4,729 research outputs found

    Wind Farms Influence on Radiocommunication Systems Operating in the VHF and UHF Bands, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2015, nr 2

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    The following paper discusses several aspects connected with the wind farms’ impact on radiocommunication systems. The first part of this article is filled with the analysis of the ITU-R BT.1893 model, which was originally created for the analysis of the interaction between the wind turbines anddigital TV receivers in the UHF band. A measurement campaign carried out by the authors confirmed that this model is also applicable for the lower, maritime VHF band. Utilizing the software implementation of this model, the authors conducted a thorough simulation analysis of the wind turbines’ influence on radio systems working in both VHF and UHF bands. The results of these simulations are presented and discussed in the second part of the paper

    Wind farms influence on radiocommunication systems operating in the VHF and UHF bands. Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne, 2015, nr 1-2

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    The following paper discusses several aspects connected with the wind farms’ impact on radiocommunication systems. The first part of this article is filled with the analysis of the ITU-R BT.1893 model, originally created for the analysis of the interaction between the wind turbines and digital TV receivers in the UHF band. A measurement campaign carried out by the authors confirmed that this model is also applicable for the lower, maritime VHF band. Utilizing the software implementation of this model, the authors conducted a thorough simulation analysis of the wind turbines’ influence on radio systems working in both VHF and UHF bands. The results of these simulations are presented and discussed in the second part of the paper

    Aktywność Instytutu Łączności na rzecz rozwoju nowoczesnych systemów i technik satelitarnych, Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne, 2018, nr 1-2

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    Od momentu przystąpienia Polski do Europejskiej Agencji Kosmicznej, zainteresowanie krajowych firm i instytucji segmentem technik i systemów satelitarnych znacząco wzrosło. W niniejszym artykule opisano działania Instytutu Łączności – Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego (IŁ) na tym polu na przestrzeni kilku ostatnich lat. Poszczególne części publikacji poświęcone są osobnym obszarom tematycznym podejmowanym przez IŁ, w tym: badaniom dostępności sygnałów GNSS na terenie Polski, standaryzacji i rozwojowi nowego systemu łączności na morzu VDES, pracom związanym z opracowaniem koncepcji polskiego satelity AIS/VDES oraz metrologii czasu