5,691 research outputs found

    Does Efficient Irrigation Technology Lead to Reduced Groundwater Extraction?: Empirical Evidence

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    Policies that encourage the use of more efficiency irrigation technology are often viewed as effective, politically feasible methods to reduce the consumptive use of water for agricultural production. Despite their widespread use, these policies have not been subject to empirical evaluation. In this article, we evaluate the effect on groundwater extraction of a widespread conversion from traditional center pivot irrigation systems to higher efficiency dropped-nozzle center pivot systems that has occurred in western Kansas. State and national cost-share programs subsidized the conversion. We find that the programs have not had the intended effect; the shift to more efficient irrigation technology has not decreased the amount of water applied to a given crop, and has actually increased groundwater extraction through changing cropping patterns.irrigation efficiency, groundwater management, irrigation technology, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use,

    Are Soy-based Proteins, Meals, and Diets an Effective Treatment in Reducing Waist Circumference in Overweight and Obese Adults Ages 20-75 Years?

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    Objective: The objective of this evidence based medicine review is to determine whether or not soy-based proteins, meals, and diets are effective treatments in reducing waist circumference in overweight and obese adults ages 20-75 years. Study design: Review of three published, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in 2003, 2007, and 2011. All English language. Data Source: The three randomized controlled trials that used in this review were found using PubMed. Outcomes measured: The outcomes measured were improvement of patient’s overweight and obesity status and their overall quality of life through the indication of reduced waist circumference. By measuring patient’s waist circumference before, during, and after treatment of soy-based proteins, meals, and diets with measurement methods between the lower rib and iliac crest at the level of the navel, a non-distensible tape measure, and an inelastic scale. Results: In a RCT by Allison et al. (2003), soy-based meal replacement formula reduced waist circumference for overweight and obese adults in a 12 weeks period with an estimate treatment effectiveness of P Conclusions: The result of all three randomized controlled trials suggest that soy-based proteins, meals, and diets, as a form of treatment for reduction in waist circumference is effective in regards of patient’s overweight and obesity status and their overall quality of life. This topic does warrant additional research. Further studies conducted should include if patient needs a post-life-long maintain diet with soy-based proteins and meals after they have achieve a normal BMI waist circumference. In addition, will this be available for patients with mild soy-allergy, but controlled with anti-histamines

    The Impact of Food Away from Home on Adult Diet Quality

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    Food away from home (FAFH) has been associated with poor diet quality in many studies. It is difficult, however, to measure the effect of FAFH on diet quality since many unobserved factors, such as food preferences and time constraints, influence not just our choice of where to eat but also the nutritional quality of what we eat. Using data from 1994-96 and 2003-04, this study applies fixed-effects estimation to control for such unobservable influences and finds that, for the average adult, FAFH increases daily caloric intake and reduces diet quality. The effects vary depending on which meals are consumed away from home. On average, breakfast away from home decreases the number of servings of whole grains and dairy consumed per 1,000 calories and increases the percent of calories from saturated and solid fat, alcohol, and added sugar (SoFAAS) in a day. Dinner away from home reduces the number of servings of vegetables consumed per 1,000 calories for the average adult. Breakfast and lunch away from home increase calories from saturated fat and SoFAAS on average more among dieters than among nondieters. Some of the overall negative dietary effects decreased between 1994-96 and 2003-04, including those on whole grain, sodium, and vegetable consumption.Food away from home (FAFH), diet quality, 2005 Healthy Eating Index (HEI-2005), fixed-effects, first-difference, Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII), National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Health Economics and Policy,

    The Importance of Parameter Estimates for Stock-REIT-Bond Optimal Asset Allocation

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    This study is an extension of the research done by Waggle & Agrrawal (2006), which assesses the marginal effects of changes in optimal portfolio weights with respect to changes in the REIT-stock risk premium and correlation coefficients under a three-asset setting. We also consider two time periods from 1988-2011 and from 2000-2011. The results show that the sensitivity of changes in the REIT-stock risk premium on optimal portfolio weights is significantly higher than the effect of changes in correlation coefficients. Although the findings of the study do not provide the optimal portfolio composition for asset allocation, it provides compelling evidence of the importance in forecasting expected parameters and choosing appropriate historical time periods for a mean-variance optimization

    The relationships between student perception of constructivist learning environment, self-directed learning readiness, problem-solving skills, and teamwork skills

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    Constructivism is a recent educational philosophical development. This study was designed to ascertain the level of constructivism implemented in the Industrial technology program as observed by students. The study also sought to determine the level of constructivism students\u27 desire, and the relationship between what they observed and what they preferred. The faculty view of the implementation was also collected. A comparison was made between the faculty view of the level of constructivism and the student view of the amount of constructivism being used.;An instrument for the aspects of constructivism was used for data collection, three parts were an Australian validated and reliable instrument. The fourth part about problem solving was prepared, validated and tested for reliability at Iowa State University. The faculty instrument was a modification of the questions toward faculty perception rather than the student view. Interviews were made with several students, the results confirming what were determined by the instrument.;A high correlation existed between students who observed a higher level of constructivism practices being used with higher scores on problem-solving and teamwork skills than for their peers.;Satisfactory indices of a good fit between a hypothesized model and the observed data led to the development of a structural equation model. This model suggested that student learning in an constructivist environment could improve their self-directed learning readiness, problem-solving skills and teamwork skills

    Deep H-band Galaxy Counts and Half-light Radii from HST/NICMOS Parallel Observations

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    We present deep galaxy counts and half-light radii from F160W (λc=1.6μ\lambda_c=1.6\mu) images obtained with NICMOS on HST. Nearly 9 arcmin2^2 have been imaged with camera 3, with 3σ3\sigma depths ranging from H = 24.3 to 25.5 in a 0.6'' diameter aperture. The slope of the counts fainter than H~=20= 20 is 0.31, and the integrated surface density to H24.75\leq 24.75 is 4×1054 \times 10^5 galaxies per square degree. The half-light radii of the galaxies declines steeply with apparent magnitude. At H~=24=24 we are limited by both the delivered FWHM and the detection threshold of the images.Comment: 8 pages. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter