1,180 research outputs found

    Administrative and economic dimensions of regionalization: case of Leningrad Province and North-Western Federal District of Russia

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    The North-Western Federal District (NWFD) was created in 2000 within the framework of administrative and territorial division reforming. NWFD appeared together with 6 other districts: Central, Privolzhski, Southern, Urals?, Siberian and Far Eastern. The District included 2 economic regions: North-Western and Northern and united 11 Federation Units: Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Pskov, Novgorod, Vologda, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk provinces, Karelia and Komi Republics, Nenets Autonomous District and Saint-Petersburg._ According to many indicators North-West Federal District of Russia is a leader of NWFD, leaving behind even Saint-Petersburg (if we compare investment attractiveness, especially for FDI, both domestic and foreign). During 1999 ? 2000 several big investment projects started in the Province. The Province?s only real competitor among NWFD regions is Novgorod region which also formed an ?oasis? of favorable investment climate within its boundaries._ Economic and geographical significance of Leningrad Province for NWFD and whole Russia is based on transport infrastructure, which develops actively on its territory. The infrastructure includes seaports and railroads that serve as transit bridges between Russia and European countries. That was the reason for the Province?s participation in main investment projects in NWFD implemented during the last years, such as creation of Baltic Pipeline System (BPS). BPS project gained national significance; besides, it gave a prominent impact to NWFD fuel industry development. Due to BPS fuel sector companies that operate in oil and gas provinces of Arkhangelsk Province, Komi Republic and Barents and Kara Sea got direct access to seaports on Russian territory._ Interregional relations are developing in other industries as well. New machine-building companies of Leningrad Province start to co-operate with suppliers from other NWFD regions. For example, ?Ford-Vsevolozhsk? company signed a contract with Bor glass factory on automobile glass supplies._ In NWFD interregional relations are intensified by several automobile transport projects. The southern semi-ring of a road bending round the Onega Lake is under construction; the road will connect parts of Leningrad Province and Republic Karelia. Ferry line ?Ust-Luga ? Baltijsk ? German seaports? will improve transport connection between Leningrad and Kaliningrad Provinces._ But the present intensity of interregional relations within the NWFD is low; non-NWFD regions of Russia and foreign partners of the Province share the bulk of Leningrad Province?s external trade. One reason for such a state of affairs the authors tend to find in the drawbacks of a system of territorial and administrative division, which was formed in Russian Federation in early 90-ies. The authors also suggest one possible solution for the problem: consolidation of existing regions ? Federation Units. For example, it seems reasonable to form 5 larger regions from 11 existing: Neva Region (Leningrad Province and Saint-Petersburg); Old-Russia Region (Novgorod and Pskov Provinces); Lake Region (Murmansk Province and Republic Karelia); Dvino-Pechora Region (Arkhangelsk and Vologda Provinces, Komi Republic, Nenets Autonomous District); Kaliningrad Province preserves its administrative status. The authors believe, that this reform could help interregional links to surmount this artificial disintegration of the NWFD regions and it would enhance their economic development._

    Análisis de correlación de los parámetros de los aparatos de asimilación de avena y elementos de productividad

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    Aquí se considera un flujo de datos nuevos obtenidos en suelos de césped y podzol sobre el funcionamiento de la estructura de hojas de avena en varias condiciones climáticas y sobre la acumulación de biomasa (productividad de plantas). Los datos sobre las pruebas de campo con 29 genotipos de avena conducidas en 2015-17 se usan para analizar la conexión entre el desarrollo de los elementos de productividad y las características del mecanismo asimilador dela planta. Se evaluó el contenido de la clorofila ay by de los carotenoides en extracto de acetona en un espectrofotómetro japonés SHIMADZU Uvmini-1240. Se identificaban las correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el área total de la superficie de hojas y la masa de granos de una planta (r= 0.664) y también entre la cantidad de espigas en una panoja y su masa (r= 0.548...0.613). Se bajaban las correlaciones en caso de aridez y aumentaban en caso de humectación excesiva. Los genotipos del avena con hojas debajo de bandera más grandes tenían una panoja más grande, con muchas espigas, granos y una masa más alta de granos por espiga y por planta. Las correlaciones se bajaban en caso de aridez. En caso de humectación excesiva o aridez estresadora se aumentaba la correlación entre el área de la hoja bandera y la masa de los grano por espiga. En caso de humectación excesiva se registraba el aumento del contenido del clorofila aen el fondo general de clorofilas y en los centros de reacción de los fotosistemas para genotipos con una alta cantidad de espigas y granos por panoja, una masa más alta de granos por panoja y planta y una masa más alta de 1000 granos. En condiciones áridas se acrecentaba la correlación entre el contenido de las clorofilas ay b y tales características como el largo de panoja, la masa panoja, el número de espigas por panoja. Con todo eso, el aumento de la masa de panoja y de la cantidad de granos en esa fue acompañada por el abajamiento de la fracción del clorofila aen en el rango total de los pigmentos y en los centro de reacció

