1 research outputs found

    Inter-laboratory comparison of Ki-67 proliferating index detected by visual assessment and automated digital image analysis

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    Background: Proliferation rate is a major determinant of the biologic behavior of the tumor and provides information that can be used to guide treatment decisions. Methods: This ring study included 27 pathologists from 14 Institutions, in order to assess inter-observer concordance between pathologists in Croatia. We analyzed Ki-67 proliferative index on ten randomly selected breast cancer samples comparing consistency between visual assessment using light microscopy compared to digital image analyses results from one central laboratory as a referral value. Results: When we analyzed Ki-67 as numeric value high concordance rate was found between Ki-67 score visually assessed in all participating Institutions compared to referral value assessed by digital image analysis (ICC 0.76, 95% CI 0.58-0.91), and Krippendorff's alpha was 0.79 (95% CI 0.58-1.00). Concordance was better in slides with higher Ki-67 values. When we categorized Ki-67 values according to generally accepted 20% cut-off value we noticed the lower concordance rate among participants in our study. Conclusion: Proliferation remains one of the most important parameters for tumor characterization helpful in making clinical decisions, but it should be used with great caution. Standardization of the Ki-67 assessment is essential and proliferating index should be expressed as exact numeric value. For patients with proliferative index near the cut-off value, other factors must be considered in making clinical decisions