9 research outputs found

    Mother tongue interference in ESL learning process of students in the Intensive Intermediate English I from the English Teaching Major at the Foreign Language Department of the University of El Salvador, Semester II-2017

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    This research is about Mother Tongue Interference in ESL Learning Process of Students in the Intensive Intermediate English I from the English Teaching Major at the Foreign Language Department of the University of El Salvador, Semester II-2017, the purpose is to help future professionals and to make their acquisition process efficient. In order to justify through theory this study, different researches on language acquisition had been consulted. Thus, in order to determine if there is mother tongue interference the study was carried out focusing on 30 students, as study sample enrolled in the first year of their major currently studying the Intensive Intermediate English I course in the major of English Teaching at the Foreign Language Department of the University of El Salvador. These students were selected randomly at the beginning of the research. Three different quizzes about true and false cognates and English structure were used; data was collected and represented in graphics

    Manejo anetésico de Hematoma Subdural bilateral en paciente anciano a propósito de un caso.

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    El tratamiento quirúrgico y el manejo anestésico de los hematomas subdurales bilaterales en el adulto mayor es un tema complejo y controversial por la elevada mortalidad que lo acompaña.  El paciente anciano portador de hematoma subdural bilateral representa un reto para el anestesiólogo. La disponibilidad de drogas intravenosas potentes, agentes inhalatorios con propiedades fisicoquímicas únicas, resultan fundamentales para estos pacientes. El objetivo de este reporte de caso es dar a conocer el desenlace clínico en el paciente anciano con hematoma subdural bilateral y la importancia del manejo neuroanestesico en estas situaciones. Se comenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 81 años de edad sometido a drenaje de hematoma subdural bilateral; para lo cual se administra anestesia general balanceada con propofol (en la inducción), sevorane y remifentanil (en el mantenimiento), con buen control hemodinámico, y exitosa recuperación. El manejo anestésico de un paciente anciano neuroquirurgico se complica cuando el anestesiólogo no está familiarizado con los parámetros hemodinámicos, mismos que son de vital importancia para mantener un adecuado funcionamiento cardiovascular, tomando importante relevancia la presión de perfusión cerebral. Este tópico reviste gran importancia debido al elevado porcentaje de pacientes ancianos neuroquirurgicos y por la elevada morbi-mortalidad, siendo la anestesia general balanceada la técnica de elección en este caso en particular. Se concluyó que a pasar de los riesgos que implica el acto quirúrgico, la edad y comorbilidades se conserva la presión de perfusión cerebral, es de vital importancia para llevar a cabo un manejo anestésico adecuado y una pronta recuperación neurológica

    A Review of Tuberculous Meningitis in a Canadian Pediatric Hospital

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    Tuberculous meningitis is a disease associated with high morbidity and mortality. Experience with this disease at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto was reviewed to determine whether changes in prognosis have occurred in the past decade. All patients from whom the organism was recovered from the cerebrospinal fluid, or who had a positive Mantoux test in association with a compatible history, were included. Thirteen patients were identified from 1978 to 1989. The median age was six years (range 11 months to 17.5 years). Nine patients were born in Canada, but all except one were members of recently immigrant families. History of close contact with an adult with tuberculosis, or travel to an endemic area in the preceding six months, was present in seven cases. All patients had clinical manifestations and mild pleocytosis with elevated protein content in the cerebrospinal fluid. Patients were all diagnosed within 20 days after admission (median one day). Computed tomography scan of the head was abnormal in all patients within three weeks of admission. No patient died, although long term sequelae developed in five. The prognosis of tuberculous meningitis has improved in the past decade. Although a specific reason for this improvement cannot be definitively stated, earlier diagnosis and better chemotherapy may contribute.Peer Reviewe

