31 research outputs found

    Anthropogenic noise events perturb acoustic communication networks

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    Anthropogenic noise sources impact ecological processes by altering wildlife behavior and interactions with cascading impacts on community structure. The distribution and magnitude of such noise has grown exponentially over the past century, and now inundates even remote areas. Here we investigate biological responses to prolific, anthropogenic noise sources associated with the physical presence of the source (vehicle noise and human voices) and disconnected from it (aircraft overflight). Bioacoustic responses to these noise sources were documented at 103 sites in 40 U. S. National Park units. The presence of bird sounds was noted in 10-s audio samples every 2 min, for 8 days at each site and related to the presence of human voices, vehicle noise, and aircraft noise in the same and preceding samples. Generalized additive models were used to fit smoothing splines to weight the influence of noise in past samples on the probability of detecting bird sounds in the present sample. We found that the probability of hearing birds increased immediately following noise events, and decreased about 2 h after the event. The negative effects were persistent more than 3 h after a noise event. The persistence of these responses – especially for noise from jets that were many kilometers distant – raises questions about the functional significance and ecological consequences of this altered activity, particularly in light of the widespread and diverse habitats in this study and ubiquity of the noise sources evaluated

    Landscape and anthropogenic features influence the use of auditory vigilance by mule deer

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    While visual forms of vigilance behavior and their relationship with predation risk have been broadly examined, animals also employ other vigilance modalities such as auditory vigilance by listening for the acoustic cues of predators. Similar to the tradeoffs associated with visual vigilance, auditory behavior potentially structures the energy budgets and behavior of animals. The cryptic nature of auditory vigilance makes it difficult to study, but on-animal acoustical monitoring has rapidly advanced our ability to investigate behaviors and conditions related to sound. We utilized this technique to investigate the ways external stimuli in an active natural gas development field affect periodic pausing by mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) within bouts of rumination-based mastication. To better understand the ecological properties that structure this behavior, we investigate spatial and temporal factors related to these pauses to determine if results are consistent with our hypothesis that pausing is used for auditory vigilance. We found that deer paused more when in forested cover and at night, where visual vigilance was likely to be less effective. Additionally, deer paused more in areas of moderate background sound levels, though responses to anthropogenic features were less clear. Our results suggest that pauses during rumination represent a form of auditory vigilance that is responsive to landscape variables. Further exploration of this behavior can facilitate a more holistic understanding of risk perception and the costs associated with vigilance behavior

    Landscape features influence postrelease predation on endangered black-footed ferrets

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    Predation can be a critical factor influencing recovery of endangered species. In most recovery efforts lethal and nonlethal influences of predators are not sufficiently understood to allow prediction of predation risk, despite its importance. We investigated whether landscape features could be used to model predation risk from coyotes (Canis latrans) and great horned owls (Bubo virginianus) on the endangered black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes). We used location data of reintroduced ferrets from 3 sites in South Dakota to determine whether exposure to landscape features typically associated with predators affected survival of ferrets, and whether ferrets considered predation risk when choosing habitat near perches potentially used by owls or near linear features predicted to be used by coyotes. Exposure to areas near likely owl perches reduced ferret survival, but landscape features potentially associated with coyote movements had no appreciable effect on survival. Ferrets were located within 90 m of perches more than expected in 2 study sites that also had higher ferret mortality due to owl predation. Densities of potential coyote travel routes near ferret locations were no different than expected in all 3 sites. Repatriated ferrets might have selected resources based on factors other than predator avoidance. Considering an easily quantified landscape feature (i.e., owl perches) can enhance success of reintroduction efforts for ferrets. Nonetheless, development of predictive models of predation risk and management strategies to mitigate that risk is not necessarily straightforward for more generalist predators such as coyotes

