265 research outputs found

    Solving One Dimensional Scalar Conservation Laws by Particle Management

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    We present a meshfree numerical solver for scalar conservation laws in one space dimension. Points representing the solution are moved according to their characteristic velocities. Particle interaction is resolved by purely local particle management. Since no global remeshing is required, shocks stay sharp and propagate at the correct speed, while rarefaction waves are created where appropriate. The method is TVD, entropy decreasing, exactly conservative, and has no numerical dissipation. Difficulties involving transonic points do not occur, however inflection points of the flux function pose a slight challenge, which can be overcome by a special treatment. Away from shocks the method is second order accurate, while shocks are resolved with first order accuracy. A postprocessing step can recover the second order accuracy. The method is compared to CLAWPACK in test cases and is found to yield an increase in accuracy for comparable resolutions.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equation

    Comparison of the histological structure of the tibial nerve and its terminal branches in the fresh and fresh-frozen cadavers

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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare the histological structure (cross-sectional area [CSA] and number of nerve fascicles) of the distal part of the tibial nerve (TN) and its terminal branches (medial plantar nerve [MPN], lateral plantar nerve [LPN]) in the fresh and fresh-frozen cadavers using computer assisted image analysis.Materials and methods: The TNs with terminal branches (MPN and LPN) were dissected from the fresh and fresh-frozen cadavers. Each nerve was harvested 5 mm proximally and respectively 5 mm distally from the TN bifurcation, marked, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 2 μm slices and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Then the specimens were photographed and analysed using Olympus cellSens software.Results: The fresh cadavers’ group comprised 60 feet (mean age 68.1 ± 15.2 years). The mean CSA and the number of nerve fascicles were respectively 15.25 ± 4.6 mm2, 30.35 ± 8.45 for the TN, 8.76 ± 1.93 mm2, 20.75 ± 7.04 for the MPN and 6.54 ± 2.02 mm2, 13.40 ± 5.22 for the LPN. The fresh-frozen cadavers’ group comprised 21 feet (mean age 75.1 ± 9.0 years). The mean CSA and the number of nerve fascicles were respectively 13.71 ± 5.66 mm2, 28.57 ± 8.00 for the TN, 7.55 ± 3.25 mm2, 18.00 ± 6.72 for the MPN and 4.29 ± 1.93 mm2, 11.33 ± 1.93 for the LPN. Only LPNs showed statistical differences in the CSA and the number of nerve fascicles between examined groups (p = 0.000, p = 0.037, respectively). A positive correlation was found between donors age and tibial nerve CSA in the fresh cadavers group (r = 0.44, p = 0.000). A statistical difference was found between the MPN and LPN both in the CSA and the number of nerve fascicles (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, respectively).Conclusions: The CSA and the number of nerve fascicles of the tibial and medial plantar nerves were similar in the fresh and fresh-frozen cadavers whilst different in the LPN. The TN showed increasing CSA with the advanced age in the fresh cadavers. The MPN had larger CSA and more nerve fascicles than the LPN

    211. Cytometryczna analiza ploidii DNA komórek uzyskanych techniką aspiracyjnej biopsji cienkoigłowej (BAC) w pierwotnych rakach piersi

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    Założenia i cel pracyCelem badania było wykazanie przydatności aspiracyjnej biopsji cienkoigłowej, jako źródła materiału do analizy ploidii DNA komórek guzów nowotworowych oraz oceny stanu receptorów estrogenowych, progesteronowych i Ki-67 w pierwotnych rakach piersi.Materiał i metodykaMateriał do analizy ploidii DNA w cytometrze przepływowym stanowiła zawiesina komórek guzów piersi pobierana przez lekarzy patomorfologów metodą BAC. Badania immunocytochemiczne i preparaty cytologiczne przygotowywano w sposób typowy.WynikiW latach (1999–2002 r.) wykonano badania u 275 kobiet w wieku od 24 do 85 lat. W tej grupie znalazło się 195 przypadków guzów o typie aneuploidalnym cyklu komórkowego, gdzie wartość CV mieściła się w granicach od 1.4 – 9.0 (śr. 4,76), a liczba komórek będących w fazie S cyklu aneuploidalnego wynosiła od 0.4% – 87.4%. W 80 przypadkach guzów piersi o wyłącznie diploidalnym typie cyklu komórkowego, wartość CV mieściła się w granicach od 2.1 – 7.8 (śr. 4.7), a liczba komórek będących w fazie S cyklu diploidalnego wynosiła od 0.1% – 28.5%. Ploidię DNA porównywano ze stanem receptorowym badanych komórek. Aneuploidia DNA korelowała ze słabą reakcją (27 przypadków) lub brakiem reakcji (81 przypadków) na obecność receptora estrogenowego oraz progesteronowego (odpowiednio 26 i 96 przypadków), natomiast towarzyszyła silnej reakcji na obecność Ki-67 (15 – 60%).WnioskiNiskie wartości CV w parametrach zarówno guzów aneuploidalnych jak i diploidalnych wskazują na przydatność metody oceny ploidii DNA oraz fazy S cyklu aneuploidalnego w materiale cytologicznym uzyskanym na drodze BAC. Badania wskazują, że cytometryczna analiza zawartości komórkowego DNA oraz fazy S cyklu aneuploidalnego, korelują z wynikami immunocytochemicznymi (PgR, ER, Ki-67). Metody te mogą być szczególnie użyteczne klinicznie przy prognozowaniu i przewidywaniu odpowiedzi na indywidualne leczenie pacjentek, kwalifikujących się do wcześniejszej chemioterapii lub/i hormonoterapii. Oznaczanie wymienionych markerów przy użyciu BAC jest bardzo przydatne dla leczenia pacjentów (gdy nie dysponujemy materiałem tkankowym a tylko cytologicznym) z np. nieoperacyjnym rakiem piersi lub w przypadku małych zmian pierwotnych

