3,838 research outputs found

    Abscisic acid and its relationship to somatic embryogenesis in Dactylis glomerata L.

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if abscisic acid (ABA) was related to genotype differences of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) for producing somatic embryos from leaf sections cultured in vitro. Leaf sections of one embryogenic (Embryogen-P) and one nonembryogenic (I- 39) genotype were exposed to various concentrations of ABA in the culture medium for differing lengths of time to determine the effect of exogenous application. Endogenous levels of the two innermost leaves were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and compared in one embryogenic and two nonembryogenic genotypes. Comparisons were also made between basal (0-3 cm) and distal (3-6 cm) portions of the innermost leaves of one embryogenic and one nonembryogenic genotype. In the embryogenic genotype, somatic embryogenesis was enhanced by a low level (1 μM) of ABA, while higher levels (10-100 μM) inhibited embryogenesis. Duration of exposure to ABA was also found to be significant, with an initial 3 day exposure period being most effective for enhancing embryo formation. The nonembryogenic genotype showed no response to ABA application in any of the treatments. Quantification studies indicated a significant difference in ABA concentrations between the embryogenic and nonembryogenic genotypes. When quantified by immunoassay, the embryogenic genotype contained more ABA in basal and distal sections of inner leaves than did the nonembryogenic genotype, 1-39; however, the second leaf of the nonembryogenic genotype contained more ABA than the embryogenic genotype. High performance liquid chromatography quantification results of combined first and second leaves indicated a significantly higher endogenous level of ABA in the nonembryogenic genotypes than in the embryogenic genotype. There was no significant difference between the two nonembryogenic genotypes. Abscisic acid immunoassay results indicate that ABA levels decreased as much as 93% in both embryogenic and nonembryogenic genotypes during a 2 week culture period after initial plating. These results suggest that both concentration and duration of application of ABA influence somatic embryo formation

    A Methodology for Trustworthy IoT in Healthcare-Related Environments

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    The transition to the so-called retirement years, comes with the freedom to pursue old passions and hobbies that were not possible to do in the past busy life. Unfortunately, that freedom does not come alone, as the previous young years are gone, and the body starts to feel the time that passed. The necessity to adapt elder way of living, grows as they become more prone to health problems. Often, the solution for the attention required by the elders is nursing homes, or similar, that take away their so cherished independence. IoT has the great potential to help elder citizens stay healthier at home, since it has the possibility to connect and create non-intrusive systems capable of interpreting data and act accordingly. With that capability, comes the responsibility to ensure that the collected data is reliable and trustworthy, as human wellbeing may rely on it. Addressing this uncertainty is the motivation for the presented work. The proposed methodology to reduce this uncertainty and increase confidence relies on a data fusion and a redundancy approach, using a sensor set. Since the scope of wellbeing environment is wide, this thesis focuses its proof of concept on the detection of falls inside home environments, through an android app using an accelerometer sensor and a micro- phone. The experimental results demonstrates that the implemented system has more than 80% of reliable performance and can provide trustworthy results. Currently the app is being tested also in the frame of the European Union projects Smart4Health and Smart Bear.A transição para os chamados anos de reforma, vem com a liberdade de perseguir velhas pai- xões e passatempos que na passada vida ocupada não eram possíveis de realizar. Infelizmente, essa liberdade não vem sozinha, uma vez que os anos jovens anteriores terminaram, e o corpo começa a sentir o tempo que passou. A necessidade de adaptar o modo de vida dos menos jovens, cresce à medida que estes se tornam mais propensos a problemas de saúde. Muitas vezes, a solução para a atenção que os mais idosos necessitam são os lares de idosos, ou similares, que lhes tiram a tão querida independência. IoT tem o grande potencial de ajudar os cidadãos idosos a permanecerem mais saudá- veis em casa, uma vez que tem a possibilidade de se ligar e criar sistemas não intrusivos capa- zes de interpretar dados e agir em conformidade. Com essa capacidade, vem a responsabili- dade de assegurar que os dados recolhidos são fiáveis e de confiança, uma vez que o bem- estar humano possa depender dos mesmos. Abordar esta incerteza é a motivação para o tra- balho apresentado. A metodologia proposta para reduzir esta incerteza e aumentar a confiança no sistema baseia-se numa fusão de dados e numa abordagem de redundância, utilizando um conjunto de sensores. Uma vez que o assunto de bem-estar e saúde é vasto, esta tese concentra a sua prova de conceito na deteção de quedas dentro de ambientes domésticos, através de uma aplicação android, utilizando um sensor de acelerómetro e um microfone. Os resultados expe- rimentais demonstram que o sistema implementado tem um desempenho superior a 80% e pode fornecer dados fiáveis. Atualmente a aplicação está a ser testada também no âmbito dos projetos da União Europeia Smart4Health e Smart Bear

    Nouvelles convergences entre éthique environnementale et éthique animale : vers une éthique climatique non anthropocentriste

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    This article investigates new convergences between animal ethics and environmental ethics by focusing on the effects as well as the causes of climate change. Its main objective is to show how a non-anthropocentric approach to climate ethics can increase the potential of collaboration between animal ethics theorists and environmental ethics theorists. It develops an approach that explains how animal ethics, environmental ethics and climate ethics can converge at the theoretical level on the common problem of livestock farming. Then it explains how, from a practical point of view, the vegetarian and vegan diet as well as the vegan lifestyle can be a solution to this common problem. Finally, it replies to major objections in order to develop arguments in favour of a duty not to consume animal products

    Mutations in the _SC4MOL_ gene encoding a novel methyl sterol oxidase cause autosomal recessive psoriasisiform dermatitis, microcephaly and developmental delay