    Análisis de correlación de los parámetros de los aparatos de asimilación de avena y elementos de productividad

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    On sod-podzolic soils, new data is obtained on the functioning of the photosynthetic structures of oat leaves in various climatic conditions and of biomass accumulation (plant productivity). Based on three-year data (2015-2017) of field experiments with 29 oat genotypes, the relationship between the development of productivity elements and the characteristics of the plant assimilation apparatus is analyzed. The pigment content (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids) was evaluated in acetone extracts on a UVmini-1240 spectrophotometer (SHIMADZU Corporation, Japan). Statistically significant correlations were established between the total leaf surface area and grain mass per plant (r = 0.664), the number of spikelets in a panicle, grain mass per panicle and the mass of the panicle itself (r = 0.548 ... 0.613). These correlations decreased during a drought and increased in conditions of excessive moisture. Oat genotypes with a larger sub-flag leaf had a larger panicle, with a large number of spikelets, grains and of larger grain mass per panicle and plant. During a drought, these correlations decreased. The correlation of the flag leaf area with the grain mass of the panicle and plant under stressful conditions of excessive moisture or a drought increased. With excessive moisture, an increase in the proportion of chlorophyll a in the total chlorophyll pool and in the composition of the reaction centers of photosystems was observed in genotypes with an increased number of spikelets and grains in a panicle, with larger grain masses per panicle and plant, and a mass of 1000 grains. During a drought, the correlation of the content of chlorophylls a and b increased with the following signs: panicle length, panicle mass, number of spikelets in a panicle, and number of grains in a panicle. However, an increase in panicle mass and the number of grains in it was accompanied by a decrease in the proportion of chlorophyll a in the total pigment pool and in the composition of reaction centers.Aquí se considera un flujo de datos nuevos obtenidos en suelos de césped y podzol sobre el funcionamiento de la estructura de hojas de avena en varias condiciones climáticas y sobre la acumulación de biomasa (productividad de plantas). Los datos sobre las pruebas de campo con 29 genotipos de avena conducidas en 2015-17 se usan para analizar la conexión entre el desarrollo de los elementos de productividad y las características del mecanismo asimilador de la planta. Se evaluó el contenido de la clorofila a y b y de los carotenoides en extracto de acetona en un espectrofotometro japonés SHIMADZU Uvmini-1240. Se identificaban las correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el área total de la superficie de hojas y la masa de granos de una planta (r = 0.664) y también entre la cantidad de espigas en una panoja y su masa  (r = 0.548…0.613). Se bajaban las correlaciones en caso de aridez y aumentaban en caso de humectación excesiva. Los genotipos del avena con hojas debajo de bandera más grandes tenían una panoja más grande, con muchas espigas, granos y una masa más alta de granos por espiga y por planta. Las correlaciones se bajaban en caso de aridez. En caso de humectación excesiva o aridez estresadora se aumentaba la correlación entre el área de la hoja bandera y la masa de los grano por espiga. En caso de humectación excesiva se registraba el aumento del contenido del clorofila a en el fondo general de clorofilas y en los centros de reacción de los fotosistemas para genotipos con una alta cantidad de espigas y granos por panoja, una masa más alta de granos por panoja y planta y una masa más alta de  1000 granos. En condiciones áridas se acrecentaba la correlación entre el contenido de las clorofilas a y b y tales caracterísicas como el largo de panoja, la masa panoja, el número de espigas por panoja. Con todo eso, el aumento de la masa de panoja y de la cantidad de granos en esa fue acompañada por el abajamiento de la fracción del clorofila a en en el rango total de los pigmentos y en los centro de reacción