    Ultrasound-guided topographic anatomy of the medial calcaneal branches of the tibial nerve

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the topographic anatomy of the tibial nerve and its medial calcaneal branches in relation to the tip of the medial malleolus and to the posterior superior tip of the calcaneal tuberosity using the ultrasound examination and to verify its preoperative usefulness in surgical treatment. Materials and methods: Bilateral ultrasound examination was performed on 30 volunteers and the location of the tibial nerve bifurcation and medial calcaneal branches origin were measured. Medial calcaneal branches were analysed in reference to the amount and their respective nerves of origin. Results: In 77% of cases, tibial nerve bifurcation occurred below the tip of the medial malleolus with the average distance of 5.9 mm and in 48% of cases above the posterior superior tip of the calcaneal tuberosity with the average distance of 2.7 mm. In 73% of cases medial calcaneal branches occurred as a single branch originating from the tibial nerve (60%). The average distance of the first, second and third medial calcaneal branch was accordingly 9.3 mm above, 9.5 mm below and 11.6 mm below the tip of the medial malleolus and 17.7 mm above, 1.6 mm below and 4 mm below the posterior superior tip of the calcaneal tuberosity. Conclusions: As the tibial nerve and its branches present a huge variability in the medial ankle area, in order to prevent the iatrogenic injuries, the preoperative or intraoperative ultrasound assessment (sonosurgery) of its localisation should be introduced into the clinic

    Computer-assisted measurements of the histological structure of the tibial nerve and its terminal branches

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    Background: The aim of this study was to analyse the histological structure (cross-sectional area [CSA] and number of nerve bundles) of the distal part of the tibial nerve and its terminal branches (medial plantar nerve, lateral plantar nerve) using computer-assisted image analysis. Materials and methods: The tibial nerve and its distal branches (medial and lateral plantar nerves) were dissected from the fresh cadavers. Each nerve was harvested 5 mm proximally and respectively 5 mm distally from the tibial nerve bifurcation, marked, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 2 μm slices and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Then photographed and analysed using Olympus cellSens software. Results: The studied group comprised 28 female and 32 male feet (mean age 68.1 ± 15.2 years). The mean CSA and the number of nerve bundles were respectively 17.86 ± 4.57 mm2, 33.88 ± 6.31 for the tibial nerve, 9.58 ± 1.95 mm2, 23.41 ± 7.37 for the medial plantar nerve and 7.17 ± 2.36 mm2, 15.06 ± 5.81 for the lateral plantar nerve in males and 12.27 ± 2.45 mm2, 26.32 ± 8.87 for the tibial nerve, 7.81 ± 1.41 mm2, 17.71 ± 5.28 for the medial plantar nerve and 5.83 ± 1.25 mm2, 11.50 ± 3.72 for the lateral plantar nerve in females. Both CSA and number of nerve bundles of the tibial, medial plantar and lateral plantar nerves revealed no statistical differences when comparing foot side of the individual. The statistical difference was related to the gender, showing significantly bigger CSA and number of nerve bundles in males (CSA: p = 0.000, p = 0.000, p = 0.016; number of nerve bundles: p = 0.01, p = 0.003, p = 0.004, respectively). A positive correlation was found between the donor age and the tibial nerve CSA (r = 0.44, p = 0.000). A significant statistical difference was found between the medial and lateral plantar nerves both in CSA and number of nerve bundles (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: The CSA and the number of nerve bundles in the distal part of the tibial nerve and its branches are significantly larger in males with no differences between right and left foot of the individual. The tibial nerve shows increasing CSA with advanced age. The medial plantar nerve has larger CSA and more nerve bundles than the lateral plantar nerve

