10 research outputs found

    Reduced NFAT1 Protein Expression in Human Umbilical Cord Blood T Lymphocytes

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    Umbilical cord blood (UCB) stem cells from related and unrelated allogeneic donors have emerged as novel treatment for patients with hematologic malignancies. The incidence and severity of acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after UCB transplantation compares favorably with that observed in recipients of matched unrelated donor allogeneic grafts, but remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality. It has been shown that stimulated lymphocytes from UCB have reduced production of cytokines including interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), which play a role in GVHD pathophysiology.We investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying this reduced cytokine production by analyzing expression of nuclear factor of activated T cells-1 (NFAT1) in UCB T cells. We detected no constitutive expression of NFAT1 protein in unstimulated UCB T cells compared with adult T cells. Moreover, although NFAT1 expression in UCB T cells was upregulated after prolonged (40 hours) T-cell stimulation, it was only partially upregulated when compared with adult controls. Our observation of minimal NFAT1 xpression after stimulation correlated with reduced cytoplasmic IFN-γ and TNF-α roduction in UCB T cells studied simultaneously. Reduced NFAT1 expression may blunt amplification of donor UCB T-cell alloresponsiveness against recipient antigens, thereby potentially limiting GVHD incidence and severity after allogeneic UCB transplantation

    New candidate targets of AMP-activated protein kinase in murine brain revealed by a novel multidimensional substrate-screen for protein kinases

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    AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a heterotrimeric serine/threonine kinase that is involved in the maintenance of energy homeostasis and recovery from metabolic stresses both at the cellular and whole body level. AMPK is found in all tissues examined so far, and a number of downstream targets have been identified. Recent work suggests that AMPK has specialized functions in the brain, such as involvement in appetite control. Nevertheless, brain-specific substrates of AMPK are unknown. Here, we performed a proteomic in vitro screen to identify new putative AMPK targets in brain. Prefractionation of murine brain lysates by liquid chromatography, utilizing four different, serially connected columns with different chemistries was found to be superior to a single column method. A pilot screen involving incubation of small volumes of individual fractions with radiolabeled ATP in the presence or absence of active AMPK, followed by one-dimensional SDS-PAGE and autoradiography, revealed the presence of potential AMPK substrates in a number of different fractions. On the basis of these results, several kinase assays were repeated with selected fractions on a preparative scale. Following separation of the radiolabeled proteins by two-dimensional electrophoresis and comparison of samples with or without added AMPK by differential autoradiography, 53 AMPK-specific phospho-spots were detected and excised. Thereof, 26 unique proteins were identified by mass spectrometry and were considered as new potential downstream targets of AMPK. Kinase assays with 14 highly purified candidate substrate proteins confirmed that at least 12 were direct targets of AMPK in vitro. Although the physiological consequences of these phosphorylation events remain to be established, hypotheses concerning the most intriguing potential targets of AMPK that have been identified by this search are discussed herein. Our data suggests that signaling by AMPK in brain is likely to be involved in the regulation of pathways that have not yet been linked to this kinase

    Crosstalk Among Disrupted Glutamatergic and Cholinergic Homeostasis and Inflammatory Response in Mechanisms Elicited by Proline in Astrocytes

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    Sex Cord-Stromal, Steroid Cell, and Other Ovarian Tumors with Endocrine, Paraendocrine, and Paraneoplastic Manifestations

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    The Gastrointestinal Circulation

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