602 research outputs found

    Methane fluxes, microbial activities and community structures in a wet tundra of the Lena Delta

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    Wet tundra environments of the Arctic are natural sources of the climate relevant trace gas methane. The underlying biogeochemical processes are not yet well understood. The field investigations were carried out on the island Samoylov (N 72°, E 126°) located in the Lena Delta, Siberia. The study site represented an area of typical polygonal patterned grounds with ice-wedges, which were considered for analyses of methane fluxes, organic matter quality and microbial communities.The mean flux rate of the depression was 53.2 ± 8.7 mg CH4 m-2 d-1, whereas the mean flux rate of the dryer rim part of the polygon was 4.7 ± 2.5 CH4 m-2 d-1. The quantity of dissolved organic matter (DOM), which represents an important C pool for microbial communities, correlated significant with the total concentrations of phospholipid fatty acids and ether lipids (PLFA and PLEL) a measure for microbial biomass. Although permafrost soils represent a large carbon pool, it was shown, that the reduced quality of organic matter leads to a substrate limitation of the microbial metabolism. This is an important finding for modelling and calculating trace gas fluxes from permafrost environments, because the known models are consider only the total carbon amount.It can be concluded by the presented results firstly that microbial communities in permafrost environments are composed by members of all three domains of life at numbers comparable to temperate soil ecosystems and secondly that the permafrost microorganisms are well adapted to the extreme temperature gradient of their environment

    Method of low-cycle fatigue test results processing

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    There is considered the method of proceeding during elaboration of low-cycle fatigue test results of metals. Presented method enables to determine the material data in various periods of fatigue life. The results obtained with the use of proposed method allow taking into account during fatigue life calculations as the visible changes of cyclic properties of material. The above is of special importance in the case of material characterized by the absence of stabilization period.Подано новий метод аналізу результатів мaлoциклoвих випробувань металів на втому, який дає змогу визначити характеристики матеріалів на різних стадіях втоми. Отримані дані можуть бути використані для розрахунків втомної довговічності елементів конструкцій.Представлен новый метод анализа результатов мaлoциклoвых испытаний металлов на усталость, который позволяет определить характеристики материалов на разных стадиях усталости. Полученные данные могут быть использованы для расчета усталостной долговечности элементов конструкций

    Friction and Wear of Radiation Resistant Composites, Coatings and Ceramics in Vacuum and Low Temperature Environment

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    ABSTRACT Superconducting magnets used in accelerators such as the Superconducting Super Collider @SC) are exposed to fast neutron and gamma irradiation. Some of the components used in the SSC cryostat are fabricated from organic materials with low radiation resistance. The slide bearing material presently supporting the magnet assembly contains Teflon and must be replaced with a material of improved radiation resistance. A group of sliding materials, most of which have suitable radiation resistance, were tested under conditions of pressure, temperature, velocity, and vacuum typically encountered in normal cryostat operation. As this was a preliminary screening test, the samples were only cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature. The group of materials tested consists of composites, coated base metals, and ceramics. The criteria was to maintain a low coefficient of friction throughout the experiment in spite of changes in temperature and vacuum. Subsequent tests will expose finalist materials to fast neutron irradiation at liquid helium temperatures. This paper describes the experimental setup and presents data of the friction coefficient measurements taken for the various samples

    A study of the symmetry of roots and root canal morphology in mandibular anterior teeth using cone-beam computed tomographic imaging in a Polish population

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    Background: The purpose of the study was to analyse mandibular anterior teeth in a Polish population and determine the symmetry of root and root canal morphology between the right and left side using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanning.Materials and methods: From 111 CBCT examinations, 303 pairs of equivalent mandibular anterior teeth were analysed on the right and left sides to evaluate symmetry. Axial, sagittal, and cross-sectional slices with a thickness of 0.2–0.25 mm were used. The number of root canals and their internal patterns were classified following Vertucci’s criteria.Results: All incisors in this study had 1 root. Canines usually had a single root and much less often had 2 roots. Type I and III root canal configurations were found most often, while type V and II configurations were less frequent. Significant compatibility between the left and right side was observed in all evaluated variables. Incisors had the highest symmetry with regard to the number of roots (100%). Second canals were observed more often in males than females, but only the results in lateral incisors were significant.Conclusions: This study provides supplemental information for dentists and should help them to better predict the morphology of mandibular anterior teeth in complicated cases in the Polish population. Symmetry was observed in roots and root canal morphology in all examined parameters

    Surface Quality of a Work Material Influence on Vibrations in a Cutting Process

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    The problem of stability in the machining processes is an important task. It is strictly connected with the final quality of a product. In this paper we consider vibrations of a tool-workpiece system in a straight turning process induced by random disturbances and their effect on a product surface. Basing on experimentally obtained system parameters we have done the simulations using one degree of freedom model. The noise has been introduced to the model by the Langevin equation. We have also analyzed the product surface shape and its dependence on the level of noise.Comment: 12 pages, PDF of figures can be obtained from http://archimedes.pol.lublin.pl/~raf/graf/fpic.pd

    The country’s land potential as a key factor in ensuring its food security: Land management and legal aspect

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    The article analyzes the state of the country’s land resources and land management measures to optimize their use for reliable food security. According to the results of the analysis, a number of problems that arose in the post-reform period were identified: unclaimed land shares and their allocation to independent consolidated plots, termination of processing of previously developed farmland, lack of proper land management support, including due to imperfect legislation. The prolonged consequences of these processes are still underestimated. The authors point out that land management measures and the need for their implementation are a necessary condition for successfully solving these problems

    Detection of high-frequency oscillations by hybrid depth electrodes in standard clinical intracranial EEG recordings

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    High-frequency oscillations (HFOs) have been proposed as a novel marker for epileptogenic tissue, spurring tremendous research interest into the characterization of these transient events. A wealth of continuously recorded intracranial electroencephalographic (iEEG) data is currently available from patients undergoing invasive monitoring for the surgical treatment of epilepsy. In contrast to data recorded on research-customized recording systems, data from clinical acquisition systems remain an underutilized resource for HFO detection in most centers. The effective and reliable use of this clinically obtained data would be an important advance in the ongoing study of HFOs and their relationship to ictogenesis. The diagnostic utility of HFOs ultimately will be limited by the ability of clinicians to detect these brief, sporadic, and low amplitude events in an electrically noisy clinical environment. Indeed, one of the most significant factors limiting the use of such clinical recordings for research purposes is their low signal to noise ratio, especially in the higher frequency bands. In order to investigate the presence of HFOs in clinical data, we first obtained continuous intracranial recordings in a typical clinical environment using a commercially available, commonly utilized data acquisition system and "off the shelf" hybrid macro-/micro-depth electrodes. These data were then inspected for the presence of HFOs using semi-automated methods and expert manual review. With targeted removal of noise frequency content, HFOs were detected on both macro- and micro-contacts, and preferentially localized to seizure onset zones. HFOs detected by the offline, semi-automated method were also validated in the clinical viewer, demonstrating that (1) this clinical system allows for the visualization of HFOs and (2) with effective signal processing, clinical recordings can yield valuable information for offline analysis. © 2014 Kondylis, Wozny, Lipski, Popescu, DeStefino, Esmaeili, Raghu, Bagic and Richardson