5 research outputs found

    Reasonableness and Clarity of Tenure Expectations: Gender and Race Differences in Faculty Perceptions

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    This dissertation studies how higher education policies and practices can affect faculty retention and proposes changes that higher education institutions need to make to retain their faculty. Faculty assessment of reasonableness of tenure expectations is explored in the first manuscript and faculty perceptions of clarity of tenure expectations are explored in the second and third manuscripts. Job satisfaction data from a sample of 2438 tenure-track assistant professors at research universities is used. The first manuscript investigates the reasonableness of tenure expectations as it relates to work-life balance. The focus is on whether women’s and men’s appraisal of departmental and institutional support for family-work balance and satisfaction with family-friendly policies influence their perceptions of reasonableness of tenure expectations. Bivariate results reveal that women are less likely than men to report that tenure expectations are reasonable. Multivariate results show that for both women and men assessment of departmental and institutional support for family-work balance and satisfaction with family-friendly policies have a positive influence on their perceptions of reasonableness of tenure expectations. The second manuscript explores whether women’s and men’s assessment of tenure related departmental practices influence their perceptions of clarity of tenure expectations. Findings reveal that women are less likely than men to perceive the expectations for getting tenure as clear. Other results show that for both men and women assessment of fairness in tenure decision- making and in tenure evaluation, and assessment of received messages about the requirements for tenure have a significant and positive effect on their perceptions of clarity of tenure expectations. The third manuscript looks at how the intersection of gender and race influences faculty perceptions of clarity of tenure expectations. The study also seeks to identify predictors of perceptions of clarity for the intersectionality defined groups (minority women, minority men, white women, and white men). Bivariate results reveal no significant differences in minority women’s perceptions of clarity compared to all other faculty. The multivariate results show that the model does not explain minority women’s perceptions of clarity of tenure expectations as well as it explains white women’s and white men’s perceptions of clarity of tenure expectations

    Complicaţiile neurologice în spondilopatia osteoporotică sexoidă

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    Studiul este bazat pe 52 de pacienţi cu vârste cuprinse între 36 și 72 de ani, majoritatea fi ind de genul feminin (46:8) în perioada de perimenopauză sau de postmenopauză, cu diferite stadii de osteoporoză. În rezultatul modifi cărilor degenerativ-distrofi ce ale coloanei vertebrale (vertebre biconcave, tasate, stenoză de canal, osifi carea ligamentelor și a meningelor), sugerate de insufi cienţa hormonală sexuală, se declanșează diferite sindroame neurologice: distonie vegetovasculară, radiculopatii, dereglări medulare ischemice acute (tip ictus ischemic medular) și lent progresive (mielopatie ischemică), dereglări vasculare în sistemul vertebrobazilar. Dezvoltarea dereglărilor vasculare este influenţată de modifi cările timpurii aterosclerotice, compresia arterelor de petrifi catele din ţesuturile paramedulare moi și modifi cările vertebrale distrofi ce. Tratamentul a fost direcţionat spre ameliorarea metabolismului mineral și înlăturarea dereglărilor vasculare

    Four years’ experience of participation of the Republic of Moldova in the RES-Q Registry

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    Background: The Republic of Moldova is a member of the Registry of Stroke Care Quality (RES-Q) project, initiated by the European Stroke Organization in 2016. The aim of this study was to analyze the in-hospital stroke care indicators for a period of 4 years in Moldovan hospitals according to the data of the RES-Q registry. Material and methods: 15 hospitals treating stroke patients participated in the study. Each hospital registered at least 30 consecutive stroke patients for at least 1 month per year. The period of patients’ data collection included the period from 2017 to 2020. The RES-Q statisticians processed the online data collection. Results: The data of 2085 patients were analyzed with the mean age of 68 years, 51% were men. CT image was performed for 84% of patients and only 48% of them received it in the first hour after admission. The rtPA and/or thrombectomy was applied to 3% of all stroke patients. The carotid artery imaging was performed in 40% of cases. The in-hospital stroke mortality was 18%, mainly in tertiary hospitals. At discharge, 96% of patients were prescribed antiplatelet drugs, 84% – antihypertensive, 41% – statins, and 45.5% – anticoagulants for patients with atrial fibrillation. Conclusions: Four-year monitoring of the in-hospital stroke care indicators revealed important deficiencies in the process of diagnosis and treatment of the acute stroke, mainly in rural hospitals. Immediate measures are needed to reorganize the stroke care service in Moldova

    Forty Years of Research on Predictors of Homelessness

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    © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Homelessness is a chronic public health issue in the U.S. This paper reviews the endurance and evolution of individual, youth, and family homelessness over the past 40-plus years. Thematic findings detail research on predictors of homelessness among adolescents, runaway youth, veterans, older adults, sheltered families, and female-headed families. Results provide a summary of contributors to homelessness, including issues related to family instability, unemployment and poverty, mental illness, substance use, unstable living arrangements, child maltreatment, social support, crime, and violence. Findings highlight key and persistent predictors of homelessness found across decades, as well as more recently identified and nuanced precursors to individual or family displacement. The goal of this work was to summarize what is known about predictors of homelessness to inform targeted research, practice, and policies