40 research outputs found

    Multiple Sklerose: Suszeptibilität, Triggerfaktoren und Biomarker

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    Multiple Sklerose: Suszeptibilität, Triggerfaktoren und Biomarker

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    Tissue-resident CD8+ memory T cells in multiple sclerosis

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    Twin study dissects CXCR3

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    Background: In multiple sclerosis (MS), B cells are considered main triggers of the disease, likely as the result of complex interaction between genetic and environmental risk factors. Studies on monozygotic twins discordant for MS offer a unique way to reduce this complexity and reveal discrepant subsets. Methods: In this study, we analyzed B cell subsets in blood samples of monozygotic twins with and without MS using publicly available data. We verified functional characteristics by exploring the role of therapy and performed separate analyses in unrelated individuals. Findings: The frequencies of CXCR3 + memory B cells were reduced in the blood of genetically identical twins with MS compared to their unaffected twin siblings. Natalizumab (anti-VLA-4 antibody) was the only treatment regimen under which these frequencies were reversed. The CNS-homing features of CXCR3 + memory B cells were supported by elevated CXCL10 levels in MS cerebrospinal fluid and their in vitro propensity to develop into antibody -secreting cells. Conclusions: Circulating CXCR3 + memory B cells are affected by nonheritable cues in people who develop MS. This underlines the requirement of environmental risk factors such as Epstein -Barr virus in triggering these B cells. We propose that after CXCL10-mediated entry into the CNS, CXCR3 + memory B cells mature into antibody -secreting cells to drive MS

    Early adaptive immune activation detected in monozygotic twins with prodromal multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disabling disease of the CNS. Inflammatory features of MS include lymphocyte accumulations in the CNS and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The preclinical events leading to established MS are still enigmatic. Here we compared gene expression patterns of CSF cells from MS-discordant monozygotic twin pairs. Six "healthy" co-twins, who carry a maximal familial risk for developing MS, showed subclinical neuroinflammation (SCNI) with small MRI lesions. Four of these subjects had oligoclonal bands (OCBs). By single-cell RNA sequencing of 2752 CSF cells, we identified clonally expanded CD8(+) T cells, plasmablasts, and, to a lesser extent, CD4(+) T cells not only from MS patients but also from subjects with SCNI. In contrast to nonexpanded T cells, clonally expanded T cells showed characteristics of activated tissue-resident memory T (T-RM) cells. The T-RM-like phenotype was detectable already in cells from SCNI subjects but more pronounced in cells from patients with definite MS. Expanded plasmablast clones were detected only in MS and SCNI subjects with OCBs. Our data provide evidence for very early concomitant activation of 3 components of the adaptive immune system in MS, with a notable contribution of clonally expanded T-RM-like CD8(+) cells

    A genome-wide in vivo CRISPR screen identifies essential regulators of T cell migration to the CNS in a multiple sclerosis model

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) involves the infiltration of autoreactive T cells into the CNS, yet we lack a comprehensive understanding of the signaling pathways that regulate this process. Here, we conducted a genome-wide in vivo CRISPR screen in a rat MS model and identified 5 essential brakes and 18 essential facilitators of T cell migration to the CNS. While the transcription factor ETS1 limits entry to the CNS by controlling T cell responsiveness, three functional modules, centered around the adhesion molecule & alpha;4-integrin, the chemokine receptor CXCR3 and the GRK2 kinase, are required for CNS migration of autoreactive CD4+ T cells. Single-cell analysis of T cells from individuals with MS confirmed that the expression of these essential regulators correlates with the propensity of CD4+ T cells to reach the CNS. Our data thus reveal key regulators of the fundamental step in the induction of MS lesions. Multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions are initiated by the infiltration of T cells to the CNS. Here, Kendirli et al. use a genome-wide CRISPR screen in an MS model to define the molecules that regulate T cell entry to the CNS

