2,571 research outputs found

    Compactly Supported Wavelets Derived From Legendre Polynomials: Spherical Harmonic Wavelets

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    A new family of wavelets is introduced, which is associated with Legendre polynomials. These wavelets, termed spherical harmonic or Legendre wavelets, possess compact support. The method for the wavelet construction is derived from the association of ordinary second order differential equations with multiresolution filters. The low-pass filter associated with Legendre multiresolution analysis is a linear phase finite impulse response filter (FIR).Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 table In: Computational Methods in Circuits and Systems Applications, WSEAS press, pp.211-215, 2003. ISBN: 960-8052-88-

    Efeito de níveis de calcário no desenvolvimento e absorção de nutrientes em plantas jovens de açaizeiro (Euterpe oleracea Mart.).

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    O presente trabalho objetiva determinar a resposta para açaí cultivar BRS - Pará à aplicação de calcário dolomítico em Latossolo Amarelo de textura médi

    Relationship between the stability and surface tension of the tear film

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    Evaluation of optical properties of different types of contact lenses

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    The main objective of this work was to attain a deeper knowledge of contact lenses (CL) optical properties and to understand the influence of CL power on other properties which can affect the optical performance and compromise the ocular physiology.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), QREN/FSE/COMPETE

    Interactions between contact lenses and lens care solutions: Influence in optical properties

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    Purpose: Investigate changes in optical properties of contact lenses materials (transmittance and reflectance) and lens care solutions (absorption and fluorescence) resulting from its interaction. Methods: From an experimental study, triplicate measurements of transmittance and reflectance of five contact lenses (Senofilcon A, Lotrafilcon B, Balafilcon A, Comfilcon A, and Omafilcon A), as well as UV-vis absorption and fluorescence of four lens care solutions (LCS) (ReNu MultiPlus, Biotrue, OPTI-FREE PureMoist, and AOSept Plus), were evaluated before and after 8 h, one day and one week in storage. The outcomes were provided by Shimadzu UV3101-PC UV-vis-NIR spectrophotometer equipped with an integrating sphere, between 200-700 nm, and SPEX-Fluorolog 2 FL3-22 spectrofluorometer. Results: All variables exhibited statistically significant differences over time. Comfilcon A showed the lowest ultraviolet radiation (UVR) A & B attenuation. Balafilcon A and Lotrafilcon B displayed a slight suppression of UVR. Senofilcon A was effective in UVR protection and showed less effect on the fluorescence of lens care solutions. Overall, the reflectance decreased after storage (p < 0.05). AOSept Plus absorbance and fluorescence demonstrated lower interactions than multipurpose solutions (MPS), and Lotrafilcon B induced more remarkable changes in optical properties of LCS than the other materials. Conclusion: The findings suggest that optical variables of lens care solutions and contact lenses changed mutually after storage, probably associated with biochemical and biophysical interactions between components and the release of some polymer compounds. These findings can provide additional information about the interaction of CL materials and LCS in clinical behavior.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT-Portugal) in the framework of the Strategic Funding of CF-UM-UP (UIDB/04650/2020)

    Avaliação de genótipos de girassol quanto à infestação do besouro amarelo, Ciclocefala melanocephala.

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    Uso de coletores para estimar a produção de sementes de andiroba na APA da Fazendinha, Macapá - AP.

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    O presente estudo foi realizado na Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) da Fazendinha com o objetivo de quantificar a produção de sementes de andiroba por meio de coletores suspensos do solo, verificando a efetividade dos coletores em estimar a produção total das andirobeiras. Para a análise da produção foram selecionadas trinta andirobeiras produtivas, sendo estas cercadas com tela plástica de 1,20 m. Dessas trinta, foram sorteadas vinte andirobeiras para instalação dos coletores. Em cada uma foram colocados dez coletores de 1m2 suspensos do solo. As coletas foram realizadas quinzenalmente durante o período de 'maio a julho de 2009, sendo que após cada coleta era realizada a triagem, contagem e pesagem das sementes. No total, foram coletadas 8955 sementes, sendo 730 nos coletores e 8225 no chão. Houve uma relação significativa entre o total de sementes coletado sob as andirobeiras e o total de sementes calculado usando o número de sementes que caiu nos coletores de cada andirobeira multiplicado pela sua respectiva área de copa. A análise de variância da regressão linear mostrou que a significância da relação pode ser constatada tanto quando foram utilizadas todas as coletas, quanto quando foram utilizados os totais por andirobeira. Apesar do pouco tempo de coleta de dados e do ajuste das equações ainda não estar otimizado, os resultados permitem inferir que o uso dos coletores para estimar a produção de sementes de andiroba pode gerar resultados confiáveis. No entanto, a metodologia necessita de alguns ajustes, principalmente em relação ao número e posicionamento dos coletores, para melhorar sua capacidade preditiva

    The Optical - Infrared Colors of CORALS QSOs: Searching for Dust Reddening Associated With High Redshift Damped Lyman Alpha Systems

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    The presence of dust in quasar absorbers, such as damped Lyman alpha (DLA) systems, may cause the background QSO to appear reddened. We investigate the extent of this potential reddening by comparing the optical-to-infrared (IR) colors of QSOs with and without intervening absorbers. Our QSO sample is based on the Complete Optical and Radio Absorption Line System (CORALS) survey of Ellison et al (2001). We have obtained near-simultaneous B and K band magnitudes for subset of the CORALS sample and supplemented our observations with further measurements published in the literature. To account for redshift-related color changes, the B-K colors are normalized using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) QSO composite. The mean normalized B-K color of the DLA sub-sample is +0.12, whereas the mean for the no-DLA sample is -0.10; both distributions have RMS scatters ~0.5. Neither a student's T-test nor a KS test indicate that there is any significant difference between the two color distributions. Based on simulations which redden the colors of QSOs with intervening DLAs, we determine a reddening limit which corresponds to E(B-V) < 0.04 (SMC-like extinction) at 99% confidence (3 sigma), assuming that E(B-V) is the same for all DLAs. Finally, we do not find any general correlation between absorber properties (such as [Fe/Zn] or neutral hydrogen column density) and B-K color. One of these two QSOs shows evidence for strong associated absorption from X-ray observations, an alternative explanation for its very red color. We conclude that the presence of intervening galaxies causes a minimal reddening of the background QSO.Comment: Accepted for publication in A