281 research outputs found

    Taxation and Liquidity

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    Paying for Performance in Bankruptcy: Why CEOs Should Be Compensated with Debt

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    While managerial performance always plays a critical role in determining firm performance, a manager\u27s importance is elevated during bankruptcy. A manager in bankruptcy both runs the firm and helps form a plan of reorganization. In light of this critical role, one would expect that bankruptcy scholarship would place considerable emphasis on the role of CEO compensation in incentivizing managerial performance in bankruptcy; however, the opposite is true. Bankruptcy scholars and practitioners tend to emphasize other levers of corporate governance, such as the role of debtor-in-possession financiers, rather than the importance of CEO compensation. This Article seeks to revive CEO compensation as an important governance lever in bankruptcy. First, the Article examines current ideas and practices of managerial compensation in bankruptcy and finds them wanting. The Article next proposes a novel bankruptcy compensation plan-debt compensation-that provides better incentives for managers to perform efficiently. By granting managers a fixed proportion of unsecured debt in the bankrupt firm, debt compensation creates valueenhancing incentives similar to the incentives created by the stock grants and stock options that are heavily employed by solvent firms to compensate managers

    Law and Macroeconomics: The Law and Economics of Recessions

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    In this Article, I offer a macroeconomic perspective on law that reshapes the microeconomic perspective that currently dominates law and economics. I argue that, first, the economy works one way in ordinary economic conditions, in which supply capacity determines output, and a different way when interest rates are zero. At the zero lower bound on short-term interest rates, spending demand determines output. Second, because the economy functions differently at the zero lower bound, a law causes one set of effects at the zero lower bound and a different set of effects at other times. And third, because the same law has diferent effects at different times, law should be different at the zero lower bound than in other times. Specifically, law should do more to promote spending when the macro-economy is characterized by zero interest rates than in ordinary economic conditions. Because the stakes of recessions in which interest rates hit the zero lower bound are so high-for instance, tens of trillions of dollars in lost output, countless lives impaired, and a much higher likelihood of political upheavals like Donald Trump\u27s ascendancy to the U.S. Presidency-I argue that the (significant) costs associated with introducing macroeconomics into law are worth bearing

    Paying for Performance in Bankruptcy: Why CEOs Should Be Compensated with Debt

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    Industry Self-Regulation of Consumer Data Privacy and Security, 32 J. Marshall J. Info. Tech. & Privacy L. 15 (2015)

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    Industry self-regulation of consumer data privacy and security has been proposed as a flexible alternative and compliment to traditional government regulation. This study analyzes whether different types of existing industry-led standards improve online privacy and security. This paper examines which types of firms join voluntary standards and whether there is a difference in outcomes between trade association memberships (like the Digital Advertising Alliance) and certification programs (like TRUSTe). Results suggest that more trafficked websites are more likely to adopt standards, and that trade association member-ship does not have an effect on privacy and security performance. This article highlights the need for a valid privacy metric for robust empirical study of data privacy and security

    Efficient Time Bars? A New Rationale for the Existence of Statutes of Limitations in Criminal Law

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    This paper proposes a novel normative economic explanation for statutes of limitations for criminal offenses. Because potential criminals tend to discount the future at higher rates than society, punishing crimes long after they are committed will be inefficient. Punishments after a long lag have only a nominal deterrent effect, while they may cost society substantial sums. The model presented in the paper derives the optimal statute of limitations for a crime by modifying the standard model of public enforcement of law to consider lags between crime and punishment. In addition, numerical simulations of the model suggest that some U.S. statutes of limitations are generally consistent with optimal limitations (probably serendipitously). Finally, the paper employs the model to critique several tenets of the law concerning statutes of limitations

    Is Secured Debt Used to Redistribute Value from Tort Claimants in Bankruptcy? An Empirical Analysis

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    Many scholars question the priority enjoyed by secured debt in bankruptcy. They fear that secured debt will be used to inefficiently redistribute value away from preexisting unprotected creditors of a firm. These scholars advocate a host of legal innovations, such as superpriority for tort claimants with respect to other creditors, to mitigate the redistributional problem. Other scholars minimize the redistributional problem, however, and argue that priority for secured credit is efficient. To help resolve this debate, this Article examines the redistributional theory from an empirical perspective. In particular, it focuses on secured debt usage by publicly traded firms facing large tort liabilities ( high-tort firms). In theory, secured debt should be attractive for high-tort firms because they have a large class of unsecured and uncovenanted creditors (tort claimants) exposed to redistribution in bankruptcy through the use of secured credit. The Article\u27s empirical analysis contradicts the redistributional theory\u27s prediction, however. High-tort firms have unusually low amounts of secured debt. Although this result is very difficult to explain under the redistributional theory, it can readily be explained according to other theories of secured debt. Several important policy implications for bankruptcy priorities follow from these findings

    Law and Macroeconomics: The Law and Economics of Recessions

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    In this Article, I offer a macroeconomic perspective on law that reshapes the microeconomic perspective that currently dominates law and economics. I argue that, first, the economy works one way in ordinary economic conditions, in which supply capacity determines output, and a different way when interest rates are zero. At the zero lower bound on short-term interest rates, spending demand determines output

    A Statement of Appropriate Private and Public Responses to Urban Housing Needs

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    Structural trends and deteriorating local housing conditions have left an increasing proportion of urban residents facing everyday adverse events or personal circumstances with inadequate support networks. The greying of America has also brought to the fore the special problems of the frail, low-income elderly. These so-called special needs populations find housing with difficulty or are forced into the ranks of the homeless

    Posner on Tax: The Independent Investor Test

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