12 research outputs found

    Influence of the quality of mother plants on selected parameters of Fragaria x ananassa ‘Elsanta’ daughter plants

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    High quality planting material is the basis for good strawberry yields. The productivity of strawberry mother plants depends on many factors, but there is little published work on the effects of type and initial size of mother plants on the quality of daughter plants. In the presented study, strawberry mother plants (cultivar ‘Elsanta’) were grown in an unheated tunnel in plastic pots filled with peat-based substrate (5 dm3). The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of type (fresh-dug plants and frigo) and initial size (A and A+ plants) of strawberry mother plants on selected parameters of daughter plants (crown diameter, fresh and dry weight as well as number and area of leaves). The study was carried out in 2006 and 2007. Strawberry mother plants were planted in the second decade of April and daughter plants were detached in the second decade of August. All measurements were performed on the second daughter plant on the mother plant runner. Statistical analysis showed that type of mother plants had a significant effect on number of leaves in daughter plants. Daughter plants obtained from mother plants established from fresh-dug plants had the highest number of leaves. The initial size of mother plants significantly influenced the fresh and dry weight of daughter plants. Smaller mother plants (“A-size”) produced daughter plants with higher fresh and dry weight. The results obtained in the second year of the study were affected by high incidence of powdery mildew

    Morphological and Yield Parameters, Dry Matter Distribution, Nutrients Uptake, and Distribution in Strawberry (<i>Fragaria</i> × <i>ananassa</i> Duch.) cv. ‘Elsanta’ as Influenced by Spent Mushroom Substrates and Planting Seasons

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    The performance of autumn and spring-planted strawberry cv. ‘Elsanta’ in peat and peat supplemented with fresh spent mushroom substrate (SMS) of Agaricus bisporus, Lentinus edodes, and Pleurotus ostreatus in 15% and 25% was evaluated. The morphological and yield parameters, dry matter distribution, uptake, and partitioning of macro- and micronutrients were studied. The experiment was carried out during 2020–2021 in an unheated tunnel and was laid out in a randomised complete block design in five replicates. The study aimed to deliver greater insight into utilising fresh SMS as a sustainable substitute to peat. The shoot and root length, leaf number, crown diameter, plant dry weight, and marketable yields were superior in SMS-based substrates in autumn planting. The nutrient uptake varied among substrates and planting seasons, where higher plant nutrient uptake was noticed in SMS-based substrates. Nutrient partitioning among leaves, crowns, and roots was dynamic. The N, P, K, and Mn were mainly recovered in leaves. While Mg was almost equally partitioned among plant organs. The higher amounts of Na, Zn, and Cu were found in crowns. The greater accumulation of Ca and Fe in roots was evident. Correlation indicated that plant macro- and micronutrients had both positive and negative interactions. Overall, the superior morphological and yield performances of cv. ‘Elsanta’ were more noticeable in SMSs than in peat in autumn-planted strawberries

    Influence of different spent mushroom substrates on yield, morphological and photosynthetic parameters of strawberry (<i>Fragaria × ananassa</i> Duch.)

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    The present study aimed to evaluate fresh spent mushroom substrate (SMS) as a growing medium in soilless strawberry cv. ‘Honeoye’ production. Fresh SMS after commercial production of Agaricus bisporus, Lentinus edodes, and Pleurotus ostreatus was used as a peat substitute in 15 and 25% (v/v), for strawberry cultivation in an unheated plastic tunnel. In the experiment, seven different substrates were studied, including peat (100%) as control and six substrate combinations (prepared by mixing SMSs with peat). The study was carried out in a randomized complete block design in five replicates. The results indicated that the electrical conductivity (EC), pH, and nutrient content varied among the studied substrates. The experiment also demonstrated that the substrates significantly influenced strawberry yield, leaf area, and fresh and dry plant weights. However, no significant differences were observed for selected photosynthetic parameters (F v /F m, F v /F 0, and PI abs) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values among the evaluated substrates. Differences were recorded for the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) and Modified Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index (MCARI) values. The present investigation revealed that fresh SMSs can be an effective and inexpensive peat substitute in 15 and 25% (v/v). Therefore, such easy and immediate utilisation of SMSs could overcome associated disposal problems

    Composition, nutritional value and medicinal properties of wild mushrooms

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    Grzyby dziko rosnące są powszechnie dostępne w Polsce. Mogą być cennym uzupełnieniem diety ze względu na zawartość łatwo przyswajalnych aminokwasów, minerałów, witamin i błonnika. Wiele gatunków zawiera również substancje biologicznie aktywne, mające zastosowanie w przeciwdziałaniu i leczeniu chorób cywilizacyjnych, w tym nowotworów i chorób serca. Związki czynne zawarte w owocnikach mają dolność obniżania poziomu cukru i cholesterolu we krwi oraz wykazują działanie przeciwzapalne, antybakteryjne, antywirusowe i antyoksydacyjne. Pewnym zagrożeniem, wynikającym ze spożycia grzybów, może być zawartość w owocnikach metali ciężkich, spowodowana ich wysoką bioakumulacją. Dlatego istotne jest, aby nie zbierać grzybów w miejscach skażonych oraz przestrzegać dopuszczalnych ilości ich jednorazowego spożycia. Z pewnymi ograniczeniami, dotyczącymi określonych grup ludności, grzyby mogą być rekomendowane jako żywność prozdrowotna.Wild mushrooms are widely available in Polish forests. They can be a valuable supplement to the diet because of the content of easily digestible amino acids, minerals, vitamins and fiber. Many species also contain biologically active substances, useful in the prevention and treatment of serious diseases, including cancer and heart diseases. Active compounds contained in the carpophores have the ability to lower blood sugar and blood cholesterol, and exhibit anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant properties. Some danger connected with the consumption of wild mushrooms, is the content of heavy metals in the carpophores, due to their high bioaccumulation. Therefore it is important not to collect mushrooms from polluted areas, and not to exceed the permitted amount of their consumption. Wild mushrooms can be recommended as a functional food with certain limitations relating to specific groups of population

    Trichoderma spp. – application and prospects for use in organic farming and industry

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    Fungi of the genus Trichoderma are a very large group of microorganisms that play a significant role in the environment. They use a variety of mechanisms to colonise various ecological niches. Several Trichoderma spp. positively affect plants by stimulating plant growth, and protecting plants from fungal and bacterial pathogens. They are used in biological plant protection as biofungicides as well as in bioremediation. Members of the genus Trichoderma are also utilised in various industry branches – mainly in the production of enzymes, antibiotics, and other metabolites, but also of biofuel. Moreover, the genus Trichoderma comprises edible and medicinal mushrooms, but also the pathogens of humans. Currently, Trichoderma has entered the genomic era and parts of genome sequences are publicly available. This is why, Trichoderma fungi have the potential to be used for human needs to an even greater extent than before. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to increase the efficiency and safety of the application of these fungi

    Pleurotus eryngii - little known, valuable species of oyster mushroom

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    Boczniak mikołajkowy jest gatunkiem dotychczas mało znanym w Polsce. Jego owocniki charakteryzują się wysoką wartością odżywczą oraz dużymi walorami smakowymi. Na podkreślenie zasługuje również obecność wielu substancji biologicznie aktywnych decydujących o właściwościach prozdrowotnych tego grzyba. Z wymienionych powodów, boczniak mikołajkowy zasługuje na popularyzację w naszym kraju, zarówno wśród producentów grzybów, jak i konsumentów. Aktualnie prowadzone są badania nad opracowaniem optymalnego składu podłoży oraz określeniem warunków uprawy, zapewniających uzyskanie wysokiego plonu owocników dobrej jakości. Prowadzone są także doświadczenia, których celem jest dobór odmian boczniaka mikołajkowego najbardziej przydatnych do uprawy w naszym kraju.Pleurotus eryngii named king oyster mushroom is a species little known in Poland. Carpophores of this species are characterized by high nutritional value and good flavor. They also contain many active substances which determine their medicinal properties. For these reasons P. eryngii is worth popularization in our country both among mushroom growers and consumers. King oyster mushroom can be cultivated on a variety of lignocellulosic substrates. Currently many studies are being conducted to establish an optimal composition of substrates and growing conditions to obtain a high yield of good quality. The purpose of these experiments is also to determine the suitability of P. eryngii strains to cultivation in our country

    Mycelium Growth and Biological Efficiency of Ganoderma lucidum on Substrate Supplemented with Different Organic Additives

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    Ganoderma lucidum (W. Curt.: Fr) P. Karst. is a mushroom exhibiting various medicinal properties, popular particularly in Asia. It is grown on a substrate based on hardwood sawdust. Other organic materials, usually agricultural or industrial waste supplemented with various additives, are also used in the cultivation of this mushroom. Numerous studies have shown that the composition of the substrate has a significant effect on mycelium growth and biological efficiency of Reishi mushroom. The presented analysis determined the effect of different organic substances on mycelium growth and biological efficiency of several G. lucidum isolates (Gan 18, Gan Li 27/3, Gan 7, Gan 112) obtained from mushrooms growing in the wild and from strains of this mushroom (GL 01, GL 02, GL 03 and GL 04). Growing substrate containing oak sawdust supplemented with wheat bran (20%), rye grain (25%), ground soy (7%), ground rapeseed (10%) or meat–and–bone meal (10%). These additives had a considerable effect on mycelium growth and its biological efficiency. A different response to sawdust substrate additives was found for the group of isolates and strains of G. lucidum. All the additives, except for meat–and–bone meal, had a positive effect on mycelium growth and its biological efficiency. In the case of G. lucidum strains a more rapid mycelium growth and a greater biological efficiency were observed for its isolates collected from nature, irrespective of the type of substrate additive