15 research outputs found

    Genetic variation in the population of three Polish cattle breeds included into the programme of genetic resources protection and Holstein-Friesian breed, estimation on the basis of polymorphism of 24 microsatellite DNA sequences

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    The study focused on determining and characterizing genetic variation of three Polish cattle breeds [Whiteback (WB), Polish Red (PR) and Polish Black-and-White (PBW)] included in the programme of genetic resources conservation. The obtained results were related to the genetic variation within the Holstein-Friesian (PHF) breed of Black-and-White variety. Overall, 214 alleles were identified within four examined breeds, including 189 in WB, 178 in PR, 168 in PBW and 158 in PHF. Almost 13% of the identified alleles were the specific ones and the majority of them were determined within WB and PR cattle, 10 alleles in each breed. The greatest genetic distance of 0.013 was established between PR breed and PHF. PR and WB cattle were located in the same clad of neighbour-joining tree which proves their distinction from PBW and PHF cattle.Keywords: Local cattle breeds, genetic variation, microsatellite

    Usporedba proteina sirutke i liposolubilnih vitamina između četiri pasmine krava držane u intenzivnim sustavima proizvodnje

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    The aim of the study was to determine the content of whey proteins and fat-soluble vitamins in milk samples of four cow breeds maintained in Poland, i.e. Holstein-Friesian, Montbéliarde, Jersey and Simmental. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of certain whey protein fractions, i.e. α-lactalbumin (α-La), β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg), bovine albumin serum (BSA), lactoferrin and lysozyme, and lipophilic vitamins (A, D3 and E) were performed using a RP-HPLC method. According to the obtained results, the breed of cow significantly affected the level of whey proteins and lipophilic vitamins in milk. The lowest amounts of these nutrients were found in milk produced by the Holstein-Friesian cows. Milk of Simmental cows contained the statistically significant and highest levels of antioxidant substances, i.e. vitamins A - 0.465 mg L-1, E - 1.302 mg L-1 and D3 - 0.653 µg L-1 at P≤0.05, as well as β-lactoglobulin (3.28 g L-1 at P≤0.01). In addition, Simmental cow milk was also characterized by higher content of antimicrobial proteins - lactoferrin and lysozyme (respectively: 121.23 mg x L-1 at P≤0.01 and 9.66 µg x L-1 at P≤0.05) if compared with other cow breeds.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti sadržaj proteina sirutke i vitamina topljivih u mastima u uzorcima mlijeka za četiri pasmine krava koje se uzgajaju u Poljskoj, t.j. holstein-frizijske, Montbéliarde, Jersey i simentalske. Kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza određenih frakcija proteina sirutke, odnosno α-laktalbumina (α-La), β-laktoglobulina (β-Lg), albumina goveđeg seruma (BSA), laktoferina i lizozima te liposolubilnih vitamina (A, D3 i E) provedena je pomoću metode RP-HPLC. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, pasmina krava značajno je utjecala na razinu proteina sirutke i liposolubilnih vitamina u mlijeku. Najniže količine tih hranjivih tvari utvrđene su u mlijeku kojeg su proizvele krave pasmine holstein-friesian. Mlijeko simentalskih krava sadržavalo statistički najznačajnije i najviše razine antioksidativnih tvari, odnosno vitamina A - 0,465 mg L-1, E - 1,302 mg L-1 i D3 - 0,653 µg L-1 (P≤0,05), kao i β-laktoglobulin (3,28 g L-1, P≤0,01). Osim toga, kravlje mlijeko simentalca također odlikuje visokim sadržajem antimikrobnih proteina - laktoferina i lizozima (odnosno: 121,23 mg L-1, P≤0,01 i 9,66 µg L-1, P≤0,05) u usporedbi s drugim pasminama krava

    Effect of the feeding system and the production season on the protein fraction content in milk

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati sadržaj proteinske frakcije mlijeka, s posebnim naglaskom na protein sirutke, ovisno o sustavu hranidbe krava (grupa 1 - ekstenzivni, 2 - djelomično intenzivni, 3 - intenzivni) kao i sezoni laktacije (proljeće-ljeto i jesen-zima). Kemijske analize krmiva bile su temelj za izračun dostatnosti energije i proteina u dnevnom unosu nutrijenata. Ukupno je ispitano 1133 uzorka mlijeka (550 zimi i 583 ljeti), a određivani su ukupan broj somatskih stanica (SCC), osnovni kemijski sastav, te udjeli kazeina i proteina sirutke - α-laktalbumin, β-laktoglobulin, albumin krvnog seruma (BSA), laktoferin i lizozim. Viši udio ukupnih proteina, uključujući kazein, utvrđen je u mlijeku krava s farmi s djelomično intenzivnim i intenzivnim sustavom hranidbe. Međutim, neovisno o sezoni laktacije, najveće koncentracije proteina sirutke utvrđene su u mlijeku krava svrstanih u grupu 1, čija se hranidba temeljila na kontinuiranoj ispaši (ljeti - ispaša i sijeno; zimi - sijeno i silaža). Porastom udjela silaže i industrijskih krmiva u hranidbi, udjel proteina sirutke (prije svega β-laktoglobulina i laktoferina) je padao, što je potvrđeno i dobivenim negativnim koeficijentima korelacije.The objective of the present research was to analyse the protein fraction content in milk, with particular regard to whey proteins, in dependence on the cows’ feeding system (group 1 - extensive, 2 - semi-intensive, 3 - intensive) and production season (spring-summer and autumn-winter). Chemical analysis of the fodder was the base for calculation of energy and protein coverage of nutritional dose. A total of 1,133 milk samples were evaluated (550 in winter and 583 in summer). The milk samples were examined for the somatic cell count (SCC), the basic chemical composition, casein and whey proteins: α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin (BSA), lactoferrin and lysozyme. Higher content of crude protein, including casein, was noticed in milk obtained from cows coming from semi-intensive and intensive farms. However, milk taken from cows fed according to the group 1, which was based on fodder from permanent grasslands, had the highest concentration of major whey proteins - both in the summer (pasture and hay) and winter (hay and haylage) seasons. With the increase of silage and industrial fodder in the feed ration, the content of whey proteins - mainly β-lactoglobulin and lactoferrin - decreased, which was confirmed by the obtained negative correlation coefficients

