17 research outputs found

    The Molecular Basis of Viral Inhibition of IRF- and STAT-Dependent Immune Responses

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    The antiviral innate immunity is the first line of host defense against virus infections. In mammalian cells, viral infections initiate the expression of interferons (IFNs) in the host that in turn activate an antiviral defense program to restrict viral replications by induction of IFN stimulated genes (ISGs), which are largely regulated by the IFN-regulatory factor (IRF) family and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) family transcription factors. The mechanisms of action of IRFs and STATs involve several post-translational modifications, complex formation, and nuclear translocation of these transcription factors. However, many viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Zika virus (ZIKV), and herpes simplex virus (HSV), have evolved strategies to evade host defense, including alteration in IRF and STAT post-translational modifications, disturbing the formation and nuclear translocation of the transcription complexes as well as proteolysis/degradation of IRFs and STATs. In this review, we discuss and summarize the molecular mechanisms by which how viral components may target IRFs and STATs to antagonize the establishment of antiviral host defense. The underlying host-viral interactions determine the outcome of viral infection. Gaining mechanistic insight into these processes will be crucial in understanding how viral replication can be more effectively controlled and in developing approaches to improve virus infection outcomes

    Toll-like receptor 4 mediates synergism between alcohol and HCV in hepatic oncogenesis involving stem cell marker Nanog

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    Alcohol synergistically enhances the progression of liver disease and the risk for liver cancer caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV). However, the molecular mechanism of this synergy remains unclear. Here, we provide the first evidence that Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is induced by hepatocyte-specific transgenic (Tg) expression of the HCV nonstructural protein NS5A, and this induction mediates synergistic liver damage and tumor formation by alcohol-induced endotoxemia. We also identify Nanog, the stem/progenitor cell marker, as a novel downstream gene up-regulated by TLR4 activation and the presence of CD133/Nanog-positive cells in liver tumors of alcohol-fed NS5A Tg mice. Transplantation of p53-deficient hepatic progenitor cells transduced with TLR4 results in liver tumor development in mice following repetitive LPS injection, but concomitant transduction of Nanog short-hairpin RNA abrogates this outcome. Taken together, our study demonstrates a TLR4-dependent mechanism of synergistic liver disease by HCV and alcohol and an obligatory role for Nanog, a TLR4 downstream gene, in HCV-induced liver oncogenesis enhanced by alcohol

    The 14-3-3Ξ· chaperone protein promotes antiviral innate immunity via facilitating MDA5 oligomerization and intracellular redistribution.

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    MDA5 belongs to the RIG-I-like receptor family and plays a non-redundant role in recognizing cytoplasmic viral RNA to induce the production of type I IFNs. Upon RNA ligand stimulation, we observed the redistribution of MDA5 from the cytosol to mitochondrial membrane fractions. However, the molecular mechanisms of MDA5 activation remain less understood. Here we show that 14-3-3Ξ· is an essential accessory protein for MDA5-dependent type I IFN induction. We found that several 14-3-3 isoforms may interact with MDA5 through the CARDs (N-MDA5), but 14-3-3Ξ· was the only isoform that could enhance MDA5-dependent IFNΞ² promoter activities in a dose-dependent manner. Knock-down of 14-3-3Ξ· in Huh7 cells impaired and delayed the kinetics of MDA5 oligomerization, which is a critical step for MDA5 activation. Consequently, the MDA5-dependent IFNΞ² promoter activities as well as IFNΞ² mRNA expression level were also decreased in the 14-3-3Ξ· knocked-down cells. We also demonstrated that 14-3-3Ξ· is essential in boosting the activation of MDA5-dependent antiviral innate immunity during viral infections. In conclusion, our results uncover a novel function of 14-3-3Ξ· to promote the MDA5-dependent IFNΞ² induction pathway by reducing the immunostimulatory potential of viral dsRNA within MDA5 activation signaling pathway

    Interactome Profiling of N-Terminus-Truncated NS1 Protein of Influenza A Virus Reveals Role of 14-3-3Ξ³ in Virus Replication

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    Influenza A virus is transmitted through a respiratory route and has caused several pandemics throughout history. The NS1 protein of influenza A virus, which consists of an N-terminal RNA-binding domain and a C-terminal effector domain, is considered one of the critical virulence factors during influenza A virus infection because the viral protein can downregulate the antiviral response of the host cell and facilitate viral replication. Our previous study identified an N-terminus-truncated NS1 protein that covers the C-terminus effector domain. To comprehensively explore the role of the truncated NS1 in cells, we conducted immunoprecipitation coupled with LC-MS/MS to identify its interacting cellular proteins. There were 46 cellular proteins identified as the components of the truncated NS1 protein complex. As for our previous results for the identification of the full-length NS1-interacting host proteins, we discovered that the truncated NS1 protein interacts with the Ξ³ isoform of the 14-3-3 protein family. In addition, we found that the knockdown of 14-3-3Ξ³ in host cells reduced the replication of the influenza A/PR8 wild-type virus but not that of the PR8-NS1/1-98 mutant virus, which lacks most of the effector domain of NS1. This research highlights the role of 14-3-3Ξ³, which interacts with the effector domain of NS1 protein, in influenza A viral replication

