88 research outputs found

    Modality-invariant and Specific Prompting for Multimodal Human Perception Understanding

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    Understanding human perceptions presents a formidable multimodal challenge for computers, encompassing aspects such as sentiment tendencies and sense of humor. While various methods have recently been introduced to extract modality-invariant and specific information from diverse modalities, with the goal of enhancing the efficacy of multimodal learning, few works emphasize this aspect in large language models. In this paper, we introduce a novel multimodal prompt strategy tailored for tuning large language models. Our method assesses the correlation among different modalities and isolates the modality-invariant and specific components, which are then utilized for prompt tuning. This approach enables large language models to efficiently and effectively assimilate information from various modalities. Furthermore, our strategy is designed with scalability in mind, allowing the integration of features from any modality into pretrained large language models. Experimental results on public datasets demonstrate that our proposed method significantly improves performance compared to previous methods

    M2ORT: Many-To-One Regression Transformer for Spatial Transcriptomics Prediction from Histopathology Images

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    The advancement of Spatial Transcriptomics (ST) has facilitated the spatially-aware profiling of gene expressions based on histopathology images. Although ST data offers valuable insights into the micro-environment of tumors, its acquisition cost remains expensive. Therefore, directly predicting the ST expressions from digital pathology images is desired. Current methods usually adopt existing regression backbones for this task, which ignore the inherent multi-scale hierarchical data structure of digital pathology images. To address this limit, we propose M2ORT, a many-to-one regression Transformer that can accommodate the hierarchical structure of the pathology images through a decoupled multi-scale feature extractor. Different from traditional models that are trained with one-to-one image-label pairs, M2ORT accepts multiple pathology images of different magnifications at a time to jointly predict the gene expressions at their corresponding common ST spot, aiming at learning a many-to-one relationship through training. We have tested M2ORT on three public ST datasets and the experimental results show that M2ORT can achieve state-of-the-art performance with fewer parameters and floating-point operations (FLOPs). The code is available at: https://github.com/Dootmaan/M2ORT/

    SPTAN1/Numb Axis Senses Cell Density To Restrain Cell Growth and Oncogenesis Through Hippo Signaling

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    The loss of contact inhibition is a key step during carcinogenesis. The Hippo-Yes-associated protein (Hippo/YAP) pathway is an important regulator of cell growth in a cell density-dependent manner. However, how Hippo signaling senses cell density in this context remains elusive. Here, we report that high cell density induced the phosphorylation of spectrin α chain, nonerythrocytic 1 (SPTAN1), a plasma membrane-stabilizing protein, to recruit NUMB endocytic adaptor protein isoforms 1 and 2 (NUMB1/2), which further sequestered microtubule affinity-regulating kinases (MARKs) in the plasma membrane and rendered them inaccessible for phosphorylation and inhibition of the Hippo kinases sterile 20-like kinases MST1 and MST2 (MST1/2). WW45 interaction with MST1/2 was thereby enhanced, resulting in the activation of Hippo signaling to block YAP activity for cell contact inhibition. Importantly, low cell density led to SPTAN1 dephosphorylation and NUMB cytoplasmic location, along with MST1/2 inhibition and, consequently, YAP activation. Moreover, double KO of NUMB and WW45 in the liver led to appreciable organ enlargement and rapid tumorigenesis. Interestingly, NUMB isoforms 3 and 4, which have a truncated phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain and are thus unable to interact with phosphorylated SPTAN1 and activate MST1/2, were selectively upregulated in liver cancer, which correlated with YAP activation. We have thus revealed a SPTAN1/NUMB1/2 axis that acts as a cell density sensor to restrain cell growth and oncogenesis by coupling external cell-cell contact signals to intracellular Hippo signaling

