19 research outputs found

    Working memory in children with developmental disorders

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    The aim of the present study was to directly compare working memory skills across students with different developmental disorders to investigate whether the uniqueness of their diagnosis would impact memory skills. The authors report findings confirming differential memory profiles on the basis of the following developmental disorders: Specific Language Impairment, Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and Asperger syndrome(AS). Specifically, language impairments were associated with selective deficits in verbal short-term and working memory, whereas motor impairments (DCD) were associated with selective deficits in visuospatial short-term and working memory. Children with attention problems were impaired in working memory in both verbal and visuospatial domains, whereas the children with AS had deficits in verbal short-term memory but not in any other memory component. The implications of these findings are discussed in light of support for learning

    The role of phonological and semantic representations in verbal short-term memory and delayed retention

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    It has been suggested that phonological representations play a central role in verbal short-term memory, but when semantic knowledge has been investigated, it has also been shown to influence verbal short-term memory. Explaining this interaction between verbal short-term memory and the linguistic system has produced different theoretical positions: whether semantic knowledge is used to redintegrate phonological traces or if there is direct activation of both phonological and semantic knowledge upon encountering a word. The present study employed a new paradigm to systematically examine phonological and semantic representations in verbal short-term memory as well as long-term impacts. Across two experiments, a list of words was presented sequentially, followed by a probe word. Participants were to judge whether the probe word rhymed or was synonymous with any items on the list. Delayed memory was also tested. In Experiment 1, we found that immediate performance was better for synonym than rhyme judgements, and this continued to be the case after a brief delay. In Experiment 2, under a fast-encoding, running-span paradigm, we found similar activation of phonological and semantic knowledge. Nevertheless, accuracy was again higher for items probed with the semantic than rhyme cue in the long term. Results showed that indeed there are short-term semantic effects, in addition to phonological effects. Further, semantic processing can occur in a highly automatic and rapid manner, with strong influence on long-term memory. These findings provide a new perspective on viewing verbal short-term memory as operating more dynamically within the context of a complex linguistic system

    Cognitive and Linguistic Effects of Working Memory Training in Children With Corresponding Deficits

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    Working memory training has been found to result in improvements on tasks similar to those involved in the training (near transfer) but show limited impact on everyday skills such as language or academic abilities (far transfer). Previous research has largely focused on those with a broad range of skills, and examined group level responses. This study uses a single subject design to examine the effect of working memory training on both working memory and related domains in children with working memory impairment. Seven children (8–11 years old) with a working memory impairment completed 20 sessions of computerized working memory intervention. Data revealed near transfer for all participants. Evidence of far transfer to improvements in language, reading, or math was observed for approximately half of the participants on individual measures. Three participants showed convincing but modest training effects across multiple measures. A combination of factors appeared to influence far transfer including age, training intensity, and baseline measures

    Cognitive and linguistic effects of narrative-based language intervention in children with Developmental Language Disorder

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    Background and aims: Narrative-based language intervention provides a naturalistic context for targeting overall story structure and specific syntactic goals in children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). Given the cognitive demands of narratives, narrative-based language intervention also has the potential to positively impact related abilities such as working memory and academic skills. Methods: Ten children (8–11 years old) with DLD completed 15 sessions of narrative-based language intervention. Results: Results of single subject data revealed gains in language for five participants, four of whom improved on a probe tapping working memory. An additional four participants improved on a working memory probe only. On standardized measures, clinically significant gains were noted for one additional participant on a language measure and one additional participant on a visuospatial working memory. Carry over to reading was noted for three participants and to math for one participant. Across measures, gains in both verbal and visuospatial working memory were common. A responder analysis revealed that improvement in language may be associated with higher verbal short-term memory and receptive language at baseline. Those with working memory impairments were among those showing the fewest improvements across measures. Conclusions: Narrative-based language intervention impacted verbal skills in different ways across individual children with DLD. Implications: Further research is needed to gain an understanding of who benefits most from narrative-based language intervention

    Motor control and nonword repetition in specific working memory impairment and SLI

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    PURPOSE:: Debate around the underlying cognitive factors leading to poor performance in the repetition of nonwords by children with developmental impairments in language has centered around phonological short-term memory, lexical knowledge, and other factors. This study examines the impact of motor control demands on nonword repetition in groups of school children with specific impairments in language, working memory, or both. METHOD:: Children repeated two lists of nonwords matched for motoric complexity either without constraint or with a gummi bear bite block held between their teeth. The bite block required motoric compensation to reorganize the motor plan for speech production. RESULTS:: Overall, the effect of the biomechanical constraint was very small for all groups. When analyses focused only on the most complex nonwords, children with language impairment were found to be significantly more impaired in the motorically constrained nonword repetition task than the typically developing group. In contrast, working memory difficulties were not differentially linked to motor condition. CONCLUSIONS:: These findings add to the growing evidence that there is a motoric component to developmental language disorders. The results also suggest that the role of speech motor skill in nonword repetition is relatively modest. Copyright © 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    Assessment measures for specific language impairment in Brazil: A systematic review

