32 research outputs found

    People of the Book: Judaism’s Influence on American Legal Scholarship, My Journey from Judaism to Jewish Law

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    My personal study of the Torah and the Talmud as an adult has enhanced my legal scholarship and helped shape my current thinking on legal theory. At the same time, my professional legal training and experience as a law professor has shaped my understanding of Judaism and provided a legal terminology and a lens by which to view the array of Jewish laws. A confluence of events helped shape my personal and professional journey

    Video: Board Certification: Reaching the Pinnacle of Practice

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    Course Outline & Timeline Registration & Continental Breakfast: 7:30 to 7:55 am Atrium & Lecture Room Welcome & Introduction: 7:55 to 8:00 am Elena Rose Minicucci, J.D., Director of Alumni Relations, NSU Shepard Broad Law Center Welcome Introduce Professor Donna Carol Litman, and attorneys Sheryl Moore, Steven Farbman, Todd Weicholz, and William Snyder, LL.M. Seminar Presentation 8:00 am to 9:15 am Professor Donna Carol Litman - Moderator Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center Fort Lauderdale, FL Florida Bar Board Certified in Tax Law Professor Litman will lead the discussion among the other Board Certified attorneys listed above. The Discussion will cover the following: Overview of Board Certification – Requirements Rules Regulating Board Certification – in general Handout: Rule 6-3.5 “Standards for Certification” (general) Handout: Rule 6-3.6 “Recertification” (general) Revocation of Certification – Once Certified, lawyer may lose Certification for certain reasons such as: if the area of practice ceases to be certified; if disciplinary action is taken against the lawyer pursuant to Rules Regulating The Florida Bar; if the lawyer commits a crime; misrepresentation by the lawyer; failure to abide by the rules and regulations governing the program; other lawyer misconduct. Handout: Rule 6-3.8 “Revocation of Certification” 6 Ethics – Rules Regulating The Florida Bar Rule 6-3.9 “Manner of Certification” attorney and law firm must comply with this rule for all advertising, website, business cards, office sign; limitation on use of terms: “Specialist” or “Board Certified” or “Expert” or “B.C.S.” Handout: Rule 6-3.9 “Manner of Certification” & 4-7.14(a)(4) “Potentially Misleading Advertisements” Practice Areas – Board Certification in Florida offers twenty-four practice areas in which to become Board Certified Handout: “Florida’s 24 Legal Specialty Areas” from The Florida Bar Five Specific Board Certification Practice areas discussed below by speakers who are Board Certified in their practice areas: Tax Law Certification: Donna Carol Litman, Esq. Requirements as set forth in Rule 6-5 “Standards for Certification of a Board Certified Tax Lawyer” Handout: Rule 6-5 (including 6-5.1 through 6-5.4) Discussion of Article: Board Certification: The View From the Bench…and Beyond” by George W. Maxwell, III, 77 APR Fla. B.J. 34 (April 2003) – how Judges view Board Certified attorneys Marital & Family Law Certification: Sheryl Moore, Esq. Requirements as set forth in Rule 6-6 “Standards for Board Certification in Marital & Family Law” Handout: Rule 6-6 (including 6-6.1 through 6-6.5) – lawyers and judicial officers included Case Law and/or Ethical Considerations – The Florida Bar v. Morse 784 So. 2d 414 (Fla. 2001) dealing with revocation of Board Certification in Marital & Family Law for failure to provide diligent and competent representation to client Civil Trial Certification: Steven S. Farbman, Esq. Requirements as set forth in Rule 6-4 “Standards for Certification of a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer” Handout: Rule 6-4 (including 6-4.1 through 6-4.4) Case Law and/or Ethical Considerations – Rules Regulating The Florida Bar, Chapter 4 – 1.5 Fees and Costs for Legal Services (including Contingency Fee Agreements) and Art. 1 Sec. 26 The Florida Constitution, “Claimant’s Right to Fair Compensation” Criminal Trial Certification: Todd Weicholz, Esq. Requirements as set forth in Rule 6-8 “Standards for Certification of a Board Certified Criminal Lawyer” Handout: Rule 6-8 (including 6-8.1 through 6-8.4) Case Law and/or Ethical Considerations – 4-7.18 “Direct Contact with Prospective Clients” especially relevant to criminal defense matters Wills, Trusts & Estates Certification: William Snyder, LL.M, Esq. Requirements as set forth in Rule 6-7 “Standards For Certification of a Board Certified Wills, Trusts, and Estates Lawyer” 7 Handout: Rule 6-7 (including 6-7.1 through 6-7.4) Case Law & Ethical Considerations - Rules Regulating the Florida Bar – Chapter 4 – 7.13 “Deceptive and Inherently Misleading Advertisements” especially regarding experience and special expertise Professor Donna Carol Litman, Esq. 9:15 to 9:30 am General Question & Answer Session with Seminar Attendees & Board Certified Speakers: Sheryl Moore, Esq., Steven S. Farbman, Esq., Todd Weicholz, Esq., and William Snyder, LL.M., Esq. Seminar ends at 9:30 a