    Mate choice decisions by searchers

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    For more than two decades rudimentary versions of the fixed sample and sequential search strategies have provided the primary theoretical foundation for the study of mate choice decisions by searchers. The theory that surrounds these models has expanded markedly over this time period. In this paper, we review and extend results derived from these models, with a focus on the empirical analysis of searcher behavior. The basic models are impractical for empirical purposes because they rely on the assumption that searchers—and, for applied purposes, researchers—assess prospective mates based on their quality, the fitness consequences of mate choice decisions. Here we expound versions of the models that are more empirically useful, reformulated to reflect decisions based on male phenotypic characters. For some organisms, it may be possible to use preference functions to derive predictions from the reformulated models and thereby avoid difficulties associated with the measurement of male quality per se. But predictions derived from the two models are difficult to differentiate empirically, regardless of how the models are formulated. Here we develop ideas that illustrate how this goal might be accomplished. In addition, we clarify how the variability of male quality should be evaluated and we extend what is known about how this variability influences searcher behavior under each model. More general difficulties associated with the empirical study of mate choice decisions by searchers are also discussed [Current Zoology 59 (2): 184–199, 2013]

    The effect of a single pre-release exposure to conspecific alarm cue on post-stocking survival in three strains of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Significant resources go toward rearing and stocking fish globally, yet post-stocking survival is often low, largely due to high predation rates on hatchery-reared fish. Antipredator behavior has been enhanced in many species through exposure to chemical cues that simulate predation events, but the implementation of such protocols may be logistically challenging. It has been suggested that a single exposure of hatchery fish to chemical cues while en route to stocking locations may be sufficient to enhance antipredator behavior and improve survival. We tested whether a one-time exposure to conspecific alarm cues while en route to a stocking site increased post-stocking survival of three strains of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)). We found no difference in mortality rates between strains or between treatment fish (exposed to alarm cues) and control fish (not exposed to alarm cues), suggesting that this quick and easy protocol was insufficient, and that more complex techniques should be explored to increase post-stocking survival.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    The effects of abiotic enrichment and predator training on the behavior, morphology, and survival of a species of conservation concern

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    Abstract Conservation practitioners often rely on captive breeding programs to supplement wild populations at risk of extinction. While supplementation has been successful for some taxa, the success of using hatchery fish to supplement wild populations is severely impacted by predation. Elevated predation on hatchery fish may arise because hatchery environments often differ from wild environments and constrain the ability of hatchery fish to be adapted to the environments in which they are released. We assessed the effects of abiotic enrichment on the expression of behavioral and morphological phenotypes across three populations of a species of conservation concern, the Arkansas darter (Etheostoma cragini). We also used a factorial approach to assess whether abiotic enrichment and predator training increases survival during encounters with a novel predator. We found that abiotic enrichment affected ecomorphological attributes associated with fins; generally, measures of the caudal and pectoral fin decreased in the treatment group compared to the control treatment. Behaviorally, darters reared with abiotic enrichment increased feeding and decreased movement compared to the control group. Importantly, we found that in combination with predator training, abiotic enrichment increased the probability of surviving first encounters with a predator. We therefore recommend conservation practitioners incorporate abiotic enrichment and predator training in hatchery programs. Captive breeding programs are used to supplement wild populations at risk of extinction, but hatchery‐reared fish often do not survive after release. Using the threatened Arkansas darter, we show that abiotic enrichment and predator training of hatchery populations impact behavior and morphology and increase the probability of surviving first encounters with a non‐native predator