    Twin study reveals non-heritable immune perturbations in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the central nervous system underpinned by partially understood genetic risk factors and environmental triggers and their undefined interactions1,2^{1,2}. Here we investigated the peripheral immune signatures of 61 monozygotic twin pairs discordant for MS to dissect the influence of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Using complementary multimodal high-throughput and high-dimensional single-cell technologies in conjunction with data-driven computational tools, we identified an inflammatory shift in a monocyte cluster of twins with MS, coupled with the emergence of a population of IL-2 hyper-responsive transitional naive helper T cells as MS-related immune alterations. By integrating data on the immune profiles of healthy monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs, we estimated the variance in CD25 expression by helper T cells displaying a naive phenotype to be largely driven by genetic and shared early environmental influences. Nonetheless, the expanding helper T cells of twins with MS, which were also elevated in non-twin patients with MS, emerged independent of the individual genetic makeup. These cells expressed central nervous system-homing receptors, exhibited a dysregulated CD25–IL-2 axis, and their proliferative capacity positively correlated with MS severity. Together, our matched-pair analysis of the extended twin approach allowed us to discern genetically and environmentally determined features of an MS-associated immune signature

    Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis: a position paper and registry outline

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    Background: While substantial progress has been made in the development of disease-modifying medications for multiple sclerosis (MS), a high percentage of treated patients still show progression and persistent inflammatory activity. Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) aims at eliminating a pathogenic immune repertoire through intense short-term immunosuppression that enables subsequent regeneration of a new and healthy immune system to re-establish immune tolerance for a long period of time. A number of mostly open-label, uncontrolled studies conducted over the past 20 years collected about 4000 cases. They uniformly reported high efficacy of AHSCT in controlling MS inflammatory disease activity, more markedly beneficial in relapsing-remitting MS. Immunological studies provided evidence for qualitative immune resetting following AHSCT. These data and improved safety profiles of transplantation procedures spurred interest in using AHSCT as a treatment option for MS. Objective: To develop expert consensus recommendations on AHSCT in Germany and outline a registry study project. Methods: An open call among MS neurologists as well as among experts in stem cell transplantation in Germany started in December 2021 to join a series of virtual meetings. Results: We provide a consensus-based opinion paper authored by 25 experts on the up-to-date optimal use of AHSCT in managing MS based on the Swiss criteria. Current data indicate that patients who are most likely to benefit from AHSCT have relapsing-remitting MS and are young, ambulatory and have high disease activity. Treatment data with AHSCT will be collected within the German REgistry Cohort of autologous haematopoietic stem CeLl trAnsplantation In MS (RECLAIM). Conclusion: Further clinical trials, including registry-based analyses, are urgently needed to better define the patient characteristics, efficacy and safety profile of AHSCT compared with other high-efficacy therapies and to optimally position it as a treatment option in different MS disease stages. Keywords: Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT), multiple sclerosis, registry study, treatment recommendation

    Genome-wide significant association with seven novel multiple sclerosis risk loci

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    Objective: A recent large-scale study in multiple sclerosis (MS) using the ImmunoChip platform reported on 11 loci that showed suggestive genetic association with MS. Additional data in sufficiently sized and independent data sets are needed to assess whether these loci represent genuine MS risk factors. Methods: The lead SNPs of all 11 loci were genotyped in 10 796 MS cases and 10 793 controls from Germany, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Austria and Russia, that were independent from the previously reported cohorts. Association analyses were performed using logistic regression based on an additive model. Summary effect size estimates were calculated using fixed-effect meta-analysis. Results: Seven of the 11 tested SNPs showed significant association with MS susceptibility in the 21 589 individuals analysed here. Meta-analysis across our and previously published MS case-control data (total sample size n=101 683) revealed novel genome-wide significant association with MS susceptibility (p<5×10−8) for all seven variants. This included SNPs in or near LOC100506457 (rs1534422, p=4.03×10−12), CD28 (rs6435203, p=1.35×10−9), LPP (rs4686953, p=3.35×10−8), ETS1 (rs3809006, p=7.74×10−9), DLEU1 (rs806349, p=8.14×10−12), LPIN3 (rs6072343, p=7.16×10−12) and IFNGR2 (rs9808753, p=4.40×10−10). Cis expression quantitative locus effects were observed in silico for rs6435203 on CD28 and for rs9808753 on several immunologically relevant genes in the IFNGR2 locus. Conclusions: This study adds seven loci to the list of genuine MS genetic risk factors and further extends the list of established loci shared across autoimmune diseases