66 research outputs found

    Sniženje temperature u unutarnjim mekim tkivima u odnosu na rektalnu temperaturu u pasa u ranom postmortalnom razdoblju

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    Until recently the rectum was the main site of temperature measurement in a carcass, due to its well-known heat loss mechanism. For more precise determination of time of death, researchers have begun to look for additional sites for temperature reading, such as the brain or soft tissues. Hence the main objective of the study was to compare the temperature reduction in the soft tissues of internal organs with the decrease in rectal temperature in a dog carcass. As most literature data pertain to humans, whereas in animals such measurements are performed sporadically, we aimed to investigate the potential use of post-mortem measurement of the heart, lung and liver temperature in a dog in order to establish the time of its death. The material for the study consisted of 20 dog carcasses divided into two weight groups (small - up to 15 kg and large - over 15 kg). The difference in temperature reduction between the small and large dogs was statistically significant, while the type of organ was not found to affect the rate of the decline in temperature.Sve donedavno rektum je bio glavno mjesto za mjerenje temperature u lešini zbog dobro poznatog mehanizma gubitka topline. Radi što točnijeg utvrđivanja trenutka smrti znanstvenici su počeli tražiti dodatna mjesta za mjerenje temperature, kao što je mozak ili meka tkiva. Stoga je glavni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio usporediti vrijeme sniženja temperature u mekim tkivima unutarnjih organa s vremenom sniženja rektalne temperature u lešinama pasa. S obzirom na to da se većina literaturnih podataka odnosi na čovjeka, dok se u životinja ta mjerenja provode sporadično, cilj je ovoga rada bio istražiti mogućnost postmortalnog mjerenja temperature srca, pluća i jetre u pasa, kako bi se ustanovilo vrijeme njihova uginuća. Mjerenja su provedena na 20 lešina pasa podijeljenih u dvije skupine prema tjelesnoj masi (do 15 kg i više od 15 kg). Razlika u vremenu sniženja temperature između dviju skupina bila je značajna, dok razlika u stupnju sniženja temperature pojedinih organa nije ustanovljen

    25 lat Lubelskiej Izby Lekarsko-Weterynaryjnej

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    New perspectives on the use of glucagon-like peptide 1 in diseases of the central nervous system

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    Glucagon-like peptide 1 is a neuromodulatory peptide that regulates the carbohydrate metabolism. It can cross the blood-brain barrier, and, indeed, while mostly produced in the distal small intestine and colon, it is also synthesized in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the brain stem. The wide distribution of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptors in the different areas of the brain is responsible for the pleiotropic effects of glucagon-like peptide 1 in the central nervous system. Notably, the peptide plays important roles in regulating food intake, in memory functioning, as well as in neuroprotective processes and emotions. This makes it an important tool in the treatment of many central nervous system related abnormalities, such as neurodegenerative diseases, addictions and neuropsychiatric disorders

    Rys historyczny prawnych aspektów ochrony weterynaryjnej zwierząt w Polsce

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      HISTORICAL LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS VETERINARY IN POLANDTreatment of animals by aman as asphere that requires legislation began to take place in modern history at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Objectives and content of legislation on animal protection, developed according to the needs of man, has been changing in different historical epochs. One of the main trends of animal protection outlined by law is their veterinary protection. It is amultidimensional form of legal protection of animals and it incorporates in each different kind of animal protection, in Poland delineated by the legislature. The first regulations on the veterinary protection were formed in Poland along with the development of local law that was established on the principles of the municipal law of Magdeburg. These regulations have evolved over the years, until modern times.The fact of major importance for the veterinary protection was Polish accession to the European Union. It resulted in the need for implementation of anumber of European regulations into national law. Analysis of regulations of veterinary protection in Poland leads to the conclusion that the fight against infectious diseases occurring among animals was the main form of protection. An example of the impact and effectiveness of the established regulations is combating one of the most dangerous zoonotic diseases — rabies.  HISTORICAL LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS VETERINARY IN POLANDTreatment of animals by aman as asphere that requires legislation began to take place in modern history at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Objectives and content of legislation on animal protection, developed according to the needs of man, has been changing in different historical epochs. One of the main trends of animal protection outlined by law is their veterinary protection. It is amultidimensional form of legal protection of animals and it incorporates in each different kind of animal protection, in Poland delineated by the legislature. The first regulations on the veterinary protection were formed in Poland along with the development of local law that was established on the principles of the municipal law of Magdeburg. These regulations have evolved over the years, until modern times.The fact of major importance for the veterinary protection was Polish accession to the European Union. It resulted in the need for implementation of anumber of European regulations into national law. Analysis of regulations of veterinary protection in Poland leads to the conclusion that the fight against infectious diseases occurring among animals was the main form of protection. An example of the impact and effectiveness of the established regulations is combating one of the most dangerous zoonotic diseases — rabies

    Postmortem decrease in temperature in the orbit of dogs for use in determining time of death

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    Determination of time of death is a complex process taking into account numerous biological and environmental factors. These have to do with the changes taking place in the body immediately after death, mainly rigor mortis, lividity and the decrease in body temperature with the passage of time in specific ambient temperature and humidity conditions. Until recently body temperature was measured only in the rectum because the mechanisms of heat loss had been precisely established. Currently body temperature is measured in other tissues as well, including the soft tissues of the orbit. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of postmortem measurement of the decrease in temperature in the orbit for determining the time of death of an animal (a dog) while taking into account the dynamics of changes in temperature measured in the rectum.  The body weight of the dog was found to affect the rate of the decrease in temperature in the orbital soft tissues. Because the dynamics of changes (decrease) in temperature in the orbit were more uniform than in the rectum, temperature measurement at this site may be a valuable alternative method for determining time of death. 

    Post-mortem examination in veterinary forensic medicine

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    Crimes of animal cruelty in Poland: Case studies

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