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    Disorders of cholesterol biosynthesis have clinical manifestations involving skeleton, eyes, neurologic development, and skin. We describe a patient with congenital cataracts, developmental delay, microcephaly, and low serum cholesterol who developed severe psoriasiform dermatitis and arthralgias beginning at age 3. Her brain MRI indicatedminor gliosis. Quantitative sterol analysis of patient plasma and skin showed marked elevation of 4alpha-methyl- and 4, 4'-dimethylsterols, indicating a deficiency in the first step of sterol C4 demethylation in cholesterol biosynthesis. Molecular studies showed mutations in _SC4MOL_, a gene predicted to encode a sterol C4 methyl oxidase. Thus, our patient has a previously undescribed inborn error of cholesterol biosynthesis. Cellular studies with patient-derived fibroblasts showed higher mitotic rate than control cells in cholesterol-depleted medium, in which _de novo_ cholesterol biosynthesis was increased with the accumulation of methylsterol. Immunologic analyses showed dysregulation of immune-related receptors in the patient and her father. Inhibition of sterol C4 methyl oxidase in human transformed lymphoblasts or in fresh leukocytes induced activation of cell cycle, and immune receptor dysregulation. These findings suggest that methylsterols influence mitotic capacity and immune function. _SC4MOL_ is situated within the psoriasis susceptibility locus _PSORS9_, and is likely a genetic risk factor for common psoriasis

    The Right to Health in Times of Pandemic: What Can We Learn from the UK’s Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak?

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    The UK’s response to COVID-19 has been widely criticized by scientists and the public. According to EuroMOMO, a European mortality monitoring initiative, the excess mortality that may be attributable to COVID-19 in England is one of the highest in Europe, second only to Spain. While critiqued from a public health perspective, much less attention is given to the implications of the pandemic outbreak for the right to health as defined under international human rights law and ratified by member states. Using the UK as a case study, we examine critically the extent to which the government’s response to COVID-19 complied with the legal framework of the right to health. We review further key state obligations on the right to health and assess its suitability in times of pandemic. Finally, we offer some recommendations for an update of the right to health. This paper adds to the body of literature on the right to health and human rights based-approaches to health, which, to our knowledge, has not yet focused on pandemics

    CaRMS at 50: Making the match for medical education

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    Entry into postgraduate medical training in Canada is facilitated through a national application and matching system which establishes matches between applicants and training programs based on each party’s stated preferences. Health human resource planning in Canada involves many factors, influences, and decisions. The complexity of the system is due, in part, to the fact that much of the decision making is dispersed among provincial, territorial, regional, and federal jurisdictions, making a collaborative national approach a challenge. The national postgraduate application and matching system is one of the few aspects of the health human resources continuum that is truly pan-Canadian. This article examines the evolution of the application and matching system over the past half century, the values that underpin it, and CaRMS' role in the process

    Studies to determine the mechanisms of the anti-atherosclerotic effects of eicosapentaenoic acid: possible role for endocannabinoids?

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    The ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω-3 PUFAs), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have been shown to have cardioprotective and antiatherosclerotic actions. While it has been proposed that ω-3 PUFAs may structurally stabilise atherosclerotic lesions, the underlying mechanisms have yet to be fully elucidated. There is evidence that increased dietary intake of ω-3 PUFAs alters the concentration of endocannabinoids (ECs) in central and peripheral tissues and, since synthetic cannabinoid agonists have been shown to exert anti-atherosclerotic effects, this thesis explored whether a link exists between the endocannabinoid system and the beneficial effects of ω-3 PUFAs in the setting of experimental atherosclerosis. Therefore, the present studies were performed to (1) determine the impact of long-term intervention with ω-3 PUFAs on several physiological parameters, including the function of the endocannabinoid system, in an in vivo model of hypercholesterolaemia and (2) to examine the role, if any, of the activated endocannabinoid system in the activity of an in vitro model of macrophage lipid accumulation. At the cellular level, the present study demonstrated the interference of cannabinoid receptor signalling with intracellular uptake and accumulation of DHA, an effect which was demonstrated to be mediated, at least in part, via CB2 receptor signalling. Moreover, the study provided the novel observation that DHA treatment of activated macrophages significantly inhibited 2- arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) synthesis. This finding is strongly suggestive of an association between the effects of ω-3 PUFAs and regulation of the endocannabinoid system and its function. In the ApoE-/- mouse model of experimental atherosclerosis, maintenance on an atherogenic diet induced significant hyperlipidaemia, an effect which was associated with endothelial dysfunction, cardiac remodelling, and significantly elevated anandamide (AEA) and 2-AG levels in brain, heart and aortic tissues. Supplementation of the atherogenic diet with the EPA, while having a negligible impact on endothelial dysfunction or cardiac remodelling, improved the hypercholesterolaemic profile and normalised the overproduction of ECs in both central (brain) and peripheral (heart and vascular) tissues. Fenofibrate, a lipid lowering control administered as a supplement to the atherogenic diet, was observed to significantly attenuate hypercholesterolaemia, endothelial dysfunction and elevated EC levels although no effect on cardiac remodelling was observed. In light of the observation that hypercholesterolaemia was associated with elevated tissue EC levels, together with the demonstration that EPA improved hypercholeseterolaemia and attenuated EC levels suggests (1) a detrimental role of the endocannabinoid system in hypercholesterolaemia in the ApoE-/- model and (2) regulation of this interaction by ω-3 PUFAs. Given the mounting evidence implicating the endocannabinoid system in various disease pathologies, the capacity of ω-3 PUFAs to influence the activation and function of this system may prove key to their beneficial effects