    Cyber-physical systems in food production chain

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    The article reviews the state-of-the-science in the field of cyber-physical systems (CPSs). CPSs are intelligent systems that include physical, biological and computational components using engineering networks. CPSs are able to integrate into production processes, improve the exchange of information between industrial equipment, qualitatively transform production chains, and effectively manage business and customers. This is possible due to the ability of CPSs to manage ongoing processes through automatic monitoring and controlling the entire production process and adjusting the production to meet customer preferences. A comprehensive review identified key technology trends underlying CPSs. These are artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analytics, augmented reality, Internet of things, quantum computing, fog computing, 3D printing, modeling and simulators, automatic object identifiers (RFID tags). CPSs will help to improve the control and traceability of production operations: they can collect information about raw materials, temperature and technological conditions, the degree of food product readiness, thereby increasing the quality of food products. Based on the results, terms and definitions, and potential application of cyber-physical systems in general and their application in food systems in particular were identified and discussed with an emphasis on food production (including meat products).The article reviews the state-of-the-science in the field of cyber-physical systems (CPSs). CPSs are intelligent systems that include physical, biological and computational components using engineering networks. CPSs are able to integrate into production processes, improve the exchange of information between industrial equipment, qualitatively transform production chains, and effectively manage business and customers. This is possible due to the ability of CPSs to manage ongoing processes through automatic monitoring and controlling the entire production process and adjusting the production to meet customer preferences. A comprehensive review identified key technology trends underlying CPSs. These are artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analytics, augmented reality, Internet of things, quantum computing, fog computing, 3D printing, modeling and simulators, automatic object identifiers (RFID tags). CPSs will help to improve the control and traceability of production operations: they can collect information about raw materials, temperature and technological conditions, the degree of food product readiness, thereby increasing the quality of food products. Based on the results, terms and definitions, and potential application of cyber-physical systems in general and their application in food systems in particular were identified and discussed with an emphasis on food production (including meat products)


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    At present, there is no consistent definition of the term «personalized nutrition». The paper presents existing descriptors in this field of food science: precision nutrition, nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, individual nutrition and so on. It is noted that cardiovascular diseases occupy the first place among noninfectious diseases associated with malnutrition. Optimal nutrition leads to a reduction in the risk of their occurrence. The methodology of structural-parametric modeling, which allows designing personalized optimal human nutrition based on medical indicators, is presented in terms of minimization of the risk function. The algorithm of a substantiated optimal choice of mass fractions of components (ingredients) of the food recipe composition is given. The main descriptors of a food product with the antisclerotic action for its designing using structural-parametric modeling are shown.At present, there is no consistent definition of the term «personalized nutrition». The paper presents existing descriptors in this field of food science: precision nutrition, nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, individual nutrition and so on. It is noted that cardiovascular diseases occupy the first place among noninfectious diseases associated with malnutrition. Optimal nutrition leads to a reduction in the risk of their occurrence. The methodology of structural-parametric modeling, which allows designing personalized optimal human nutrition based on medical indicators, is presented in terms of minimization of the risk function. The algorithm of a substantiated optimal choice of mass fractions of components (ingredients) of the food recipe composition is given. The main descriptors of a food product with the antisclerotic action for its designing using structural-parametric modeling are shown

    Complex defects in crystal scintillation materials and phosphors

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    The possibility of the existence of complex defects in pure and doped crystal phosphor discussed in work. The luminescent properties of mono- and nanocrystals of zinc tungstate, the powders of YAG with various compositions are studied. It is shown that the intrinsic defects, impurities, oxygen vacancies, the hydroxyl groups may be present in the structure of the complex defects (nanodefects). Nanodefects form during synthesis and have high efficiency of the transfer of excitation energy to the emission centres

    Complex defects in crystal scintillation materials and phosphors

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    The possibility of the existence of complex defects in pure and doped crystal phosphor discussed in work. The luminescent properties of mono- and nanocrystals of zinc tungstate, the powders of YAG with various compositions are studied. It is shown that the intrinsic defects, impurities, oxygen vacancies, the hydroxyl groups may be present in the structure of the complex defects (nanodefects). Nanodefects form during synthesis and have high efficiency of the transfer of excitation energy to the emission centres