493,667 research outputs found

    Comment on "Mass and K Lambda coupling of N*(1535)"

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    It is argued in [1] that when the strong coupling to the K Lambda channel is considered, Breit-Wigner mass of the lightest orbital excitation of the nucleon N(1535) shifts to a lower value. The new value turned out to be smaller than the mass of the lightest radial excitation N(1440), which effectively solved the long-standing problem of conventional constituent quark models. In this Comment we show that it is not the Breit-Wigner mass of N(1535) that is decreased, but its bare mass. [1] B. C. Liu and B. S. Zou, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 042002 (2006).Comment: 3 pages, comment on "Mass and K Lambda coupling of N*(1535)", B. C. Liu and B. S. Zou, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 042002 (2006

    On integrable natural Hamiltonian systems on the suspensions of toric automorphism

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    We point out a mistake in the main statement of \cite{liu} and suggest and proof a correct statement.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Fearless: Yaou Liu

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    Humbly and passionately serving the campus community as a true “servant leader” for the past three-and-a-half years, actively engaging in dialogues and initiatives to promote awareness about social injustices, and constantly striving to learn more, act more, and teach more, Yaou Liu ’14, is a fearless role model for the campus community, showing in everything she does a restless passion to see the injustices in the world righted, awareness increased, and the future changed for the better. She is an inspiring, courageous student who has enriched the lives of many both on campus and in the greater Gettysburg community, using her leadership skills to express what she believes, and lead others to understanding. Her time here at Gettysburg has changed her, but she, too, has changed Gettysburg. [excerpt

    A visual analysis of the usage efficiency of library books

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    The monographic collections in academic libraries have undergone a period of tremendous growth in volume, in subject diversity, and in formats during the recent several decades. Readers may find it difficult to prioritize which book(s) should be borrowed for a specific purpose. The log data of book loan record may serve as a visible indicator for the more sought-after books by the readers. This paper describes our experimental efforts in works in a university library setting. The visual analysis is thought to provide an effective way to extract the book usage information, which may yield new insights into a host of other related technical as well as user behavior issues. Initial experiment has demonstrated that the proposed approach as articulated in this article can actually benefit end-users as well as library collection development personnel in their endeavor of book selections with effective measure.</p

    Large stars with few colors

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    A recent question in generalized Ramsey theory is that for fixed positive integers sts\leq t, at least how many vertices can be covered by the vertices of no more than ss monochromatic members of the family F\cal F in every edge coloring of KnK_n with tt colors. This is related to an old problem of Chung and Liu: for graph GG and integers 1s<t1\leq s<t what is the smallest positive integer n=Rs,t(G)n=R_{s,t}(G) such that every coloring of the edges of KnK_n with tt colors contains a copy of GG with at most ss colors. We answer this question when GG is a star and ss is either t1t-1 or t2t-2 generalizing the well-known result of Burr and Roberts

    Security Analysis of Liu-Zhang-Deng Digital Signature Scheme

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    AbstractIn 2010, Liu et al. 1 proposed an improvement of Liu-Li digital signature scheme without one-way hash function and messageredundancy. In this paper, we demonstrate that Liu et al.’s scheme exist ℓ-wDH problem. Using Baby-Step Giant Step, we cancompute (mod p − 1) in o polynomial time, it is therefore insecure and can not against forgery attack

    Genus-2 G-function for P1P^1 orbifolds

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    In this paper we prove that for Gromov-Witten theory of P1P^1 orbifolds of ADE type the genus-2 G-function introduced by B. Dubrovin, S. Liu, and Y. Zhang vanishes. Together with our results in [LW], this completely solves the main conjecture in their paper [DLZ]. In the process, we also found a sufficient condition for the vanishing of the genus-2 G-function which is weaker than the condition given in our previous paper [LW].Comment: 19 pages. No figur