    Mesozooplankton community composition controls faecal pellet flux and remineralisation depth in the Southern Ocean

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    Zooplankton faecal pellets (FPs) are important conduits of carbon from the surface to the deep ocean, as shown by their presence in deep-sea sediment traps. Zooplankton themselves are thought to play an important role in the breakdown and reworking of FPs as they sink, whilst processes such as diel vertical migration (DVM) may enhance the supply of carbon to the mesopelagic. However, comparatively little is known about the processes or variability of FP sinking/ transport within the upper mesopelagic and how this relates to deeper ocean export. Profiles of FP type and size, and the contribution made by FPs to mesopelagic carbon flux to a depth of 400 m, were considered. Three contrasting locations in the Scotia Sea were compared, which together reflect the variability in physical regime and productivity encountered across the Southern Ocean. Comparing observed FPs with predictions from the mesozooplankton community, we show that, even at shallow depths, the smallest fraction of FP is under-represented, suggesting rapid remineralisation, incorporation into larger aggregates or reworking into larger FPs, and that the flux is dominated by FPs from larger zooplankton. In contrast to models where POC attenuation rates are set to increase with temperature, we find that FP carbon flux attenuates rapidly in low productivity, colder regions dominated by krill, while remineralisation is deeper in warmer areas where productivity is high and copepods dominate. This emphasises the strong modulation of the zooplankton community on the supply and transfer of FP carbon between the epi- and mesopelagic. Evidence was found to suggest that DVM enhances FP flux across the upper mesopelagic, producing a pulse of fresh, dense material that may support secondary production and heterotrophic respiration in the mesopelagic. This illustrates that variability in flux at short (daily) as well as longer (seasonal) timescales may have important implications for the supply of FP carbon to deeper waters

    Remote Arrhythmia Monitoring System Developed

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    Telemedicine is taking a step forward with the efforts of team members from the NASA Glenn Research Center, the MetroHealth campus of Case Western University, and the University of Akron. The Arrhythmia Monitoring System is a completed, working test bed developed at Glenn that collects real-time electrocardiogram (ECG) signals from a mobile or homebound patient, combines these signals with global positioning system (GPS) location data, and transmits them to a remote station for display and monitoring. Approximately 300,000 Americans die every year from sudden heart attacks, which are arrhythmia cases. However, not all patients identified at risk for arrhythmias can be monitored continuously because of technological and economical limitations. Such patients, who are at moderate risk of arrhythmias, would benefit from technology that would permit long-term continuous monitoring of electrical cardiac rhythms outside the hospital environment. Embedded Web Technology developed at Glenn to remotely command and collect data from embedded systems using Web technology is the catalyst for this new telemetry system (ref. 1). In the end-to-end system architecture, ECG signals are collected from a patient using an event recorder and are transmitted to a handheld personal digital assistant (PDA) using Bluetooth, a short-range wireless technology. The PDA concurrently tracks the patient's location via a connection to a GPS receiver. A long distance link is established via a standard Internet connection over a 2.5-generation Global System for Mobile Communications/General Packet Radio Service (GSM/GPRS)1 cellular, wireless infrastructure. Then, the digital signal is transmitted to a call center for monitoring by medical professionals

    Animistic pragmatism and native ways of knowing: adaptive strategies for overcoming the struggle for food in the sub-Arctic

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    Background. Subsistence norms are part of the “ecosophy” or ecological philosophy of Alaska Native Peoples in the sub-Arctic, such as the Inupiat of Seward Peninsula. This kind of animistic pragmatism is a special source of practical wisdom that spans over thousands of years and which has been instrumental in the Iñupiat’s struggle to survive and thrive in harsh and evolving environments. Objective. I hope to show how narrative in relationship to the “ecosophy” of Alaska Native peoples can help to promote a more ecological orientation to address food insecurity in rural communities in Alaska. Alaska Native ecosophy recommends central values and virtues necessary to help address concerns in Alaska’s rural communities. Design. Here, I will tease out the nature of this “ecosophy” in terms of animistic pragmatism and then show why this form of pragmatism can be instrumental for problematizing multi-scalar, intergenerational, uncertain and complex environmental challenges like food security. Results. Native elders have been the embodiment of trans-generational distributed cognition,1 for example, collective memory, norms, information, knowledge, technical skills and experimental adaptive strategies. They are human “supercomputers,” historical epistemologists and moral philosophers of a sort who use narrative, a form of moral testimony, to help their communities face challenges and seize opportunities in the wake of an ever-changing landscape. Conclusions. The “ecosophy” of the Iñupiat of Seward Peninsula offers examples of “focal practices”, which are essential for environmental education. These focal practices instil key virtues, namely humility, gratitude, self-reliance, attentiveness, responsibility and responsiveness, that are necessary for subsistence living