120 research outputs found

    UMH.48 (NCBI JN807465) the Fungus causing Rhinosporidiosis is sensitive to anti fungal

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    UMH.48, JN807465, a fungus causing Rhinosporidiosis was isolated in pure culture from biopsies from patients with nasal Rhinosporidiosis. It was  identified as a lower aquatic fungus by 18S rRNA gene sequencing which compared 100% similar to the sequences from fungal extract of the tissue, thus establishing the etiologic role of UMH.48 in Rhinosporidiosis. UMH.48 18S rRNA sequence showed significant similarity with Synchytridium minutum and very low varying percentages of similarity with Mycobacterium sps., Corynebactrium sps., and Actinomycetales. The organism was tested for susceptibility and sensitivity to antibiotics and antifungal drugs such as  Norfloxacin, Dapsone, Rifampicin and Amphotericin B. UMH.48 was highly sensitive to Amphotericin B and Rifampicin. It was resistant to Dapsone at the concentrations tested

    Bacillus isolates VTGP. A-D. 30808 Alcaligenes sp., Exiguobacterium sp., B. pumilus and B. fusiformis producing extracellular alkaline proteases, amylases and cellulases - a preliminary report

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    Garden soil samples collected from Angamali, Kerala, India were screened for potent bacteria capable of synthesizing extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. Four bacteria were obtained in pure culture. The isolates were systematically identified by microscopy, Gram and special staining techniques for capsule and spores, biochemical reactions and phylogeny by molecular techniques like 16 S rRNA ene sequencing followed by Blast analysis. Production of protease, cellulase and amylase were detected by inoculating nutrient agar containing casein/ skim milkagar, carboxy methyl cellulose and soluble starch respectively.  Alkalophilic and thermophilic properties were investigated by inoculation and incubation of the isolates on specific nutrient media at pH 7-12 and at a wide range of temperatures 28-30, 37, 50 and 650.C. The isolates were coded VTGP. A-D 30808. All the four expressed significant alkalophilic growth at pH 7-12. With respect to protease activity all  except A showed marked protease activity over a high pH range pH 7-12(A-115, B-1119, C-1500, D-1350 Units / ml of liquid culture   supernatant). Both C & D secreted protease as early as 8-12 hours on nutrient agar with 0.1% skim milk forming a clear wide zone of casein hydrolysis. Hence the proteases produced were highly alkalophilic. Amylase activity was marked in all (A-37.38, B-27.58, C-27.92, D-34.82 units per ml culture supernatant). On CMC agar, all the four isolates showed CMCase activity indicated by pale yellow zone of hydrolysis of carboxy methyl cellulose agar when tested with Congo red reagent. A, B and C were strongly positive with minimal visible activity in D. But when tested in CMC broth culture the activities were A-6.71, B-4.30, C-6.56 and D 0.58 units/ ml of culture supernatant). 16S r RNA gene  sequencing of isolates A to D showed maximum alignment with Alcaligenes sp., Exiguobacterium sp., Bacillus pumilus and B. fusiformis. The sequences have been deposited in GenBank with Accession  numbers HQ 848384, HQ 848385, HQ 848386, and HQ 848387

    Biological characterization of a fast growing non-sporing alkalophilic lignin degrading fungus MVI.2011

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    MVI.2011 a rapidly multiplying alkalophilic non sporing fungus was isolated in 1990 and preliminarily identified as a Deuteromycete. The isolate was characterized in detail. The original isolate produced highly fluffy, cottony, fragile aerial mycelia on SDA and a similar growth in liquid SDB also. The organism grew out even on the surface of the conical flask containing the liquid medium inoculated indicating the high aerobic nature. With frequent sub culturing over 20 years the colony morphology on the same media appeared very confined with regular margin and dry surface. Yet there were no reproductive structures. LP staining showed dimorphism with apical fragmentation and no conidia, spores sexual or asexual etc. The pH range was very wide 5-11. The optimum cultural conditions for lignin degradation were pH 8.5, temperature 25-28oC, 12-18 hours and medium- 1% glucose, 0.5% peptone in basal mineral medium. The isolate could breakdown and decolourise commercial lignin (0.1-5%) and alkaline wood extract (1-50%) within 12-18 hours in static cultures evidenced by a clear reduction in absorption at 380 nm (lignin) and a marked shift to increased absorption at 360 nm and between 180 and 300 nm indicating appearance of lignin breakdown products. In optimised  media containing commercial lignin (0.1%) and alkaline wood extract (10%), MVI.2011 secreted Lignin peroxidase (9.39 units/ml), Manganese peroxidase (2.093 units/ml) and laccase (3.5 units/ml) enzymes. The  above data led us to conclude that the isolate was novel being highly alkalophilic, capable of rapid growth, decolourisation of lignins and  secretion of lignin degrading enzymes. Based on microscopic morphology and colony features, the isolate coded MVI.2011 has been identified as “Uncultured Fungus†with NCBI Accession No JN606084. It has been  deduced to be a member of Mycelia sterilia group


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    Binary intermetallic compounds – titanium aluminides (TiAl, Ti3Al) – when added to the alloys, significantly increase their strength and special properties. The most promising direction to produce intermetallic compounds are mechanochemical technologies, including mechanical alloy building. Mechanical alloying makes it possible to introduce much smaller particles into the metal matrix than can be achieved using standard powder metallurgy technologies. In addition to mechanical synthesis, aluminum-based intermetallic compounds were produced by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) of solid chemical compounds. The synthesis was carried out according to a multistage scheme: preparation of titanium and aluminum powder, mixing; synthesis of the Al3Ti intermetallic compound by the SHS method in vacuum followed by mechanical activation of stoichiometric charges. The aim of the research was to study the dynamics of the development of nanodispersed phases in the process of synthesis during mechanical alloying. The power absorbed by the unit mass of the material for different processing times of the charge was calculated. When the level of the specific power (dose) of mechanical treatment was 3.5 kJ/g, the maximum content of intermetallic compound in the resulting material was achieved. Based on calculations and the data obtained during X-ray phase analysis, the dependence of the change in the content of ternary intermetallic compounds in the final product on the absorbed power was determined. As a result of the studies using raster electron microscopy and X-ray analysis, it was found that mechanical alloying of nanostructured intermetallic compounds Ti4ZnAl11 and Ti25Zn9Al66 with the size of nanodisperse phases less than 12 nm in the Al–Ti–Zn system, the weight ratio of proportion of the latter reaches 74 %

    Peculiarities of formation and growth of nanodispersed intermetallic strengthening inclusions in rapidly-solidified alloys of Al–Mg–Zr–X-system

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    The paper is devoted to the influence of the fourth element on the microstructure of the rapidly-solidified alloys of the Al–Mg–Zr-system. Alloys were additionally doped with high-melting-point metals Ti, Hf, W, and Nb. In the structure of all samples in the immediate area of the cooled surface, uniformly distributed intermetallic inclusions of several nanometers in size were detected. Such a structure can be represented as a dispersion-strengthened composite. A quantitative metallographic analysis was carried out to quantitatively describe the structure of the obtained particles of the cooled melt. The obtained rapidly-solidified alloys can be described as dispersion-strengthened composite materials with the aluminum-magnesium alloy matrix and the intermetallic particles strengthener. Depending on the alloying component, these particles differ in shape (spheres, plates, agglomerates) and in size (from 200 nm when alloying with Hf and W up to 1.2-1.5 μm with Ti and Nb alloying). The X-ray phase analysis (XPA) showed that in the studied alloys of the Al–5Mg–1.2Zr–(0.5÷2.0)X-system, high cooling rates of melts lead to the formation of new intermetallic compounds that are absent in equilibrium systems. The example of an alloy with hafnium additive shows that an increase in the content of the alloying component (from 0.5 to 2 % by mass) leads to an increase in the volume ratio of intermetallic inclusions (from 5 to 12.8 %). At the same time, their shape and average size remain unchanged. The additional alloying component will improve the mechanical characteristics of aluminum alloys by increasing the recrystallization threshold of a rapidly-solidified alloy

    Synthesis, intramolecular cyclization and anti-inflammatory activity of substituted 2-(2-(Furan-2-carbonyl)hydrazono)-4-oxobutanoic Acids

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    A method was proposed for the synthesis of substituted 2-(2-(furan-2-carbonyl)hydrazono)-4-oxobutanoic acids by the reaction of substituted 2,4-dioxobut-2-enoic acids with furan-2-carbohydrazide. It was found that substituted 2-(2-(furan-2-carbonyl)hydrazono)-4-oxobutanoic acids undergo intramolecular cyclization in the presence of propionic anhydride to form the corresponding N'-(2-oxofuran-3(2H)-ylidene)furan-2-carbohydrazides. The anti-inflammatory activity of the obtained compounds was studied. It was found that the obtained compounds have pronounced anti-inflammatory activity

    Synthesis of 2-((3-(ethoxycarbonyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo [b] thiophen-2-yl)amino)-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxobut-2-enoate

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    2-((3-(Ethoxycarbonyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)amino)-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxobut-2-enoate has been synthesized by the reaction of ethyl (E)-2-((5-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-oxofuran-3(2H)-ylidene)amino)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[b]thiophene-3-carboxylate or 2-((3-(ethoxycarbonyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)amino)-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxobut-2-enoate with potassium tert-butoxide. © 2022 Author(s).The work was done with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 19-43-590023)

    Synthesis of 2-((3-(ethoxycarbonyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)amino)-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxobut-2-enoate

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    Will be discussed synthesis of 2-((3-(ethoxycarbonyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)amino)-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxobut-2-enoate.The work was supported by an RFBR grant 19-43-590023

    Comprehensive approach to improving the efficiency of treatment of purulent diseases of hand

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    63 patients with phlegmons of a hand of various localization were treated. Patients were divided into 2 groups of observations. The change in the indices of the T-cell link of immunity was revealed. Patients of the study group received immunotropic therapy in combination with the use of ultrasonic cavitation of wounds, and hydroactive wound coatings. The complex of measures used improves the results of treatment of patients with phlegmon.Проведено лечение 63 пациентов с флегмонами кисти различной локализации. Больные были разделены на 2 группы наблюдений. Выявлено изменение показателей Т-клеточного звена иммунитета. Пациенты группы исследования получали иммунотропную терапию в сочетании с использованием ультразвуковой кавитации ран и гидроактивных раневых покрытий. Используемый комплекс мероприятий улучшает результаты лечения больных с флегмонами кисти