32 research outputs found

    Differential Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced Sparx-64/128

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    Sparx is a family of ARX-based block ciphers designed according to the long-trail strategy (LTS) that were both introduced by Dinu et al. at ASIACRYPT'16. Similar to the wide-trail strategy, the LTS allows provable upper bounds on the length of differential characteristics and linear paths. Thus, the cipher is a highly interesting target for third-party cryptanalysis. However, the only third-party cryptanalysis on Sparx-64/128 to date was given by Abdelkhalek et al. at AFRICACRYPT'17 who proposed impossible-differential attacks on 15 and 16 (out of 24) rounds. In this paper, we present chosen-ciphertext differential attacks on 16 rounds of Sparx-64/128. First, we show a truncated-differential analysis that requires 232232 chosen ciphertexts and approximately 293293 encryptions. Second, we illustrate the effectiveness of boomerangs on Sparx by a rectangle attack that requires approximately 259.6259.6 chosen ciphertexts and about 2122.22122.2 encryption equivalents. Finally, we also considered a yoyo attack on 16 rounds that, however, requires the full codebook and approximately 21262126 encryption equivalents

    TEDT2 - Highly Secure Leakage-resilient TBC-based Authenticated Encryption

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    Leakage-resilient authenticated encryption (AE) schemes received considerable attention during the previous decade. Two core security models of bounded and unbounded leakage have evolved, where the latter has been motivated in a very detailed and practice-oriented manner. In that setting, designers often build schemes based on (tweakable) block ciphers due to the small state size, such as the recent two-pass AE scheme TEDT from TCHES 1/2020. TEDT is interesting due to its high security guarantees of O(n - log(n^2))-bit integrity under leakage and similar AE security in the black-box setting. Though, a detail limited it to provide only n/2-bit privacy under leakage. In this work, we extend TEDT to TEDT2 in three aspects with the help of a tweakable block cipher with a 3n-bit tweakey: we (1) adopt the idea from the design team of Romulus of replacing TEDT\u27s previous internal hash function with Naito\u27s MDPH, (2) move the nonce from the hash to the tag-generation function both for more efficiency, and (3) strengthen the security of the encryption to obtain beyond-birthday-bound security also under leakage

    Revisiting Full-PRF-Secure PMAC and Using It for Beyond-Birthday Authenticated Encryption

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    This paper proposes an authenticated encryption scheme, called SIVx, that preserves BBB security also in the case of unlimited nonce reuses. For this purpose, we propose a single-key BBB-secure message authentication code with 2n-bit outputs, called PMAC2x, based on a tweakable block cipher. PMAC2x is motivated by PMAC_TBC1k by Naito; we revisit its security proof and point out an invalid assumption. As a remedy, we provide an alternative proof for our construction, and derive a corrected bound for PMAC_TBC1k

    Impossible-Differential and Boomerang Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced Kiasu-BC

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    Kiasu-BC is a tweakable block cipher proposed by Jean et al. at ASIACRYPT 2014 alongside their TWEAKEY framework. The cipher is almost identical to the AES-128 except for the tweak, which renders it an attractive primitive for various modes of operation and applications requiring tweakable block ciphers. Therefore, studying how the additional tweak input affects security compared to that of the AES is highly valuable to gain trust in future instantiations. This work proposes impossible-differential and boomerang attacks on eight rounds of Kiasu-BC in the single-key model, using the core idea that the tweak input allows to construct local collisions. While our results do not threat the security of the full-round version, they help concretize the security of Kiasu-BC in the single-key model

    ZMAC+ – An Efficient Variable-output-length Variant of ZMAC

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    There is an ongoing trend in the symmetric-key cryptographic community to construct highly secure modes and message authentication codes based on tweakable block ciphers (TBCs). Recent constructions, such as Cogliati et al.’s HaT or Iwata et al.’s ZMAC, employ both the n-bit plaintext and the t-bit tweak simultaneously for higher performance. This work revisits ZMAC, and proposes a simpler alternative finalization based on HaT. As a result, we propose HtTBC, and call its instantiation with ZHash as a hash function ZMAC+. Compared to HaT, ZMAC+ (1) requires only a single key and a single primitive. Compared to ZMAC, our construction (2) allows variable, per-query parametrizable output lengths. Moreover, ZMAC+ (3) avoids the complex finalization of ZMAC and (4) improves the security bound from Ο(σ2/2n+min(n,t)) to Ο(q/2n + q(q + σ)/2n+min(n,t)) while retaining a practical tweak space

    On the Security of the Core of PRINCE Against Biclique and Differential Cryptanalysis

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    PRINCE is a modern involutive lightweight cipher which was proposed by Rechberger et al. in 2012. PRINCE uses 64-bit core cipher, which holds the major encryption logic and is wrapped by two key additions. Thus, the security of the cipher is mainly depending on the security properties of the core. In this paper, we present an independent-biclique attack on the full version and also a differential inside-out cryptanalysis on the round-reduced version of the core of PRINCE

