332 research outputs found

    Scaling Behavior of the Activated Conductivity in a Quantum Hall Liquid

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    We propose a scaling model for the universal longitudinal conductivity near the mobility edge for the integer quantum Hall liquid. We fit our model with available experimental data on exponentially activated conductance near the Landau level tails in the integer quantum Hall regime. We obtain quantitative agreement between our scaling model and the experimental data over a wide temperature and magnetic field range.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, 2 figures (available upon request), #phd0

    Holographic Normal Ordering and Multi-particle States in the AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    The general correlator of composite operators of N=4 supersymmetric gauge field theory is divergent. We introduce a means for renormalizing these correlators by adding a boundary theory on the AdS space correcting for the divergences. Such renormalizations are not equivalent to the standard normal ordering of current algebras in two dimensions. The correlators contain contact terms that contribute to the OPE; we relate them diagrammatically to correlation functions of compound composite operators dual to multi-particle states.Comment: 18 pages, one equation corr., further comments and refs. adde

    Effective Dynamic Range in Measurements with Flash Analog-to-Digital Convertor

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    Flash Analog to Digital Convertor (FADC) is frequently used in nuclear and particle physics experiments, often as the major component in big multi-channel systems. The large data volume makes the optimization of operating parameters necessary. This article reports a study of a method to extend the dynamic range of an 8-bit FADC from the nominal 28\rm{2^8} value. By comparing the integrated pulse area with that of a reference profile, good energy reconstruction and event identification can be achieved on saturated events from CsI(Tl) crystal scintillators. The effective dynamic range can be extended by at least 4 more bits. The algorithm is generic and is expected to be applicable to other detector systems with FADC readout.Comment: 19 pages, 1 table, 10 figure

    Neutron scattering and superconducting order parameter in YBa2Cu3O7

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    We discuss the origin of the neutron scattering peak at 41 meV observed in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7 below TcT_c. The peak may occur due to spin-flip electron excitations across the superconducting gap which are enhanced by the antiferromagnetic interaction between Cu spins. In this picture, the experiment is most naturally explained if the superconducting order parameter has ss-wave symmetry and opposite signs in the bonding and antibonding electron bands formed within a Cu2_2O4_4 bilayer.Comment: In this version, only few minor corrections and the update of references were done in order to make perfect correspondence with the published version. RevTeX, psfig, 5 pages, and 3 figure

    From Fake Supergravity to Superstars

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    The fake supergravity method is applied to 5-dimensional asymptotically AdS spacetimes containing gravity coupled to a real scalar and an abelian gauge field. The motivation is to obtain bulk solutions with R x S^3 symmetry in order to explore the AdS/CFT correspondence when the boundary gauge theory is on R x S^3. A fake supergravity action, invariant under local supersymmetry through linear order in fermion fields, is obtained. The gauge field makes things more restrictive than in previous applications of fake supergravity which allowed quite general scalar potentials. Here the superpotential must take the form W(\phi) ~ exp(-k\phi) + c exp(2\phi/(3k)), and the only freedom is the choice of the constant k. The fermion transformation rules of fake supergravity lead to fake Killing spinor equations. From their integrability conditions, we obtain first order differential equations which we solve analytically to find singular electrically charged solutions of the Lagrangian field equations. A Schwarzschild mass term can be added to produce a horizon which shields the singularity. The solutions, which include "superstars", turn out to be known in the literature. We compute their holographic parameters.Comment: 42 pages, 3 figure

    Fredholm Indices and the Phase Diagram of Quantum Hall Systems

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    The quantized Hall conductance in a plateau is related to the index of a Fredholm operator. In this paper we describe the generic ``phase diagram'' of Fredholm indices associated with bounded and Toeplitz operators. We discuss the possible relevance of our results to the phase diagram of disordered integer quantum Hall systems.Comment: 25 pages, including 7 embedded figures. The mathematical content of this paper is similar to our previous paper math-ph/0003003, but the physical analysis is ne

    Conformal Symmetry of Supergravities in AdS spaces

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    We show that the background field method applied to supergravity in adS space-time provides the path integral for the theory in the bulk with conformal symmetry associated with the isometry of the adS space. This in turn allows to establish the rigid conformal invariance of the generating functional for the supergravity correlators on the boundary.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    A Field-theoretical Interpretation of the Holographic Renormalization Group

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    A quantum-field theoretical interpretation is given to the holographic RG equation by relating it to a field-theoretical local RG equation which determines how Weyl invariance is broken in a quantized field theory. Using this approach we determine the relation between the holographic C theorem and the C theorem in two-dimensional quantum field theory which relies on the Zamolodchikov metric. Similarly we discuss how in four dimensions the holographic C function is related to a conjectured field-theoretical C function. The scheme dependence of the holographic RG due to the possible presence of finite local counterterms is discussed in detail, as well as its implications for the holographic C function. We also discuss issues special to the situation when mass deformations are present. Furthermore we suggest that the holographic RG equation may also be obtained from a bulk diffeomorphism which reduces to a Weyl transformation on the boundary.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, no figures; references added, typos corrected, paragraph added to section

    Electron Localization in a 2D System with Random Magnetic Flux

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    Using a finite-size scaling method, we calculate the localization properties of a disordered two-dimensional electron system in the presence of a random magnetic field. Below a critical energy EcE_c all states are localized and the localization length ξ\xi diverges when the Fermi energy approaches the critical energy, {\it i.e.} ξ(E)EEcν\xi(E)\propto |E-E_c|^{-\nu}. We find that EcE_c shifts with the strength of the disorder and the amplitude of the random magnetic field while the critical exponent (ν4.8\nu\approx 4.8) remains unchanged indicating universality in this system. Implications on the experiment in half-filling fractional quantum Hall system are also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex 3.0, 5 figures(PS files available upon request), #phd1

    Magnetization and Level Statistics at Quantum Hall Liquid-Insulator Transition in the Lattice Model

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    Statistics of level spacing and magnetization are studied for the phase diagram of the integer quantum Hall effect in a 2D finite lattice model with Anderson disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure