1 research outputs found

    Analisa Likuiditas, Solvabilitas, Profitabilitas dan Economic Value Added terhadap Return Saham

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    This study aims to reveal the effect of Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability and Economic Value Added to the Stock Return of Companies with Dividend Policy as a moderating variable. The study uses a quantitative approach, taking the data presented in the company's financial statements. The population is the companies listed on the LQ45 BEI in 2016-2019, and the purposive sampling method produces 28 companies to be observed. The results of smartPLS data analysis show that 1) Liquidity and EVA have a positive and insignificant effect on stock returns 2) Solvency and Dividend Policy have a positive and significant effect on stock returns 3) Profitability has a negative and insignificant effect on stock returns 4) Dividend policy unable to moderate liquidity, solvency, and profitability on stock returns 5) Dividend policy can moderate EVA on stock returns