    Hippo Signaling Suppresses Cell Ploidy and Tumorigenesis through Skp2

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    大多数真核生物的体细胞是二倍体,即仅含有两组染色体,分别遗传自父本和母本。而一些特定组织如心脏、肝脏等就含有多倍体细胞,特别是肝脏组织含有较高比例的四、八倍体等多倍体细胞。肝脏是人体的重要解毒器官,同时酒精、肝炎病毒等毒性物质或毒性代谢物容易诱发肝细胞的基因突变,多倍体被认为有利于提供代偿性的正常基因来维持肝脏稳态。然而肝脏受损后,多倍体细胞将会受胁迫进行增殖,再生修复受损的肝组织。因此研究机体调控多倍体细胞产生及多倍体细胞进行细胞分裂的调控机理对于理解肝癌的发病机理和肝癌的治疗至关重要。Hippo信号通路在调节组织成体干细胞的分化和增殖,调控器官再生与尺寸大小中具有重要作用。深入研究发现, Hippo信号通路下游效应分子YAP通过AKT-SKP2信号促进二倍体细胞向多倍体转化及多倍体细胞的生长增殖。本项研究阐明了Hippo缺失及YAP激活促进多倍体细胞产生及增殖作为肝癌发生发展中的一个重要机制,为肝癌诊疗提供了新的策略。 周大旺,博士,厦门大学生命科学学院教授、副院长、国家杰出青年基金获得者。【Abstract】Polyploidy can lead to aneuploidy and tumorigenesis. Here, we report that the Hippo pathway effector Yap promotes the diploid-polyploid conversion and polyploid cell growth through the Akt-Skp2 axis. Yap strongly induces the acetyltransferase p300-mediated acetylation of the E3 ligase Skp2 via Akt signaling. Acetylated Skp2 is exclusively localized to the cytosol, which causes hyper-accumulation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27, leading to mitotic arrest and subsequently cell polyploidy. In addition, the pro-apoptotic factors FoxO1/3 are overly degraded by acetylated Skp2, resulting in polyploid cell division, genomic instability, and oncogenesis. importantly, the depletion or inactivation of Akt or Skp2 abrogated Hippo signal deficiency-induced liver tumorigenesis, indicating their epistatic interaction. Thus, we conclude that Hippo-Yap signaling suppresses cell polyploidy and oncogenesis through Skp2.该研究工作获得了国家自然科学基金委、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目、青年千人计划和中央高校基本科研基金的资助。 The Yap (S127A) transgenic mice were kindly provided by Dr. Fernando Camargo from Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. D.Z. and L.C. were supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31625010,U1505224, and J1310027 to D.Z.; 81422018, U1405225, and 81372617 to L.C.; 81472229 to L.H.), the National Basic Research Program (973) of China (2015CB910502 to L.C.), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China-Xiamen University (20720140551 to L.C. and 2013121034 and 20720140537 to D.Z.)

    Childhood Sexual Abuse and the Development of Recurrent Major Depression in Chinese Women

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    Background Our prior study in Han Chinese women has shown that women with a history of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) are at increased risk for developing major depression (MD). Would this relationship be found in our whole data set? Method Three levels of CSA (non-genital, genital, and intercourse) were assessed by self-report in two groups of Han Chinese women: 6017 clinically ascertained with recurrent MD and 5983 matched controls. Diagnostic and other risk factor information was assessed at personal interview. Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated by logistic regression. Results We confirmed earlier results by replicating prior analyses in 3,950 new recurrent MD cases. There were no significant differences between the two data sets. Any form of CSA was significantly associated with recurrent MD (OR 4.06, 95% confidence interval (CI) [3.19–5.24]). This association strengthened with increasing CSA severity: non-genital (OR 2.21, 95% CI 1.58–3.15), genital (OR 5.24, 95% CI 3.52–8.15) and intercourse (OR 10.65, 95% CI 5.56–23.71). Among the depressed women, those with CSA had an earlier age of onset, longer depressive episodes. Recurrent MD patients those with CSA had an increased risk for dysthymia (OR 1.60, 95%CI 1.11–2.27) and phobia (OR 1.41, 95%CI 1.09–1.80). Any form of CSA was significantly associated with suicidal ideation or attempt (OR 1.50, 95% CI 1.20–1.89) and feelings of worthlessness or guilt (OR 1.41, 95% CI 1.02–2.02). Intercourse (OR 3.47, 95%CI 1.66–8.22), use of force and threats (OR 1.95, 95%CI 1.05–3.82) and how strongly the victims were affected at the time (OR 1.39, 95%CI 1.20–1.64) were significantly associated with recurrent MD

    Associations of Educational Attainment, Occupation, Social Class and Major Depressive Disorder among Han Chinese Women

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    Background The prevalence of major depressive disorder (MDD) is higher in those with low levels of educational attainment, the unemployed and those with low social status. However the extent to which these factors cause MDD is unclear. Most of the available data comes from studies in developed countries, and these findings may not extrapolate to developing countries. Examining the relationship between MDD and socio economic status in China is likely to add to the debate because of the radical economic and social changes occurring in China over the last 30 years. Principal findings We report results from 3,639 Chinese women with recurrent MDD and 3,800 controls. Highly significant odds ratios (ORs) were observed between MDD and full time employment (OR = 0.36, 95% CI = 0.25–0.46, logP = 78), social status (OR = 0.83, 95% CI = 0.77–0.87, logP = 13.3) and education attainment (OR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.86–0.90, logP = 6.8). We found a monotonic relationship between increasing age and increasing levels of educational attainment. Those with only primary school education have significantly more episodes of MDD (mean 6.5, P-value = 0.009) and have a clinically more severe disorder, while those with higher educational attainment are likely to manifest more comorbid anxiety disorders. Conclusions In China lower socioeconomic position is associated with increased rates of MDD, as it is elsewhere in the world. Significantly more episodes of MDD occur among those with lower educational attainment (rather than longer episodes of disease), consistent with the hypothesis that the lower socioeconomic position increases the likelihood of developing MDD. The phenomenology of MDD varies according to the degree of educational attainment: higher educational attainment not only appears to protect against MDD but alters its presentation, to a more anxious phenotype

    Proto-oncogene Src links lipogenesis via lipin-1 to breast cancer malignancy

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    Src基因是哺乳动物中发现的第一个原癌基因,其编码的蛋白是一个酪氨酸激酶,在促进乳腺癌、肺癌等诸多肿瘤的发生、进展和恶化中起着重要的作用。在研究中,研究团队发现Src能够承接生长因子和肥胖微环境相关的因子如胰岛素和瘦素的信号,通过直接磷酸化lipin-1,增强其催化合成甘油脂的活性,提高细胞摄入的脂肪酸向甘油脂尤其是磷脂转化。进一步实验表明,Src磷酸化lipin-1能够加速乳腺癌细胞生长,促进小鼠模型中肿瘤的进展和转移。这项研究不但做出了对脂肪合成途径的调控机制的又一重要发现,还揭示了原癌基因Src可以承接癌细胞内外的活化信号,通过lipin-1为媒介重塑癌细胞脂代谢,使得肿瘤细胞具有增殖和转移的优势。该论文揭示了臭名昭著的原癌基因Src通过直接结合并磷酸化lipin-1(一种磷脂酸磷酸化酶,在脂质代谢中具有重要作用),以增强其酶活性,从而加速甘油酯的合成速率,进而促进乳腺癌的发生发展。 该研究由厦门大学生命科学学院、广州医科大学第五附属医院、第四军医大学西京医院和中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院等单位合作完成,厦门大学生命科学学院博士后宋林涛和广州医科大学第五附属医院刘志华教授为该论文的共同第一作者。【Abstract】Increased lipogenesis has been linked to an increased cancer risk and poor prognosis; however, the underlying mechanisms remain obscure. Here we show that phosphatidic acid phosphatase (PAP) lipin-1, which generates diglyceride precursors necessary for the synthesis of glycerolipids, interacts with and is a direct substrate of the Src proto-oncogenic tyrosine kinase. Obesity-associated microenvironmental factors and other Src-activating growth factors, including the epidermal growth factor, activate Src and promote Src-mediated lipin-1 phosphorylation on Tyr398, Tyr413 and Tyr795 residues. The tyrosine phosphorylation of lipin-1 markedly increases its PAP activity, accelerating the synthesis of glycerophospholipids and triglyceride. Alteration of the three tyrosine residues to phenylalanine (3YF-lipin-1) disables lipin-1 from mediating Src-enhanced glycerolipid synthesis, cell proliferation and xenograft growth. Re-expression of 3YF-lipin-1 in PyVT;Lpin1−/− mice fails to promote progression and metastasis of mammary tumours. Human breast tumours exhibit increased p-Tyr-lipin-1 levels compared to the adjacent tissues. Importantly, statistical analyses show that levels of p-Tyr-lipin-1 correlate with tumour sizes, lymph node metastasis, time to recurrence and survival of the patients. These results illustrate a direct lipogenesis-promoting role of the pro-oncogenic Src, providing a mechanistic link between obesity-associated mitogenic signaling and breast cancer malignancy.This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (#31822027, #31690101, #91854208, #31871168, #82002965), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (#20720190084), Project “111” sponsored by the State Bureau of Foreign Experts and Ministry of Education of China (#BP2018017), XMU Training Programme of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates (#2017Y0578, #2018Y1281) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (#2019M652254). 该研究也得到了国家自然科学基金,中央高校基础研究项目和中国博士后科学基金等的资助

