7,382 research outputs found

    Probing anisotropic superfluidity of rashbons in atomic Fermi gases

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    Motivated by the prospect of realizing a Fermi gas of 40^{40}K atoms with a synthetic non-Abelian gauge field, we investigate theoretically a strongly interacting Fermi gas in the presence of a Rashba spin-orbit coupling. As the two-fold spin degeneracy is lifted by spin-orbit interaction, bound pairs with mixed singlet and triplet pairings (referred to as rashbons) emerge, leading to an anisotropic superfluid. We show that this anisotropic superfluidity can be probed via measuring the momentum distribution and single-particle spectral function in a trapped atomic 40^{40}K cloud near a Feshbach resonance.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Probing Majorana fermions in spin-orbit coupled atomic Fermi gases

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    We examine theoretically the visualization of Majorana fermions in a two-dimensional trapped ultracold atomic Fermi gas with spin-orbit coupling. By increasing an external Zeeman field, the trapped gas transits from non-topological to topological superfluid, via a mixed phase in which both types of superfluids coexist. We show that the zero-energy Majorana fermion, supported by the topological superfluid and localized at the vortex core, is clearly visible through (i) the core density and (ii) the local density of states, which are readily measurable in experiment. We present a realistic estimate on experimental parameters for ultracold 40^{40}K atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Gapless topological Fulde-Ferrell superfluidity induced by in-plane Zeeman field

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    Topological superfluids are recently discovered quantum matters that host topologically protected gapless edge states known as Majorana fermions - exotic quantum particles that act as their own anti-particles and obey non-Abelian statistics. Their realizations are believed to lie at the heart of future technologies such as fault-tolerant quantum computation. To date, the most efficient scheme to create topological superfluids and Majorana fermions is based on the Sau-Lutchyn-Tewari-Das Sarma model with a Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling on the }\textbf{\textit{x-y}}\textbf{ plane and a large out-of-plane (perpendicular) Zeeman field along the }\textbf{\textit{z}}\textbf{-direction. Here we propose an alternative setup, where the topological superfluid phase is driven by applying an in-plane Zeeman field. This scheme offers a number of new features, notably Cooper pairings at finite centre-of-mass momentum (i.e., Fulde-Ferrell pairing) and gapless excitations in the bulk. As a result, a novel gapless topological quantum matter with inhomogeneous pairing order parameter appears. It features unidirected Majorana surface states at boundaries, which propagate in the same direction and connect two Weyl nodes in the bulk. We demonstrate the emergence of such an exotic topological matter and the associated Majorana fermions in spin-orbit coupled atomic Fermi gases and determine its parameter space. The implementation of our scheme in semiconductor/superconductor heterostructures is briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Universal impurity-induced bound state in topological superfluids

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    We predict a universal mid-gap bound state in topological superfluids, induced by either non-magnetic or magnetic impurities in the strong scattering limit. This universal state is similar to the lowest-energy Caroli-de Gennes-Martricon bound state in a vortex core, but is bound to localized impurities. We argue that the observation of such a universal bound state can be a clear signature for identifying topological superfluids. We theoretically examine our argument for a spin-orbit coupled ultracold atomic Fermi gas trapped in a two-dimensional harmonic potential, by performing extensive self-consistent calculations within the mean-field Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory. A realistic scenario for observing universal bound state in ultracold 40^{40}K atoms is proposed.Comment: 5 pages + 4 figures; published in PRL; see the relevant study in 1D: Phys. Rev. A 87, 013622 (2013); see also the accompanying Physics Synopsis: http://physics.aps.org/synopsis-for/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.02040

    Radio-frequency spectroscopy of weakly bound molecules in spin-orbit coupled atomic Fermi gases

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    We investigate theoretically radio-frequency spectroscopy of weakly bound molecules in an ultracold spin-orbit-coupled atomic Fermi gas. We consider two cases with either equal Rashba and Dresselhaus coupling or pure Rashba coupling. The former system has been realized very recently at Shanxi University [Wang et al., arXiv:1204.1887] and MIT [Cheuk et al., arXiv:1205.3483]. We predict realistic radio-frequency signals for revealing the unique properties of anisotropic molecules formed by spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Half-quantum vortex state in a spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We investigate theoretically the condensate state and collective excitations of a two-component Bose gas in two-dimensional harmonic traps subject to isotropic Rashba spin-orbit coupling. In the weakly interacting regime when the inter-species interaction is larger than the intra-species interaction (g↑↓>gg_{\uparrow\downarrow}>g), we find that the condensate ground state has a half-quantum-angular-momentum vortex configuration with spatial rotational symmetry and skyrmion-type spin texture. Upon increasing the interatomic interaction beyond a threshold gcg_{c}, the ground state starts to involve higher-order angular momentum components and thus breaks the rotational symmetry. In the case of g↑↓<gg_{\uparrow\downarrow}<g, the condensate becomes unstable towards the superposition of two degenerate half-quantum vortex states. Both instabilities (at g>gcg>g_{c} and g↑↓<gg_{\uparrow\downarrow}<g) can be determined by solving the Bogoliubov equations for collective density oscillations of the half-quantum vortex state, and by analyzing the softening of mode frequencies. We present the phase diagram as functions of the interatomic interactions and the spin-orbit coupling. In addition, we directly simulate the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation to examine the dynamical properties of the system. Finally, we investigate the stability of the half-quantum vortex state against both the trap anisotropy and anisotropy in the spin-orbit coupling term.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figure

    Life fingerprints of nuclear reactions in the body of animals

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    Nuclear reactions are a very important natural phenomenon in the universe. On the earth, cosmic rays constantly cause nuclear reactions. High energy beams created by medical devices also induce nuclear reactions in the human body. The biological role of these nuclear reactions is unknown. Here we show that the in vivo biological systems are exquisite and sophisticated by nature in influence on nuclear reactions and in resistance to radical damage in the body of live animals. In this study, photonuclear reactions in the body of live or dead animals were induced with 50-MeV irradiation. Tissue nuclear reactions were detected by positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of the induced beta+ activity. We found the unique tissue &#x22;fingerprints&#x22; of beta+ (the tremendous difference in beta+ activities and tissue distribution patterns among the individuals) are imprinted in all live animals. Within any individual, the tissue &#x22;fingerprints&#x22; of 15O and 11C are also very different. When the animal dies, the tissue &#x22;fingerprints&#x22; are lost. The biochemical, rather than physical, mechanisms could play a critical role in the phenomenon of tissue &#x22;fingerprints&#x22;. Radiolytic radical attack caused millions-fold increases in 15O and 11C activities via different biochemical mechanisms, i.e. radical-mediated hydroxylation and peroxidation respectively, and more importantly the bio-molecular functions (such as the chemical reactivity and the solvent accessibility to radicals). In practice biologically for example, radical attack can therefore be imaged in vivo in live animals and humans using PET for life science research, disease prevention, and personalized radiation therapy based on an individual&#x27;s bio-molecular response to ionizing radiation
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