    Behavioral responses associated with a human-mediated predator shelter

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 7-8).Human activities in protected areas can affect wildlife populations in a similar manner to predation risk, causing increases in movement and vigilance, shifts in habitat use and changes in group size. Nevertheless, recent evidence indicates that in certain situations ungulate species may actually utilize areas associated with higher levels of human presence as a potential refuge from disturbance-sensitive predators. We now use four-years of behavioral activity budget data collected from pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) and elk (Cervus elephus) in Grand Teton National Park, USA to test whether predictable patterns of human presence can provide a shelter from predatory risk. Daily behavioral scans were conducted along two parallel sections of road that differed in traffic volume - with the main Teton Park Road experiencing vehicle use that was approximately thirty-fold greater than the River Road. At the busier Teton Park Road, both species of ungulate engaged in higher levels of feeding (27% increase in the proportion of pronghorn feeding and 21% increase for elk), lower levels of alert behavior (18% decrease for pronghorn and 9% decrease for elk) and formed smaller groups. These responses are commonly associated with reduced predatory threat. Pronghorn also exhibited a 30% increase in the proportion of individuals moving at the River Road as would be expected under greater exposure to predation risk. Our findings concur with the 'predator shelter hypothesis', suggesting that ungulates in GTNP use human presence as a potential refuge from predation risk, adjusting their behavior accordingly. Human activity has the potential to alter predator-prey interactions and drive trophic-mediated effects that could ultimately impact ecosystem function and biodiversity.Published with support from the Colorado State University Libraries Open Access Research and Scholarship Fund

    The effect of human activities and their associated noise on ungulate behavior.

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    BACKGROUND: The effect of anthropogenic noise on terrestrial wildlife is a relatively new area of study with broad ranging management implications. Noise has been identified as a disturbance that has the potential to induce behavioral responses in animals similar to those associated with predation risk. This study investigated potential impacts of a variety of human activities and their associated noise on the behavior of elk (Cervus elaphus) and pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) along a transportation corridor in Grand Teton National Park. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted roadside scan surveys and focal observations of ungulate behavior while concurrently recording human activity and anthropogenic noise. Although we expected ungulates to be more responsive with greater human activity and noise, as predicted by the risk disturbance hypothesis, they were actually less responsive (less likely to perform vigilant, flight, traveling and defensive behaviors) with increasing levels of vehicle traffic, the human activity most closely associated with noise. Noise levels themselves had relatively little effect on ungulate behavior, although there was a weak negative relationship between noise and responsiveness in our scan samples. In contrast, ungulates did increase their responsiveness with other forms of anthropogenic disturbance; they reacted to the presence of pedestrians (in our scan samples) and to passing motorcycles (in our focal observations). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that ungulates did not consistently associate noise and human activity with an increase in predation risk or that they could not afford to maintain responsiveness to the most frequent human stimuli. Although reduced responsiveness to certain disturbances may allow for greater investment in fitness-enhancing activities, it may also decrease detections of predators and other environmental cues and increase conflict with humans

    An experimental test of alternative population augmentation scenarios

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    Human land use is fragmenting habitats worldwide and inhibiting dispersal among previously connected populations of organisms, often leading to inbreeding depression and reduced evolutionary potential in the face of rapid environmental change. To combat this augmentation of isolated populations with immigrants is sometimes used to facilitate demographic and genetic rescue. Augmentation with immigrants that are genetically and adaptively similar to the target population effectively increases population fitness, but if immigrants are very genetically or adaptively divergent, augmentation can lead to outbreeding depression. Despite well-cited guidelines for the best practice selection of immigrant sources, often only highly divergent populations remain, and experimental tests of these riskier augmentation scenarios are essentially nonexistent. We conducted a mesocosm experiment with Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to test the multigenerational demographic and genetic effects of augmenting 2 target populations with 3 types of divergent immigrants. We found no evidence of demographic rescue, but we did observe genetic rescue in one population. Divergent immigrant treatments tended to maintain greater genetic diversity, abundance, and hybrid fitness than controls that received immigrants from the source used to seed the mesocosms. In the second population, divergent immigrants had a slightly negative effect in one treatment, and the benefits of augmentation were less apparent overall, likely because this population started with higher genetic diversity and a lower reproductive rate that limited genetic admixture. Our results add to a growing consensus that gene flow can increase population fitness even when immigrants are more highly divergent and may help reduce uncertainty about the use of augmentation in conservation