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    Specific Language Impairment (SLI) is defined as an unexpected failure in linguistic abilities during a child\u27s early years of development. Children with SLI do not present significant impairment in nonverbal intellectual outcomes and do not lack normal environmental exposure to language. Brazilian and worldwide researchers have sought to understand the cultural implications of SLI in the Brazilian Portuguese language. Standardized and validated measures must be used in empirical studies. The present study systematically reviewed the instruments used to assess linguistic abilities in quantitative SLI research in Brazil. Three databases were chosen: Medline, SciELO, and Google Scholar. From a total of 828 articles retrieved, only 10 met the inclusion criteria. Seven standardized assessment measures were identified. However, only two of these reported psychometric properties using adequate normative data. No normalized instrument measured the entire spectrum of linguistic abilities. We discuss the results from the perspective of SLI theories and evidence in Brazil and worldwide

    Mathematical Abilities in Children with Developmental Language Disorder

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    Purpose. The present paper provides a scoping review of the literature on mathematical abilities in developmental language disorder (DLD). Children with DLD typically struggle with learning in school, however the mechanism by which DLD impacts academic success is unclear. Mathematics involves demands in the multiple domains, and therefore holds potential for examining the relationship between language and academic performance on tasks mediated by verbal and non-verbal demands. Methods. A scoping review was performed via computerized database searching to examine literature on mathematics and DLD. The 21 papers meeting inclusion criteria compared children with typical development or DLD on various tasks measuring numerical cognition. Results. Children with DLD consistently performed below peers with typical development on number transcoding, counting, arithmetic, and story problem tasks. However, performance was similar to peers with typical development on most number line, magnitude comparison, and conceptual mathematics tasks. Conclusions. The findings suggest a relationship between DLD and mathematics was characterized by more detrimental performance on tasks with higher verbal demands. Results are discussed with respect to typical academic curricula and demonstrate a need for early identification and intervention in DLD to optimize academic outcomes

    Heritage language learners of English: Linguistic gaps and cognitive strengths

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    Purpose: This study examined whether Heritage Language Learners (HLLs) of English display profile effects in their performance on knowledge- and processing-dependent measures relative to the standardised mean scores of monolingual speakers. The study also investigated the influence of several experiential factors on HLL performance. Method: Participants were 59 Arabic-speaking HLLs from six to nine years old. The children completed a battery of linguistic tests in their L1 and L2, as well as cognitive measures of short-term and working memory and non-verbal intelligence. Result: Significantly lower standardised scores were observed for HLLs as compared to the standardised mean scores on all Arabic/English language tasks except L2 word reading. HLLs scored at or above age-level expectations on cognitive measures except the Arabic nonword repetition task. Stepwise regression analyses examining variance in HLLs\u27 performance, age and richness of environment consistently explained HLLs\u27 performance in L1 Arabic, but different factors accounted for HLLs\u27 performance in English depending on the task. Age was the only variable that consistently explained variance in performance on the cognitive measures. Conclusion: The results suggest that processing-dependent measures may be less sensitive to difference in language experience than traditional knowledge-based measures such as standardised measures of language and vocabulary

    Lessons learned in practice-based research: Studying language interventions for young children in the real world

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    © The Author(s) 2020. Background and aims: Practice-based research holds potential as a promising solution to closing the research-practice gap, because it addresses research questions based on problems that arise in clinical practice and tests whether systems and interventions are effective and sustainable in a clinical setting. One type of practice-based research involves capturing practice by collecting evidence within clinical settings to evaluate the effectiveness of current practices. Here, we describe our collaboration between researchers and clinicians that sought to answer clinician-driven questions about community-based language interventions for young children (Are our interventions effective? What predicts response to our interventions?) and to address questions about the characteristics, strengths, and challenges of engaging in practice-based research. Methods: We performed a retrospective chart review of 59 young children who had participated in three group language interventions at one publicly funded community clinic between 2012 and 2017. Change on the Focus on the Outcomes of Communication Under Six (FOCUS), a government mandated communicative participation measure, was extracted as the main outcome measure. Potential predictors of growth during intervention were also extracted from the charts, including type of intervention received, attendance, age at the start of intervention, functional communication ability pre-intervention, and time between pre- and post-intervention FOCUS scores. Results: Overall, 49% of children demonstrated meaningful clinical change on the FOCUS after their participation in the language groups. Only 3% of participants showed possibly meaningful clinical change, while the remaining 46% of participants demonstrated not likely meaningful clinical change. There were no significant predictors of communicative participation growth during intervention. Conclusions: Using a practice-based research approach aimed at capturing current practice, we were able to answer questions about the effectiveness of interventions delivered in real-world settings and learn about factors that do not appear to influence growth during these interventions. We also learned about benefits associated with engaging in practice-based research, including high clinical motivation, high external validity, and minimal time/cost investment. Challenges identified were helpful in informing our future efforts to examine other possible predictors through development of a new, clinically feasible checklist, and to pursue methods for improving collection of outcome data in the clinical setting. Implications: Clinicians and researchers can successfully collaborate to answer clinically informed research questions while considering realistic clinical practice and using research-informed methods and principles. Practice-based research partnerships between researchers and clinicians are both valuable and feasible