    Hepatitis C Virus Translation Preferentially Depends on Active RNA Replication

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    <div><p>Hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA initiates its replication on a detergent-resistant membrane structure derived from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in the HCV replicon cells. By performing a pulse-chase study of BrU-labeled HCV RNA, we found that the newly-synthesized HCV RNA traveled along the anterograde-membrane traffic and moved away from the ER. Presumably, the RNA moved to the site of translation or virion assembly in the later steps of viral life cycle. In this study, we further addressed how HCV RNA translation was regulated by HCV RNA trafficking. When the movement of HCV RNA from the site of RNA synthesis to the Golgi complex was blocked by nocodazole, an inhibitor of ER-Golgi transport, HCV protein translation was surprisingly enhanced, suggesting that the translation of viral proteins occurred near the site of RNA synthesis. We also found that the translation of HCV proteins was dependent on active RNA synthesis: inhibition of viral RNA synthesis by an NS5B inhibitor resulted in decreased HCV viral protein synthesis even when the total amount of intracellular HCV RNA remained unchanged. Furthermore, the translation activity of the replication-defective HCV replicons or viral RNA with an NS5B mutation was greatly reduced as compared to that of the corresponding wildtype RNA. By performing live cell labeling of newly synthesized HCV RNA and proteins, we further showed that the newly synthesized HCV proteins colocalized with the newly synthesized viral RNA, suggesting that HCV RNA replication and protein translation take place at or near the same site. Our findings together indicate that the translation of HCV RNA is coupled to RNA replication and that the both processes may occur at the same subcellular membrane compartments, which we term the replicasome.</p> </div

    HCV-induced autophagosomes are generated via homotypic fusion of phagophores that mediate HCV RNA replication

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    <div><p>Hepatitis C virus (HCV) induces autophagy to promote its replication, including its RNA replication, which can take place on double-membrane vesicles known as autophagosomes. However, how HCV induces the biogenesis of autophagosomes and how HCV RNA replication complex may be assembled on autophagosomes were largely unknown. During autophagy, crescent membrane structures known as phagophores first appear in the cytoplasm, which then progress to become autophagosomes. By conducting electron microscopy and <i>in vitro</i> membrane fusion assay, we found that phagophores induced by HCV underwent homotypic fusion to generate autophagosomes in a process dependent on the SNARE protein syntaxin 7 (STX7). Further analyses by live-cell imaging and fluorescence microscopy indicated that HCV-induced phagophores originated from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Interestingly, comparing with autophagy induced by nutrient starvation, the progression of phagophores to autophagosomes induced by HCV took significantly longer time, indicating fundamental differences in the biogenesis of autophagosomes induced by these two different stimuli. As the knockdown of STX7 to inhibit the formation of autophagosomes did not affect HCV RNA replication, and purified phagophores could mediate HCV RNA replication, the assembly of the HCV RNA replication complex on autophagosomes apparently took place during the formative stage of phagophores. These findings provided important information for understanding how HCV controlled and modified this important cellular pathway for its own replication.</p></div

    HCV RNA translation is dependent on the RNA transcription.

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    <p>(A), Mock- or Benzothiadiazine-treated Huh-N1b and Huh-Neo cells were labeled by <sup>35</sup>S-Methionine for 4 hours, and followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-NPT or anti-NS3 antibodies or sera from hepatitis C patients. The immunoprecipitates were separated by SDS-PAGE and detected by autoradiography. (B) The intracellular replicon RNA was detected by Northern blotting. (C) Huh7 cells transfected with <i>in vitro</i> transcribed Rep or the replication-defective Rep*GND RNA were metabolically labeled with <sup>35</sup>S-Methionine for 14 hours and followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-NS3 antibody. (D) The amounts of the intracellular HCV RNA in panel (C) were determined by realtime RT-PCR and Nothern blotting. The relative ratios of the HCV RNA/GAPDH mRNA in the different cells are presented. E) Structures of the bi-cistronic replicon reporter constructs used. Time course studies of the luciferase activity in cells transfected with constructs 1 and 2 (panel (F)) and constructs 3 and 4 (panel (G)) were measured by dual luciferase assay at various time points after transfection. The ratios of the FFluc/Rluc (F) or Rluc/FFluc (G) are presented. Error bars represent +/βˆ’ standard deviation.</p