    Genetic Diversity and Linkage Disequilibrium in Chinese Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Revealed by SSR Markers

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    Two hundred and fifty bread wheat lines, mainly Chinese mini core accessions, were assayed for polymorphism and linkage disequilibrium (LD) based on 512 whole-genome microsatellite loci representing a mean marker density of 5.1 cM. A total of 6,724 alleles ranging from 1 to 49 per locus were identified in all collections. The mean PIC value was 0.650, ranging from 0 to 0.965. Population structure and principal coordinate analysis revealed that landraces and modern varieties were two relatively independent genetic sub-groups. Landraces had a higher allelic diversity than modern varieties with respect to both genomes and chromosomes in terms of total number of alleles and allelic richness. 3,833 (57.0%) and 2,788 (41.5%) rare alleles with frequencies of <5% were found in the landrace and modern variety gene pools, respectively, indicating greater numbers of rare variants, or likely new alleles, in landraces. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that A genome had the largest genetic differentiation and D genome the lowest. In contrast to genetic diversity, modern varieties displayed a wider average LD decay across the whole genome for locus pairs with r2>0.05 (P<0.001) than the landraces. Mean LD decay distance for the landraces at the whole genome level was <5 cM, while a higher LD decay distance of 5–10 cM in modern varieties. LD decay distances were also somewhat different for each of the 21 chromosomes, being higher for most of the chromosomes in modern varieties (<5∼25 cM) compared to landraces (<5∼15 cM), presumably indicating the influences of domestication and breeding. This study facilitates predicting the marker density required to effectively associate genotypes with traits in Chinese wheat genetic resources

    Kinases Mst1 and Mst2 positively regulate phagocytic induction of reactive oxygen species and bactericidal activity

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    该研究成果揭示了吞噬性细胞内Hippo信号通路关键激酶Mst1和Mst2通过活化Rac家族蛋白来调节线粒体向吞噬小泡募集并释放ROS来清除病原体,这个生物学过程在天然免疫和宿主防御中发挥着重要作用。该成果解析了人的Mst1基因缺失或Rac2基因突变引发免疫缺陷综合症的致病机理,为研究人类感染性疾病提供了全新的视角。 该论文的主要工作由2012级博士生耿晶、2013级博士生孙秀峰以及王平、张世浩和王晓珍等学生共同承担,并与厦门市第一医院、台湾长庚大学、中国科学技术大学等单位合作完成,通讯作者为周大旺教授和陈兰芬教授。该研究工作获得了“青年千人计划”、国家自然科学基金委和科技部的资助。Mitochondria need to be juxtaposed to phagosomes for the synergistic production of ample reactive oxygen species (ROS) in phagocytes to kill pathogens. However, how phagosomes transmit signals to recruit mitochondria has remained unclear. Here we found that the kinases Mst1 and Mst2 functioned to control ROS production by regulating mitochondrial trafficking and mitochondrion-phagosome juxtaposition. Mst1 and Mst2 activated the GTPase Rac to promote Toll-like receptor (TLR)-triggered assembly of the TRAF6-ECSIT complex that is required for the recruitment of mitochondria to phagosomes. Inactive forms of Rac, including the human Rac2D57N mutant, disrupted the TRAF6-ECSIT complex by sequestering TRAF6 and substantially diminished ROS production and enhanced susceptibility to bacterial infection. Our findings demonstrate that the TLR-Mst1-Mst2-Rac signaling axis is critical for effective phagosome-mitochondrion function and bactericidal activity.Supported by the National Basic Research Program (973) of China (2015CB910502 to L.C.), China's 1000 Young Talents Program (D.Z. and L.C.), the 111 Projects (B12001 and B06016), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China-Xiamen University (CXB2014004 to J.Z.; 20720140551 to L.C.; and 2013121034 and 20720140537 to D.Z.), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31270918, 81222030 and J1310027 to D.Z.; 81372617, 81422018 and U1405225 to L.C.; 81472229 to L.H.; and 81302529 to X.L.), the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian (2013J06011 to D.Z. and 2014D007 to X.L.), the US National Institutes of Health (RO1 CA136567 for J.A.) and institutional funds from Massachusetts General Hospital (for J.A.). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript