20 research outputs found

    Fetomaternal outcome in pregnancies with reproductive tract anomalies

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    Background: Congenital reproductive tract anomalies result from abnormal formation, fusion or resorption of the mullerian ducts during fetal life. Pregnancies with reproductive tract anomalies are known to have higher incidence of spontaneous abortions, fetal malpresentations, preterm labour, preterm premature rupture of membranes and increased cesarean section rate. The present study was conducted to describe the fetal and maternal outcomes among pregnant women with uncorrected reproductive tract anomalies in a tertiary care centre, Manipur, India.Methods: A hospital based cross sectional study was conducted among pregnant women with uncorrected reproductive tract anomalies in regional institute of medical sciences, Imphal, Manipur, India between September 2018 to August 2020.Results: A total of 62 pregnant women with uterine anomalies were included in the study. Bicornuate uterus was the most common uterine anomaly (45.2%) followed by arcuate uterus (19.3%). Cesarean section was conducted in 72.6% of the pregnant women and its major indication was fetal malpresentation (breech). Maternal complications were present in56.5% of the pregnancies and fetal complications in 27.4% of the newborns.Conclusions: The current study has shown a significant association between uterine anomalies and maternal and fetal complications including premature rupture of membranes, fetal malpresentation and increased caesarean section rate. Further studies involving bigger sample size will help in understanding the problem more and hence in the prevention of the complications in future

    ValoraciĂłn de los ĂĄngulos del cuello del aneurisma de aorta abdominal. Estudio en 507 pacientes

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    Angulation in different planes of the neck of abdominal aortic aneurysms may be considered a limiting factor in the implantation of different prostheses in the treatment of this pathology. It is necessary to make an assessment of the angles in different planes in routine studies prior to the planning of the procedures and especially by AngioTAC. The study evaluated the measurement of 507 patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms and treated endovascular procedures and of whom the complete information was available at the level of neck angulations. In a prospective and descriptive study the situation of this aortic sector was evaluated, contributing information about the tendency in the morphological presentation of the aorta in patients with this aetiolog

    Study of angulations of visceral abdominals arteries in their abdominal aorta emergency

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    Recently, fenestrated, branched and stent grafts have been developed in order to treat endovascular aneurysmal pathology at the level of the aorta in the emergence of the visceral arteries. For the implantation of stents, it is necessary to have a precise planimetry of the origin and orientation of the visceral branches in order firstly to perform the correct manufacture of the endoprosthesis and secondly the placement with precision of the same. The knowledge of the emergency of the vessels of the aortic wall and its orientation knowing the angle of emergency. The data obtained for the planning of the endovascular treatment of 37 patients in order to obtain data from the descriptive point of view of this sector

    An antibody that targets cell-surface glucose-regulated protein-78 inhibits expression of inflammatory cytokines and plasminogen activator inhibitors by macrophages

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    Glucose-regulated protein-78 (Grp78) is an endoplasmic reticulum chaperone, which is secreted by cells and associates with cell surfaces, where it functions as a receptor for activated α2-macroglobulin (α2M) and tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA). In macrophages, α2M and tPA also bind to the transmembrane receptor, LDL receptor-related protein-1 (LRP1), activating a cell-signaling receptor assembly that includes the NMDA receptor (NMDA-R) to suppress innate immunity. Herein, we demonstrate that an antibody targeting Grp78 (N88) inhibits NFÎșB activation and expression of proinflammatory cytokines in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) treated with the toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) ligand, lipopolysaccharide, or with agonists that activate TLR2, TLR7, or TLR9. Pharmacologic inhibition of the NMDA-R or deletion of the gene encoding LRP1 (Lrp1) in BMDMs neutralizes the activity of N88. The fibrinolysis protease inhibitor, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI1), has been implicated in diverse diseases including metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. Deletion of Lrp1 independently increased expression of PAI1 and PAI2 in BMDMs, as did treatment of wild-type BMDMs with TLR agonists. tPA, α2M, and N88 inhibited expression of PAI1 and PAI2 in BMDMs treated with TLR-activating agents. Inhibiting Src family kinases blocked the ability of both N88 and tPA to function as anti-inflammatory agents, suggesting that the cell-signaling pathway activated by tPA and N88, downstream of LRP1 and the NMDA-R, may be equivalent. We conclude that targeting cell-surface Grp78 may be effective in suppressing innate immunity by a mechanism that requires LRP1 and the NMDA-R.</p

    Statistical analysis for rupture risk prediction of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) based on its morphometry

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    The morphometry of the abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) it has been recognized as one of the main factors that may predispose its rupture. The variation of the AAA morphometry, over time, induces modifications in hemodynamic behavior which, in turn, alters the spatial and temporal distribution of hemodynamic stress on the aneurismatic wall, establishing a bidirectional process that can influence the rupture phenomenon. In order to evaluate potential correlations between the main geometric parameters characterizing the AAA and hemodynamic stresses, 13 unrupture AAA patient-specific models were created. To AAA geometric characterization, twelve indices based on lumen center line were defined and determined. The computing of temporal and spatial distributions of hemodynamic stresses was conducted through Computational Fluid Dynamics. Statistical techniques were used to assess the relationships between the hemodynamic parameters and the different geometrical indices of the AAA. Regression analyses were conducted to obtain linear predictor models for hemodynamic stresses using the different indices defined in this paper as predictor variables. The statistical analysis confirmed that the length L, the asymmetry and the saccular index significantly influenced the hemodynamic stresses. The results obtained show the potential of the use of statistical techniques in predicting the rupture risk of patient-specific AAA