    Forking Sums of Permutations for Optimally Secure and Highly Efficient PRFs

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    The desirable encryption scheme possesses high PRF security, high efficiency, and the ability to produce variable-length outputs. Since designing dedicated secure PRFs is difficult, a series of works was devoted to building optimally secure PRFs from the sum of independent permutations (SoP), Encrypted Davies-Meyer (EDM), its Dual (EDMD), and the Summation-Truncation Hybrid (STH) for variable output lengths, which can be easily instantiated from existing permutations. For increased efficiency, reducing the number of operations in established primitives has been gaining traction: Mennink and Neves pruned EDMD to FastPRF, and Andreeva et al. introduced ForkCiphers, which take an n-bit input, process it through a reduced-round permutation, fork it into two states, and feed each of them into another reduced-round permutation to produce a 2n-bit output. The constructions above can be used in secure variable-length modes or generalizations such as MultiForkCiphers. In this paper, we suggest a framework of those constructions in terms of the three desiderata: we span the spectrum of (1) output length vs. PRF security, (2) full vs. round-reduced primitives, and (3) fixed- vs. variable-length outputs. From this point of view, we identify remaining gaps in the spectrum and fill them with the proposal of several highly secure and efficient fixed- and variable-output-length PRFs. We fork SoP and STH to ForkPRF and ForkSTH, extend STH to the variable-output-length construction STHCENC, which bridges the gap between CTR mode and CENC,and propose ForkCENC, ForkSTHCENC, ForkEDMD, as well as ForkEDM-CTR as the variable-output-length and round-reduced versions of CENC, STH, FastPRF, and FastPRF\u27s dual, respectively. Using recent results on Patarin\u27s general Mirror Theory, we have proven that almost all our proposed PRFs are optimally secure under the assumption that the permutations are pairwise independent and random and STH achieves the optimal security depending on the output length. Our constructions can be highly efficient in practice. We propose efficient instantiations from round-reduced AES and back it with the cryptanalysis lessons learned from existing earlier analysis of AES-based primitives

    CENCPP* - Beyond-birthday-secure Encryption from Public Permutations

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    Public permutations have been established as important primitives for the purpose of designing cryptographic schemes. While many such schemes for authentication and encryption have been proposed in the past decade, the birthday bound in terms of the primitive\u27s block length nn has been mostly accepted as the standard security goal. Thus, remarkably little research has been conducted yet on permutation-based modes with higher security guarantees. At CRYPTO\u2719, Chen et al. showed two constructions with higher security based on the sum of two public permutations. Their work has sparked increased interest in this direction by the community. However, since their proposals were domain-preserving, the question of encryption schemes with beyond-birthday-bound security was left open. This work tries to address this gap by proposing CENCPP\textsf{CENCPP}^*, a nonce-based encryption scheme from public permutations. Our proposal is a variant of Iwata\u27s block-cipher-based mode \textsf{CENC} that we adapt for public permutations, thereby generalizing Chen et al.\u27s Sum-of-Even-Mansour construction to a mode with variable output lengths. Like \textsf{CENC}, our proposal enjoys a comfortable rate-security trade-off that needs w+1w + 1 calls to the primitive for ww primitive outputs. We show a tight security level for up to O(22n/3/w2)O(2^{2n/3}/w^2) primitive calls. While the term of w1w \geq 1 can be arbitrary, two independent keys suffice. Beyond our proposal of CENCPP\textsf{CENCPP}^* in a generic setting with w+1w + 1 independent permutations, we show that only log2(w+1)\log_2(w + 1) bits of the input for domain separation suffice to obtain a single-permutation variant with a security level of up to O(22n/3/w4)O(2^{2n/3}/w^4) queries

    Pholkos -- Efficient Large-state Tweakable Block Ciphers from the AES Round Function

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    With the dawn of quantum computers, higher security than 128128 bits has become desirable for primitives and modes. During the past decade, highly secure hash functions, MACs, and encryption schemes have been built primarily on top of keyless permutations, which simplified their analyses and implementation due to the absence of a key schedule. However, the security of these modes is most often limited to the birthday bound of the state size, and their analysis may require a different security model than the easier-to-handle secret-permutation setting. Yet, larger state and key sizes are desirable not only for permutations but also for other primitives such as block ciphers. Using the additional public input of tweakable block ciphers for domain separation allows for exceptionally high security or performance as recently proposed modes have shown. Therefore, it appears natural to ask for such designs. While security is fundamental for cryptographic primitives, performance is of similar relevance. Since 2009, processor-integrated instructions have allowed high throughput for the AES round function, which already motivated various constructions based on it. Moreover, the four-fold vectorization of the AES instruction sets in Intel\u27s Ice Lake architecture is yet another leap in terms of performance and gives rise to exploit the AES round function for even more efficient designs. This work tries to combine all aspects above into a primitive and to build upon years of existing analysis on its components. We propose Pholkos, a family of (1) highly efficient, (2) highly secure, and (3) tweakable block ciphers. Pholkos is no novel round-function design, but utilizes the AES round function, following design ideas of Haraka and AESQ to profit from earlier analysis results. It extends them to build a family of primitives with state and key sizes of 256256 and 512512 bits for flexible applications, providing high security at high performance. Moreover, we propose its usage with a 128128-bit tweak to instantiate high-security encryption and authentication schemes such as SCT, ThetaCB3, or ZAE. We study its resistance against the common attack vectors, including differential, linear, and integral distinguishers using a MILP-based approach and show an isomorphism from the AES to Pholkos-512512 for bounding impossible-differential, or exchange distinguishers from the AES. Our proposals encrypt at around 11--22 cycles per byte on Skylake processors, while supporting a much more general application range and considerably higher security guarantees than comparable primitives and modes such as PAEQ/AESQ, AEGIS, Tiaoxin346, or Simpira