    A review of tuberculous meningitis in a Canadian pediatric hospital

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    Tuberculous meningitis is a disease associated with high morbidity and mortality. Experience with this disease at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto was reviewed to determine whether changes in prognosis have occurred in the past decade. All patients from whom the organism was recovered from the cerebrospinal fluid, or who had a positive Mantoux test in association with a compatible history, were included. Thirteen patients were identified from 1978 to 1989. The median age was six years (range 11 months to 17.5 years). Nine patients were born in Canada, but all except one were members of recently immigrant families. History of close contact with an adult with tuberculosis, or travel to an endemic area in the preceding six months, was present in seven cases. All patients had clinical manifestations and mild pleocytosis with elevated protein content in the cerebrospinal fluid. Patients were all diagnosed within 20 days after admission (median one day). Computed tomography scan of the head was abnormal in all patients within three weeks of admission. No patient died, although long term sequelae developed in five. The prognosis of tuberculous meningitis has improved in the past decade. Although a specific reason for this improvement cannot be definitively stated, earlier diagnosis and better chemotherapy may contribute

    Initial therapy of bacterial meningitis with cefuroxime: Experience in 167 children

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    The morbidity and mortality of patients with bacterial meningitis treated initially with cefuroxime were studied and compared with the results of a previous prospective study of patients treated initially with ampicillin plus chloramphenicol in the same institution from 1979 to 1983. A retrospective chart review was completed in all cases of microbiologically confirmed bacterial meningitis admitted to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario between January 1, 1984 and August 1, 1988. During this period all patients were treated initially with intravenous cefuroxime. The 167 children reviewed ranged in age from six weeks to 17.1 years (median 11.6 months). The case fatality rate was 7.8% and the rate of hearing deficit 13%. There were no statistically significant differences in abnormal neurological outcome (20 versus 20%, respectively), hearing loss (12.9 versus 13%, respectively), and case fatality rate (6.4 versus 7.8%, respectively) between the cohort of 1979–83 and the present study. The rate of hearing loss following meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b increased from 7.3 to 11.7% (P=0.26)

    Initial Therapy of Bacterial Meningitis with Cefuroxime: Experience in 167 Children

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    The morbidity and mortality of patients with bacterial meningitis treated initially with cefuroxime were studied and compared with the results of a previous prospective study of patients treated initially with ampicillin plus chloramphenicol in the same institution from 1979 to 1983. A retrospective chart review was completed in all cases of microbiologically confirmed bacterial meningitis admitted to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario between January 1, 1984 and August 1, 1988. During this period all patients were treated initially with intravenous cefuroxime. The 167 children reviewed ranged in age from six weeks to 17.1 years (median 11.6 months). The case fatality rate was 7.8% and the rate of hearing deficit 13%. There were no statistically significant differences in abnormal neurological outcome (20 versus 20%, respectively), hearing loss (12.9 versus 13%, respectively), and case fatality rate (6.4 versus 7.8%, respectively) between the cohort of 1979–83 and the present study. The rate of hearing loss following meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b increased from 7.3 to 11.7% (P=0.26).Peer Reviewe

    Uso de encuestas en escolares para la evaluación de la cobertura y oportunidad de la vacunación en Costa Rica Using surveys of schoolchildren to evaluate coverage with and opportunity for vaccination in Costa Rica

