47 research outputs found

    Evolution of climate, glaciation and subglacial environments of Antarctica from the deep ice core and Lake Vostok water sample studies (Key results of implementation of the Russian Science Foundation project, 2014–2016)

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    Work on the project focused on the following five areas: 1)  field works in Antarctica at Vostok and Concordia stations; 2)  experimental and theoretical studies in the field of ice core and paleoclimate research; 3) experimental and theoretical works related to the exploration of subglacial Lake Vostok; 4) development of technology and drilling equipment for deep ice coring and exploration of subglacial lakes; 5) upgrading the analytical instrumentation in the Climate and Environmental Research Laboratory (CERL) of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. The main achievements in the field of ice core and paleoclimate research include 1) further elaboration of a new method of ice core dating, which is based on the link between air content of ice and local insolation, 2) investigation of the possible applications of the 17O-excess measurements in ice core to the paleoclimate research, 3)  a better understanding of the mechanisms of the formation of relief-related variations in the isotopic content of an ice core drilled in the area of Antarctic megadunes, and 4) obtaining the first reliable data set on the variations of the 17O-excess in the Vostok core corresponding to marine isotope stage 11. As part of our studies of subglacial Lake Vostok, we have obtained a large body of new experimental data from the new ice core recovered from the 5G-3 borehole to the surface of the subglacial lake. Stacked profiles of isotopic composition, gas content and the size and orientation of the ice crystals in the lake ice have been composed from the data of three replicate cores from boreholes 5G-1, 5G-2 and 5G-3. The study reveals that the concentration of gases in the lake water beneath Vostok is unexpectedly low. A clear signature of the melt water in the surface layer of the lake, which is subject to refreezing on the icy ceiling of Lake Vostok, has been discerned in the three different properties of the accreted ice (the ice texture, the isotopic and gas content of the ice). These sets of data indicate in concert that poor mixing of the melt (and hydrothermal) water with the resident lake water and pronounced spatial and/or temporal variability of local hydrological conditions are likely to be the characteristics of the southern end of the lake. A considerable part of the funding allocated by the RSF to this project was used for upgrading the analytical instrumentation for ice core studies in the CERL of AARI. Using this grant, we purchased and started working with the Picarro L-2140i, a new-generation laser mass analyzer, and set the upgraded mass spectrometer Delta V Plus into operation. The new equipment was used to carry out research planned as part of the project, including the setting up and carrying out of new measurements of 17О in ice cores

    Температура плавления льда и газосодержание воды на контакте ледника с подледниковым озером Восток

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    It is generally assumed that the gas composition and the total gas content of Lake Vostok’s water are, to a large extent, governed by the budget of atmospheric gases entering the lake together with glacier ice melt, mostly in its northern part. Since the ice accretion that prevails in the south of the lake leads to the exclusion of gases during the freezing process, these gases can build up in the lake water. Earlier theoretical works [2, 3] have demonstrated that about 30 water residence times are required to attain equilibrium between gases in solution and those in a hydrate phase, which sets the upper bounds of concentrations of nitrogen and oxygen dissolved in sub-ice water (~2.7 g N2 L–1 and ~0.8 g O2 L–1). Here we attempt to estimate the real gas content of the lake water based on the link between the pressure melting temperature of ice and the concentration of gases dissolved in the liquid phase [2]. We use the stacked borehole temperature profile extended to 3753 m depth and the measurements of temperature of sub-ice water that entered the borehole after the second unsealing of Lake Vostok to estimate the melting temperature of ice (–2.72 ± 0.1 °C) at the ice sheet-lake interface (depth 3758.6 ± 3 m, pressure 33.78 ± 0.05 MPa). The gas content of the near-surface layer of lake that corresponds to this melting temperature is calculated to be 2.23 g.L–1, meaning that the concentration of dissolved oxygen must be as high as 0.53 g.L–1, i. e. one-two orders of magnitude higher than in any other known water bodies on our planet. The inferred gas content of sub-ice water is, by a factor of 1.6, lower than the maximal solubility of air in water in equilibrium with air hydrate, though it is still higher, by a factor of 19, than the total air content of melting glacier ice. The relatively low concentration of dissolved air in the near-surface layer of the lake revealed in this study provides a new experimental constraint for understanding the gas distribution in Lake Vostok as affected by the circulation and mixing of water beneath the ice sheet.На основе зависимости температуры плавления льда при высоких давлениях от концентрации растворенных в воде газов предпринята попытка оценить содержание воздуха в подледниковой воде под станцией Восток. По данным скважинной термометрии, выполненной до глубины 3753 м, а также по результатам прямых измерений температуры озерной воды, поступившей в скважину после второго вскрытия озера Восток, определены наиболее вероятные значения температуры плавления льда (–2,72 °С) и концентрации растворенного в воде воздуха (2,23 г.л–1 ) на контакте ледника с подледниковым водоемом (глубина 3758,6 м, давление 33,78 МПа). Наша оценка концентрации воздуха в озерной воде в 19 раз превышает газосодержание ледникового льда — основного источника газов в озере, но в 1,6 раза меньше предельной растворимости воздуха в воде в равновесии с гидратной фазой. Расчетное значение концентрации растворенного кислорода (0,53 г.л–1 ) существенно превышает содержание О2 в любых других известных водоемах планеты