    Kvaliteta otvorenog konzumnog mlijeka tijekom hladnog skladištenja u kućanstvu

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    Aim of the study was to determine the effect of the duration of storage of opened drinking milk (pasteurized, micro-filtered and UHT) under home refrigeration conditions on indicators of its freshness (acidity and TBC), nutritional value (contents of fat, protein, lactose, dry matter, nondenatured whey proteins and free fatty acids) and organoleptic characteristics. Refrigeration was found to ensure that opened micro-filtered and pasteurized milk was suitable for consumption for 4 days and UHT milk for at least 7 days. Significant changes in the quality characteristics of protein and fat fractions were not observed until the 7th day of storage. The greatest changes in the content of whey proteins were observed in micro-filtered milk, expressed as decrease of individual proteins of about 20 % each. Pasteurized milk was the most susceptible to lipolysis that resulted in the greatest quantity of saturated free fatty acids. Lipolytic changes affected the acidity of product and thereby led to slight changes in its odor and flavor.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinak trajanja skladištenja otvorenog konzumnog mlijeka (pasterizirano, mikrofiltrirano i UHT) u uvjetima hlađenja u kućanstvu na pokazatelje njegove svježine (kiselost, ukupan broj bakterija), nutritivnu vrijednost (sadržaj masti, proteina, laktoze, suhe tvari, ne-denaturiranih proteina sirutke i slobodnih masnih kiselina) i organoleptička svojstva. Hlađenje je pokazalo da je otvoreno mikrofiltrirano i pasterizirano mlijeko prikladno za konzumaciju 4 dana, a UHT mlijeko najmanje 7 dana. Značajne promjene u svojstvima kvalitete proteina i frakcija masti nisu bile utvrđene do 7. dana skladištenja. Najveće promjene u sadržaju proteina sirutke utvrđene su u mikrofiltriranom mlijeku, što se očitovalo kroz smanjenje udjela pojedinih frakcija proteina u iznosu od 20 %. Pasterizirano mlijeko bilo je najosjetljivije na lipolizu, što je rezultiralo najvećom količinom slobodnih zasićenih masnih kiselina. Lipolitičke promjene utjecale su na kiselost proizvoda i time dovele do neznatnih promjena u njezinom mirisu i okusu


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    The study was conducted in 74 family farms from the region of Podkarpacie. Information for the work was collected directly on farms using a prepared questionnaire. The results show that with the increasing surface, households increased their economic and organisational prosperity expressed by a higher gross margin and higher stocking rates (LU). In smaller farms, the animal-plant production profile typical of Subcarpathian (group II-IV), the growth potential is high. These farms have more land resources and animals that are used for food production. Their further development will be determined primarily by macroeconomic factors, as well as decisions about the way of management made by farmers. It should be emphasized, however, that failure to livestock or reduction (the abandonment of grazing pasture, lower stocking density) will contribute to the growth of uncultivated land surface, mostly on grassland difficult to be utilized in a different manner

    Effect of the feeding system and the production season on the protein fraction content in milk

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    The objective of the present research was to analyse the protein fraction content in milk, with particular regard to whey proteins, in dependence on the cows’ feeding system (group 1 - extensive, 2 - semi-intensive, 3 - intensive) and production season (spring-summer and autumn-winter). Chemical analysis of the fodder was the base for calculation of energy and protein coverage of nutritional dose. A total of 1,133 milk samples were evaluated (550 in winter and 583 in summer). The milk samples were examined for the somatic cell count (SCC), the basic chemical composition, casein and whey proteins: α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin (BSA), lactoferrin and lysozyme. Higher content of crude protein, including casein, was noticed in milk obtained from cows coming from semi-intensive and intensive farms. However, milk taken from cows fed according to the group 1, which was based on fodder from permanent grasslands, had the highest concentration of major whey proteins - both in the summer (pasture and hay) and winter (hay and haylage) seasons. With the increase of silage and industrial fodder in the feed ration, the content of whey proteins - mainly β-lactoglobulin and lactoferrin - decreased, which was confirmed by the obtained negative correlation coefficients