents and traffic queues. A critical problem with current automatic incident detection algorithms (AIDs) which limits their application in practice is their heavy calibration requirements. The third section solved this problem by proposing a selfevaluation module that determines the occurrence of traffic incidents and serves as an autocalibration procedure. Following the incident detection, the fourth section proposed a clustering algorithm to detect the spatial-temporal movements of congestion by clustering crowdsource reports. This study contributes to the understanding of fundamental parameters and expands the knowledge of multi-source data. It has implications for future speed, flow, and density calculation with data collection technique advancements. Additionally, the proposed dynamic algorithms allow the system to run automatically with minimum human intervention thus promote the intelligence of the traffic operation system. The algorithms not only apply to incident and queue detection but also apply to a variety of detection systems

    Mobility Gaps between Low-Income and Not Low-Income Households: A Case Study in New York State

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    Understanding the travel challenges faced by low-income residents has always been and continues to be one of the most important transportation equity topics. This study aims to explore the mobility gaps between low-income households (HHs) and not low-income HHs, and how the gaps vary within different socio-demographic population groups in New York State (NYS). The latest National Household Travel Survey data was used as the primary data source for the analysis. The study first employed the K-prototype clustering algorithm to categorize the HHs in NYS based on their socio-demographic attributes. Five population groups were identified based on nine different household (HH) features such as HH size, vehicle ownership, and elderly status of its members. Then, the mobility differences, measured by trip frequency, trip distance, travel time, and person miles traveled, were examined among the five population groups. Results suggest that the individuals in low-income HHs consistently took fewer trips and made shorter trips compared to their not low-income counterparts in NYS. The travel distance gaps were most obvious among white HHs with more vehicles than drivers. In addition, while the population from low-income HHs made shorter trips on average (2.7 mi shorter per trip), they experienced longer travel time than those from not low-income HHs (1.8 min longer per trip). These key findings provide a deeper understanding of the travel behavior disparities between low-income and not low-income households. The findings could also support policymakers and transportation planners in addressing the critical needs of residents in low-income households in NYS and provide inputs for designing a more equitable transportation system

    Exploring the Effects of Population and Employment Characteristics on Truck Flows: An Analysis of NextGen NHTS Origin-Destination Data

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    Truck transportation remains the dominant mode of US freight transportation because of its advantages, such as the flexibility of accessing pickup and drop-off points and faster delivery. Because of the massive freight volume transported by trucks, understanding the effects of population and employment characteristics on truck flows is critical for better transportation planning and investment decisions. The US Federal Highway Administration published a truck travel origin-destination data set as part of the Next Generation National Household Travel Survey program. This data set contains the total number of truck trips in 2020 within and between 583 predefined zones encompassing metropolitan and nonmetropolitan statistical areas within each state and Washington, DC. In this study, origin-destination-level truck trip flow data was augmented to include zone-level population and employment characteristics from the US Census Bureau. Census population and County Business Patterns data were included. The final data set was used to train a machine learning algorithm-based model, Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), where the target variable is the number of total truck trips. Shapley Additive ExPlanation (SHAP) was adopted to explain the model results. Results showed that the distance between the zones was the most important variable and had a nonlinear relationship with truck flows

    A face annotation framework with partial clustering and interactive labeling

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    Face annotation technology is important for a photo management system. In this paper, we propose a novel interactive face annotation framework combining unsupervised and interactive learning. There are two main contributions in our framework. In the unsupervised stage, a partial clustering algorithm is proposed to find the most evident clusters instead of grouping all instances into clusters, which leads to a good initial labeling for later user interaction. In the interactive stage, an efficient labeling procedure based on minimization of both global system uncertainty and estimated number of user operations is proposed to reduce user interaction as much as possible. Experimental results show that the proposed annotation framework can significantly reduce the face annotation workload and is superior to existing solutions in the literature. 1
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