    Причины неопределённости в палеоклиматических реконструкциях по изотопному составу кислорода ледникового льда Эльбруса (Западное плато)

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    A study of the isotope signature of glacial ice in the Western Elbrus Plateau (the Caucasus) was made on the basis of five ice cores obtained in different years with high resolution. It was shown that the isotopic characteristics of ice are associated with the processes of accumulation and wind scouring of snow. Three ice cores were obtained in 2013 (C–1, C–2 and C–3), one in 2017 (C–4) and one more in 2018 (C–5). Core sampling was performed with a resolution of 5 cm. Isotopic analysis was done at the CERL laboratory (AARI) using a Picarro L2130-i isotope analyzer, the accuracy was 0.06‰ for δ18O and 0.30‰ for δ2Н. The values of d18О and δ2Н of the ice of the Western Plateau generally vary from –5 to –30‰ and from –18.7 to –225.8‰, respectively, with well-defined seasonality. Comparison of the isotope record for all cores showed that the differences in accumulation for individual seasons reach 0.3 m w. eq., differences in accumulation for individual seasons averaged over 5 years is approximately 0.2 m w.eq. The absolute differences in the average seasonal values of d associated with wind scouring and spatial redistribution of snow (deposition noise), averaged over 5 years, reached 1.38‰. The irregularity of precipitation amount within the season and errors in core dating are an additional contribution to non-climate variance (noise of definition). The absolute difference in the average seasonal values of δ18O associated with this type of noise averaged over 5 years is 1.7‰. Thus, the total uncertainty for two different types of noise can be estimated at 2.2‰, which is about 20% of the annual seasonal amplitude of δ18O values of the glacier ice in the Western Plateau (the average difference between the δ18O values of warm and cold seasons is ~10–11‰). One of the problems of linking the isotope record to the annual temperature record at the weather station was solved by using ammonium concentrations for dating the C-1 ice core and calculating the “ide+al” annual variation of δ18O values by a cosine function of the annual amplitude. Using ammonium ion (NH4) concentration each annual layer in C-1 ice core was divided into two parts associated to snow deposition in winter and in summer. It also showed δ18O values associated to change of seasons. The calculation of the cosine function showed the simplified δ18O values for each month of a particular year, due to which the δ18O values of the season boundaries in the ice core were linked to calendar months. This assimilation allowed us to compare the obtained average seasonal values of δ18O from the core with instrumental observations at the Klukhorskiy Pass meteorological station. The δ18O values of winter seasons have a weak relationship with surface temperatures, not only due to wind erosion, but also due to the high interannual variability of snow accumulation. At the same time, the average δ18O values of the warm seasons are significantly positive correlated with surface temperature (r = 0.7, p = 0.1), so ice core δ18O records can be used as a temperature proxy of the warm period.Выполнены измерения изотопного состава кислорода в неглубоких кернах, полученных в разные годы на Западном плато Эльбруса. Совмещение изотопной записи (δ18O) по глубине для трёх кернов показало, что в пределах локального участка Западного плато до 330 мм вод. экв. в слое годовой аккумуляции, т.е. около 20% средней годовой аккумуляции может быть сформировано за счёт перераспределения выпавшего снега. Неточности в реконструкции температур по среднесезонным значениям δ18O связаны с изменением сезонных пропорций в накоплении снега и с неравномерностью выпадения осадков внутри сезонов.

    Фенольные соединения в скважине 5Г на станции Восток после вскрытия подледникового озера

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    The main results after the first unlocking into the subglacial Lake Vostok were as follows: the Lake had been opened and not polluted; the water pressure within the lake was not balanced by a column of the drilling liquid that resulted in unplanned rise of water in the borehole up to 340 m. The main problem during the drilling in the lake ice was to prevent a pollution of water by the drilling fluid, which filled the borehole, and thus, to avoid a compression of the fluid which could be the main source of chemical and biological pollution of not only the Lake itself, but also the Lake water samples and ice cores. The article presents results of analysis of causes for the occurrence of phenolic compounds in the central channel in the core of secondary ice, being formed by the lake water that rose into the well after the first penetration (the range of depths was 3426–3450 m). It was found that the process, running within the borehole during the drilling, can be described as the fractionation of phenolic compounds, being contained in the filling liquid, to the water phase with its subsequent freezing. We have developed methods for the determination of concentrations of phenolic compounds in the original aviation kerosene and Freon HCFC-141b: 6. mg·l−1 and 0.032 mg·l−1, respectively. To analyze the composition of phenolic compounds in the extract of real filling liquid, located at the bottom of the borehole, the method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used. The corresponding peaks were quite well resolved and identified as phenol and its derivatives. The main components of the extract were phenol (20%), 2.5-dimethyl phenol (23,8%), 2,4,6-trimethylphenol, and other congeners of phenol. In our case, the Lake Vostok was not polluted during both, the first and second penetrations, however, the problem of human impact on these pristine and unique subglacial reservoirs remains extremely relevant. This impact includes not only direct water pollution of the lake by the drilling fluid, but also possible changes in organic components of the liquid when contacting with the lake water under natural conditions of a deep well. Our data have demonstrated that using of such complex organic liquids, like aviation kerosene formerly used in many drilling projects, is undesirable when exploring deep Antarctic subglacial lakes. Thus, we come to the conclusion that the drilling fluid, currently used at the Vostok station (in the Vostok borehole), has to be replaced by another more inert fluid that would allow further research and exploration of the Lake Vostok.Рассмотрены причины появления фенольных соединений в центральном канале керна вторичного льда, образованного озёрной водой, поступившей в скважину при вскрытии озера Восток. Выяснено, что это – процесс фракционирования фенольных соединений, изначально присутствующих в заливочной жидкости, в водную фазу с её последующим замерзанием. Определён состав фенолов в заливочной жидкости на дне скважины. Сделан вывод, что используемую ныне заливочную жидкость следует заменить на другую, более инертную жидкость, которая не будет реагировать с подледниковой водой и позволит корректно проводить дальнейшие исследования озера Восток

    Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core,

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    Antarctica has allowed the extension of the ice record of atmospheric composition and climate to the past four glacial-interglacial cycles. The succession of changes through each climate cycle and termination was similar, and atmospheric and climate properties oscillated between stable bounds. Interglacial periods differed in temporal evolution and duration. Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane correlate well with Antarctic air-temperature throughout the record. Present-day atmospheric burdens of these two important greenhouse gases seem to have been unprecedented during the past 420,000 years. The late Quaternary period (the past one million years) is punctuated by a series of large glacial-interglacial changes with cycles that last about 100,000 years (ref. 1). Glacial-interglacial climate changes are documented by complementary climate records 1,2 largely derived from deep sea sediments, continental deposits of flora, fauna and loess, and ice cores. These studies have documented the wide range of climate variability on Earth. They have shown that much of the variability occurs with periodicities corresponding to that of the precession, obliquity and eccentricity of the Earth's orbit 1,3 . But understanding how the climate system responds to this initial orbital forcing is still an important issue in palaeoclimatology, in particular for the generally strong ϳ100,000-year (100-kyr) cycle. Ice cores give access to palaeoclimate series that includes local temperature and precipitation rate, moisture source conditions, wind strength and aerosol fluxes of marine, volcanic, terrestrial, cosmogenic and anthropogenic origin. They are also unique with their entrapped air inclusions in providing direct records of past changes in atmospheric trace-gas composition. The ice-drilling project undertaken in the framework of a long-term collaboration between Russia, the United States and France at the Russian Vostok station in East Antarctica (78Њ S, 106Њ E, elevation 3,488 m, mean temperature −55 ЊC) has already provided a wealth of such information for the past two glacial-interglacial cycles [4][5][6][7][8][9] Here we present a series of detailed Vostok records covering this ϳ400-kyr period. We show that the main features of the more recent Vostok climate cycle resemble those observed in earlier cycles. In particular, we confirm the strong correlation between atmospheric greenhouse-gas concentrations and Antarctic temperature, as well as the strong imprint of obliquity and precession in most of the climate time series. Our records reveal both similarities and differences between the successive interglacial periods. They suggest the lead of Antarctic air temperature, and of atmospheric greenhousegas concentrations, with respect to global ice volume and Greenland air-temperature changes during glacial terminations. The ice record The data are shown in Figs 1, 2 and 3 (see Supplementary Information for the numerical data). They include the deuterium content of the ice (dD ice , a proxy of local temperature change), the dust content (desert aerosols), the concentration of sodium (marine aerosol), and from the entrapped air the greenhouse gases CO 2 and CH 4 , and the d 18 O are defined in the legends to Figs 1 and 2, respectively.) All these measurements have been performed using methods previously described except for slight modifications (see The detailed record of dD ic

    Эволюция климата, оледенения и подледниковой среды Антарктиды по данным исследований ледяных кернов и проб воды озера Восток (Основные итоги работ по проекту РНФ, 2014–2016 гг.)

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    Work on the project focused on the following five areas: 1)  field works in Antarctica at Vostok and Concordia stations; 2)  experimental and theoretical studies in the field of ice core and paleoclimate research; 3) experimental and theoretical works related to the exploration of subglacial Lake Vostok; 4) development of technology and drilling equipment for deep ice coring and exploration of subglacial lakes; 5) upgrading the analytical instrumentation in the Climate and Environmental Research Laboratory (CERL) of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. The main achievements in the field of ice core and paleoclimate research include 1) further elaboration of a new method of ice core dating, which is based on the link between air content of ice and local insolation, 2) investigation of the possible applications of the 17O-excess measurements in ice core to the paleoclimate research, 3)  a better understanding of the mechanisms of the formation of relief-related variations in the isotopic content of an ice core drilled in the area of Antarctic megadunes, and 4) obtaining the first reliable data set on the variations of the 17O-excess in the Vostok core corresponding to marine isotope stage 11. As part of our studies of subglacial Lake Vostok, we have obtained a large body of new experimental data from the new ice core recovered from the 5G-3 borehole to the surface of the subglacial lake. Stacked profiles of isotopic composition, gas content and the size and orientation of the ice crystals in the lake ice have been composed from the data of three replicate cores from boreholes 5G-1, 5G-2 and 5G-3. The study reveals that the concentration of gases in the lake water beneath Vostok is unexpectedly low. A clear signature of the melt water in the surface layer of the lake, which is subject to refreezing on the icy ceiling of Lake Vostok, has been discerned in the three different properties of the accreted ice (the ice texture, the isotopic and gas content of the ice). These sets of data indicate in concert that poor mixing of the melt (and hydrothermal) water with the resident lake water and pronounced spatial and/or temporal variability of local hydrological conditions are likely to be the characteristics of the southern end of the lake. A considerable part of the funding allocated by the RSF to this project was used for upgrading the analytical instrumentation for ice core studies in the CERL of AARI. Using this grant, we purchased and started working with the Picarro L-2140i, a new-generation laser mass analyzer, and set the upgraded mass spectrometer Delta V Plus into operation. The new equipment was used to carry out research planned as part of the project, including the setting up and carrying out of new measurements of 17О in ice cores.Изложены основные результаты работ, выполненных Лабораторией изменений климата и окружающей среды ААНИИ по проекту Российского научного фонда в 2014–2016 гг. Показано, что поддержка фонда способствовала получению научных результатов международного уровня в двух приоритетных направлениях антарктических исследований  – реконструкции палеоклимата по ледяным кернам и изучении подледниковой среды Антарктиды

    A roadmap for Antarctic and Southern Ocean science for the next two decades and beyond

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    Antarctic and Southern Ocean science is vital to understanding natural variability, the processes that govern global change and the role of humans in the Earth and climate system. The potential for new knowledge to be gained from future Antarctic science is substantial. Therefore, the international Antarctic community came together to ‘scan the horizon’ to identify the highest priority scientific questions that researchers should aspire to answer in the next two decades and beyond. Wide consultation was a fundamental principle for the development of a collective, international view of the most important future directions in Antarctic science. From the many possibilities, the horizon scan identified 80 key scientific questions through structured debate, discussion, revision and voting. Questions were clustered into seven topics: i)Antarctic atmosphere and global connections, ii) Southern Ocean and sea ice in a warming world, iii) ice sheet and sea level, iv) the dynamic Earth, v) life on the precipice, vi) near-Earth space and beyond, and vii) human presence in Antarctica. Answering the questions identified by the horizon scan will require innovative experimental designs, novel applications of technology, invention of next-generation field and laboratory approaches, and expanded observing systems and networks. Unbiased, non-contaminating procedures will be required to retrieve the requisite air, biota, sediment, rock, ice and water samples. Sustained year-round access toAntarctica and the Southern Ocean will be essential to increase winter-time measurements. Improved models are needed that represent Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in the Earth System, and provide predictions at spatial and temporal resolutions useful for decision making. A co-ordinated portfolio of cross-disciplinary science, based on new models of international collaboration, will be essential as no scientist, programme or nation can realize these aspirations alone.Tinker Foundation, Antarctica New Zealand, The New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP), the Alfred Wegner Institut, Helmholtz Zentrum für Polar und Meeresforschung (Germany), and the British Antarctic Survey (UK).http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=ANShb201