4 research outputs found

    Vital signs, volume status and body composition before and after anaesthesia.

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    <p>Delta was calculated by subtracting any patient’s preoperative value from the postoperative value. Significance was determined by Student’s t-test (p<0.05). Italics: Data were incomplete for body temperature (number of missing values: N = 7 [pre], N = 20 [post], N = 20 [delta]), serum protein (number of missing values: N = 15 [pre], N = 39 [post], N = 46 [delta]), serum albumin (number of missing values: N = 42 [pre], N = 40 [post], N = 54 [delta]), C-reactive protein (number of missing values: N = 11 [pre], N = 39 [post], N = 42 [delta]) and Capillary Leak Index (number of missing values: N = 43 [pre], N = 43 [post], N = 55 [delta]), despite significant findings. Note that postoperative laboratory measurements were usually performed on the day after surgery (not simultaneous to the postoperative BCM-measurement). Bold: findings with p<0.05. Abbreviations: ECV = Extracellular Volume, ICV = Intracellular Volume, TBV = Total Body Fluid Volume.</p><p>Vital signs, volume status and body composition before and after anaesthesia.</p

    Association between net perioperative fluid balance and changes in pre- to postoperative extracellular volume, with multiple levels of adjustments.

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    <p>Multiple regression analysis: After stepwise adjustment the coefficients of determination (r<sup>2</sup>), the p-value<sup>1</sup> for the combined effect of all predictors for each model, the p-value<sup>2</sup> for the individual effect of a predictor and the correlation coefficient (Beta) represent the association between the outcome and the predictor variables. Boldface indicating statistical significance (p<0.05).</p><p>Association between net perioperative fluid balance and changes in pre- to postoperative extracellular volume, with multiple levels of adjustments.</p

    Demographic characteristics of the study population.

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    <p>Continuous variables are reported as mean ± standard deviation, (5<sup>th</sup> and 95<sup>th</sup> percentile); categorical variables are presented as counts and frequencies. Abbreviations: ASA = American Society of Anaesthesiologists’ physical status classification system, NYHA = New York Heart Association functional classification, PONV = postoperative nausea and vomiting, IV = intravenous. Net perioperative fluid balance = total perioperative intravenous fluid volume, corrected for urinary excretion and blood loss. *In 5 cases, the interval between the BCM-measurements was >60 minutes longer than the duration of anaesthesia, due to logistical reasons.</p><p>Demographic characteristics of the study population.</p

    Associations between pre- to postoperative changes in volume status and net perioperative fluid balance.

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    <p>Scatter plots. Regression equations are as follows: <b>A</b> Change in Extracellular Volume = 0.73×Net Perioperative Fluid Balance –0.37. <b>B</b> Change in Total Body volume = 0.91×Net Perioperative Fluid Balance –0.43. <b>C</b> No linear correlation between Change in Intracellular Volume and Net Perioperative Fluid Balance. <b>D</b> No linear correlation between Change in Intracellular Volume and Change in Extracellular Volume. Pearson correlation test. R<sup>2</sup> = Coefficient of determination.</p