86,275 research outputs found

    Queuing Theoretic Analysis of Power-performance Tradeoff in Power-efficient Computing

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    In this paper we study the power-performance relationship of power-efficient computing from a queuing theoretic perspective. We investigate the interplay of several system operations including processing speed, system on/off decisions, and server farm size. We identify that there are oftentimes "sweet spots" in power-efficient operations: there exist optimal combinations of processing speed and system settings that maximize power efficiency. For the single server case, a widely deployed threshold mechanism is studied. We show that there exist optimal processing speed and threshold value pairs that minimize the power consumption. This holds for the threshold mechanism with job batching. For the multi-server case, it is shown that there exist best processing speed and server farm size combinations.Comment: Paper published in CISS 201

    Quantum Statistical Entropy and Minimal Length of 5D Ricci-flat Black String with Generalized Uncertainty Principle

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    In this paper, we study the quantum statistical entropy in a 5D Ricci-flat black string solution, which contains a 4D Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole on the brane, by using the improved thin-layer method with the generalized uncertainty principle. The entropy is the linear sum of the areas of the event horizon and the cosmological horizon without any cut-off and any constraint on the bulk's configuration rather than the usual uncertainty principle. The system's density of state and free energy are convergent in the neighborhood of horizon. The small-mass approximation is determined by the asymptotic behavior of metric function near horizons. Meanwhile, we obtain the minimal length of the position Δx\Delta x which is restrained by the surface gravities and the thickness of layer near horizons.Comment: 11pages and this work is dedicated to the memory of Professor Hongya Li

    Quantum super-cavity with atomic mirrors

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    We study single-photon transport in an array of coupled microcavities where two two-level atomic systems are embedded in two separate cavities of the array. We find that a single-photon can be totally reflected by a single two-level system. However, two separate two-level systems can also create, between them, single-photon quasi-bound states. Therefore, a single two-level system in the cavity array can act as a mirror while a different type of cavity can be formed by using two two-level systems, acting as tunable "mirrors", inside two separate cavities in the array. In analogy with superlattices in solid state, we call this new "cavity inside a coupled-cavity array" a super-cavity. This supercavity is the quantum analog of Fabry-Perot interferometers. Moreover, we show that the physical properties of this quantum super-cavity can be adjusted by changing the frequencies of these two-level systems.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    EgoFace: Egocentric Face Performance Capture and Videorealistic Reenactment

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    Face performance capture and reenactment techniques use multiple cameras and sensors, positioned at a distance from the face or mounted on heavy wearable devices. This limits their applications in mobile and outdoor environments. We present EgoFace, a radically new lightweight setup for face performance capture and front-view videorealistic reenactment using a single egocentric RGB camera. Our lightweight setup allows operations in uncontrolled environments, and lends itself to telepresence applications such as video-conferencing from dynamic environments. The input image is projected into a low dimensional latent space of the facial expression parameters. Through careful adversarial training of the parameter-space synthetic rendering, a videorealistic animation is produced. Our problem is challenging as the human visual system is sensitive to the smallest face irregularities that could occur in the final results. This sensitivity is even stronger for video results. Our solution is trained in a pre-processing stage, through a supervised manner without manual annotations. EgoFace captures a wide variety of facial expressions, including mouth movements and asymmetrical expressions. It works under varying illuminations, background, movements, handles people from different ethnicities and can operate in real time

    Instability of defensive alliances in the predator-prey model on complex networks

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    A model of six-species food web is studied in the viewpoint of spatial interaction structures. Each species has two predators and two preys, and it was previously known that the defensive alliances of three cyclically predating species self-organize in two-dimensions. The alliance-breaking transition occurs as either the mutation rate is increased or interaction topology is randomized in the scheme of the Watts-Strogatz model. In the former case of temporal disorder, via the finite-size scaling analysis the transition is clearly shown to belong to the two-dimensional Ising universality class. In contrast, the geometric or spatial randomness for the latter case yields a discontinuous phase transition. The mean-field limit of the model is analytically solved and then compared with numerical results. The dynamic universality and the temporally periodic behaviors are also discussed.Comment: 5 page

    TRAO Survey of Nearby Filamentary Molecular clouds, the Universal Nursery of Stars (TRAO FUNS) I. Dynamics and Chemistry of L1478 in the California Molecular Cloud

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    "TRAO FUNS" is a project to survey Gould Belt's clouds in molecular lines. This paper presents its first results on the central region of the California molecular cloud, L1478. We performed On-The-Fly mapping observations using the Taedeok Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO) 14m single dish telescope equipped with a 16 multi-beam array covering \sim1.0 square degree area of this region using C18^{18}O (1-0) mainly tracing low density cloud and about 460 square arcminute area using N2_{2}H+^{+} (1-0) mainly tracing dense cores. CS (2-1) and SO (3221)(3_{2}-2_{1}) were also used simultaneously to map \sim440 square arcminute area of this region. We identified 10 filaments by applying the dendrogram technique to the C18^{18}O data-cube and 8 dense N2_{2}H+^{+} cores by using {\sc FellWalker}. Basic physical properties of filaments such as mass, length, width, velocity field, and velocity dispersion are derived. It is found that L1478 consists of several filaments with slightly different velocities. Especially the filaments which are supercritical are found to contain dense cores detected in N2_{2}H+^{+}. Comparison of non-thermal velocity dispersions derived from C18^{18}O and N2_{2}H+^{+} for the filaments and dense cores indicates that some of dense cores share similar kinematics with those of the surrounding filaments while several dense cores have different kinematics with those of their filaments. This suggests that the formation mechanism of dense cores and filaments can be different in individual filaments depending on their morphologies and environments.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Distribution of magnetic domain pinning fields in GaMnAs ferromagnetic films

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    Using the angular dependence of the planar Hall effect in GaMnAs ferromagnetic films, we were able to determine the distribution of magnetic domain pinning fields in this material. Interestingly, there is a major difference between the pinning field distribution in as-grown and in annealed films, the former showing a strikingly narrower distribution than the latter. This conspicuous difference can be attributed to the degree of non-uniformity of magnetic anisotropy in both types of films. This finding provides a better understanding of the magnetic domain landscape in GaMnAs that has been the subject of intense debate

    New Experimental Limit on the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron in a Paramagnetic Insulator

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    We report results of an experimental search for the intrinsic Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) of the electron using a solid-state technique. The experiment employs a paramagnetic, insulating gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) that has a large magnetic response at low temperatures. The presence of the eEDM would lead to a small but non-zero magnetization as the GGG sample is subject to a strong electric field. We search for the resulting Stark-induced magnetization with a sensitive magnetometer. Recent progress on the suppression of several sources of background allows the experiment to run free of spurious signals at the level of the statistical uncertainties. We report our first limit on the eEDM of (5.57±7.98±0.12)×(-5.57 \pm 7.98 \pm 0.12)\times1025^{-25}e\cdotcm with 5 days of data averaging.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, Revtex 4.

    Ultrafast spectroscopy of propagating coherent acoustic phonons in GaN/InGaN heterostructures

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    We show that large amplitude, coherent acoustic phonon wavepackets can be generated and detected in Inx_xGa1x_{1-x}N/GaN epilayers and heterostructures in femtosecond pump-probe differential reflectivity experiments. The amplitude of the coherent phonon increases with increasing Indium fraction xx and unlike other coherent phonon oscillations, both \textit{amplitude} and \textit{period} are strong functions of the laser probe energy. The amplitude of the oscillation is substantially and almost instantaneously reduced when the wavepacket reaches a GaN-sapphire interface below the surface indicating that the phonon wavepackets are useful for imaging below the surface. A theoretical model is proposed which fits the experiments well and helps to deduce the strength of the phonon wavepackets. Our model shows that localized coherent phonon wavepackets are generated by the femtosecond pump laser in the epilayer near the surface. The wavepackets then propagate through a GaN layer changing the local index of refraction, primarily through the Franz-Keldysh effect, and as a result, modulate the reflectivity of the probe beam. Our model correctly predicts the experimental dependence on probe-wavelength as well as epilayer thickness.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure