1,424 research outputs found

    Fronts in passive scalar turbulence

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    The evolution of scalar fields transported by turbulent flow is characterized by the presence of fronts, which rule the small-scale statistics of scalar fluctuations. With the aid of numerical simulations, it is shown that: isotropy is not recovered, in the classical sense, at small scales; scaling exponents are universal with respect to the scalar injection mechanisms; high-order exponents saturate to a constant value; non-mature fronts dominate the statistics of intense fluctuations. Results on the statistics inside the plateaux, where fluctuations are weak, are also presented. Finally, we analyze the statistics of scalar dissipation and scalar fluxes.Comment: 18 pages, 27 figure

    Effective action for the Regge processes in gravity

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    It is shown, that the effective action for the reggeized graviton interactions can be formulated in terms of the reggeon fields A++A^{++} and AA^{--} and the metric tensor gμνg_{\mu \nu} in such a way, that it is local in the rapidity space and has the property of general covariance. The corresponding effective currents jj^{-} and j+j^{+} satisfy the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for a massless particle moving in the gravitational field. These currents are calculated explicitly for the shock wave-like fields and a variation principle for them is formulated. As an application, we reproduce the effective lagrangian for the multi-regge processes in gravity together with the graviton Regge trajectory in the leading logarithmic approximation with taking into account supersymmetric contributions.Comment: 39 page

    The World as a Hologram

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    According to 't Hooft the combination of quantum mechanics and gravity requires the three dimensional world to be an image of data that can be stored on a two dimensional projection much like a holographic image. The two dimensional description only requires one discrete degree of freedom per Planck area and yet it is rich enough to describe all three dimensional phenomena. After outlining 't Hooft's proposal I give a preliminary informal description of how it may be implemented. One finds a basic requirement that particles must grow in size as their momenta are increased far above the Planck scale. The consequences for high energy particle collisions are described. The phenomena of particle growth with momentum was previously discussed in the context of string theory and was related to information spreading near black hole horizons. The considerations of this paper indicate that the effect is much more rapid at all but the earliest times. In fact the rate of spreading is found to saturate the bound from causality. Finally we consider string theory as a possible realization of 't Hooft's idea. The light front lattice string model of Klebanov and Susskind is reviewed and its similarities with the holographic theory are demonstrated. The agreement between the two requires unproven but plausible assumptions about the nonperturbative behavior of string theory. Very similar ideas to those in this paper have been long held by Charles Thorn.Comment: SU-ITP-94-33, phyzzx, 33 pages and 5 figures (Some typos fixed and one reference added.

    QCD Saturation Equations including Dipole-Dipole Correlation

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    We derive two coupled non-linear evolution equations corresponding to the truncation of the Balitsky infinite hierarchy of saturation equations after inclusion of dipole-dipole correlations, i.e. one step beyond the Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation. We exhibit an exact solution for maximal correlation which still satisfies the same asymptotic geometric scaling as BK but with the S-matrix going to 1/2 (instead of 0) in the full saturation region.Comment: 4 pages, no figure. Comment, references and acknowledgment adde

    BFKL Pomeron, Reggeized gluons and Bern-Dixon-Smirnov amplitudes

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    After a brief review of the BFKL approach to Regge processes in QCD and in supersymmetric (SUSY) gauge theories we propose a strategy for calculating the next-to-next-to-leading order corrections to the BFKL kernel. They can be obtained in terms of various cross-sections for Reggeized gluon interactions. The corresponding amplitudes can be calculated in the framework of the effective action for high energy scattering. In the case of N=4 SUSY it is also possible to use the Bern-Dixon-Smirnov (BDS) ansatz. For this purpose the analytic properties of the BDS amplitudes at high energies are investigated, in order to verify their self-consistency. It is found that, for the number of external particles being larger than five, these amplitudes, beyond one loop, are not in agreement with the BFKL approach which predicts the existence of Regge cuts in some physical channels.Comment: 41 pages, expanded version with many clarifications and new references, conclusions unchanged. Note adde

    Analytic properties of high energy production amplitudes in N=4 SUSY

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    We investigate analytic properties of the six point planar amplitude in N=4 SUSY at the multi-Regge kinematics for final state particles. For inelastic processes the Steinmann relations play an important role because they give a possibility to fix the phase structure of the Regge pole and Mandelstam cut contributions. These contributions have the Moebius invariant form in the transverse momentum subspace. The analyticity and factorization constraints allow us to reproduce the two-loop correction to the 6-point BDS amplitude in N=4 SUSY obtained earlier in the leading logarithmic approximation with the use of the s-channel unitarity. The exponentiation hypothesis for the remainder function in the multi-Regge kinematics is also investigated. The 6-point amplitude in LLA can be completely reproduced from the BDS ansatz with the use of the analyticity and Regge factorization.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of 16th International Seminar on High Energy Physics, QUARKS-2010, Kolomna, Russia, 6-12 June, 2010. 15 page

    Off-Shell Scattering Amplitudes for WW Scattering and the Role of the Photon Pole

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    We derive analytic expressions for high energy 222 \to 2 off-shell scattering amplitudes of weak vector bosons. They are obtained from six fermion final states in processes of the type e+eνˉe+(WW)+νeνˉe+(lν)(lν)+νee^+ e^- \to \bar\nu_e + (WW) + \nu_e \to \bar\nu_e + (l\nu)(l\nu) + \nu_e. As an application we reconsider the unitarity bounds on the Higgs mass. Particular attention is given to the role of the photon exchange which has not been considered in earlier investigations; we find that the photon weakens the bound of the Higgs mass.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Duality symmetry of BFKL equation: reggeized gluons vs color dipoles

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    We show that the duality symmetry of the BFKL equation can be interpreted as a symmetry under rotation of the BFKL Kernel in the transverse space from s-channel (color dipole model) to t-channel (reggeized gluon formulation). We argue that the duality symmetry holds also in the non-forward case due to a very special structure of the non-forward BFKL Kernel, which can be written as a sum of three forward BFKL Kernels. The duality symmetry is established by identifying the dual coordinates with the transverse coordinates of a non-diagonal dipole scattered off the target.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Effective action for reggeized gluons, classical gluon field of relativistic color charge and color glass condensate approach

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    We discuss application of formalism of small-xx effective action for reggeized gluons, \cite{Gribov,LipatovEff,BFKL}, for the calculation of classical gluon field of relativistic color charge, similarly to that done in CGC approach of \cite{Venug,Kovner}. The equations of motion with the reggeon fields are solved in LO and NLO approximations and new solutions are found. The results are compared to the calculations performed in the CGC framework and it is demonstrated that the LO CGC results for the classical field are reproduced in our calculations. Possible applications of the NLO solution in the effective action and CGC frameworks are discussed as well.Comment: 15 page