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar diferencias en el nivel de cobertura y en la oportunidad de la vacunación de escolares residentes en tres tipos de zonas de Costa Rica: urbana, rural y fronteriza (rural de la frontera norte del país). MÉTODOS: Mediante encuesta, previa selección de escuelas por probabilidad proporcional, se reunió al azar a alumnos de primero y segundo grados de enseñanza primaria de tres zonas: urbana (n = 961), rural (n = 544) y fronteriza (n = 811). Los datos de las vacunas aplicadas se obtuvieron del carné (cartilla) de vacunación. Se evaluaron las diferencias en la cobertura con BCG, DPT3, VOP3, SRP1 y SRP2 y en la oportunidad de la administración de DPT1 + VOP1 antes de los 3 meses, de DPT3 + VOP3 antes de los 7 meses y de DPT4 + VOP4 + SRP1 antes de los 24 meses de edad, entre las tres zonas. RESULTADOS: Del total de alumnos seleccionados, 80% presentaron carné de vacunación en la zona urbana, 73% en la rural y 72% en la fronteriza (P <0.05). Las coberturas con BCG, DPT3, VOP3 fueron >95% en las zonas urbana y rural, y se encontraron cifras significativamente menores (P <0,05) en la zona fronteriza: BCG, 83%, VOP3, 88% y DPT3, 88%. La cobertura con SRP1 y SRP2 fue similar en las tres zonas. El porcentaje de escolares con dos o más dosis de sarampión fue: 98% en la zona urbana, 92% en la rural y 85% en la fronteriza (P <0,05). Una proporción de 90% recibió DPT1 y VOP1 antes de los tres meses de edad en la zona urbana, 89% en la rural y 80% en la fronteriza (P <0,05). El porcentaje de aplicación del esquema básico completo (DPT4 + VOP4 + SRP1) antes de los 24 meses fue: 93% en la zona urbana, 95% en la rural y 84% (P <0,05) en la fronteriza. CONCLUSIONES: La zona fronteriza mostró menor cobertura y oportunidad en la aplicación de vacunas del esquema básico, con excepción de SRP. La realización de campañas de seguimiento para la erradicación del sarampión ha elevado las coberturas con la SRP1 y el refuerzo de sarampión en todas las zonas, pero el incremento ha sido mayor en la urbana. Debe hacerse un mayor esfuerzo por identificar a niños con esquemas incompletos, principalmente en zonas de alta migración.<br>OBJECTIVE: To identify differences in the level of coverage of and opportunity for vaccination among schoolchildren in three areas in Costa Rica with different characteristics: an urban area (with the highest level of socioeconomic development of the three areas), a rural area (with a medium level of socioeconomic development), and a border area (a rural area in northern Costa Rica, on the border with Nicaragua, with the lowest level of socioeconomic development and the highest proportion of foreign immigrants). METHODOLOGY: Following selection of schools by proportional probability, surveys were used with children chosen at random from the first and second grades of elementary schools in the three areas: urban (961 students), rural (544 students), and border (811 students). The data on the vaccines that had been administered were obtained from the children's vaccination cards. Differences among the three areas were evaluated: (1) in the coverage with BCG; with three doses of diphtheria-tetanus- pertussis vaccine (DTP3); with three doses of oral polio vaccine (OPV3); with the first dose of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR1); and with the second dose of MMR vaccine (MMR2) and (2) in the "opportunity" for the children having received DTP1 + OPV1 before 3 months of age, DTP3 + OPV3 before 7 months of age, and DTP4 + OPV4 + MMR1 before 24 months of age. RESULTS: Out of all the students who had been selected, 80% of them in the urban area had a vaccination card, 73% did in the rural area, and 72% did in the border area (P < 0.05). The coverage levels for BCG, DTP3, and OPV3 were each over 95% in both the urban area and the rural area; however, the coverage levels were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in the border area: BCG, 83%; OPV3, 88%; and DTP3, 88%. Coverage with MMR1 and MMR2 was similar in the three areas. The percentage of schoolchildren with two or more doses of measles vaccine was 98% in the urban area, 92% in the rural area, and 85% in the border area (P < 0.05). In terms of opportunity, 90% of the children had received DTP1 + OPV1 before 3 months of age in the urban area, 89% had in the rural area, and 80% had in the border area (P < 0.05). The percentage of application of the complete basic schedule (DTP4 + OPV4 + MMR1) before 24 months of age was 93% in the urban area, 95% in the rural area, and 84% in the border area (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The border area had lower coverage of and opportunity for the basic schedule of vaccines, except for MMR. Follow-up campaigns for measles eradication have increased the coverage of the initial and booster doses in all three areas, but the increase has been greatest in the urban area. A greater effort should be made to identify children with an incomplete schedule of vaccinations, with priority going to areas that have a high proportion of immigrants

    Competitividad e industria

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    Promover la investigación científica en el área de la Economía y de la Administración es el objetivo de esta obra que incluye trabajos realizados por estudiantes con el acompañamiento de sus docentes. Responde a cuestionamientos respecto a las exportaciones y la competitividad de la industria metalmecánica —una de las más importantes del país—, desde la perspectiva de sus directivos. La competitividad depende de la percepción de sus mejoras, de la concientización de sus ventajas para conseguir mejores resultados económicos como de autosostenibilidad. La permanencia de una organización en el mercado dependerá de sus ventajas competitivas. El trabajo se realizó en base al análisis de la información recogida en la provincia del Guayas. Una publicación del Grupo de investigación Socio Económica Empresarial (GISEE) de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana