307 research outputs found

    Experiences of remote consulting for patients and neurologists during the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland

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    Background Remote consulting is an emerging model in managing chronic neurological conditions and has been widely implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this national survey was to investigate the initial experiences of remote consulting for neurologists and patients with established neurological conditions under follow-up during the first COVID-19 phase.Methods In collaboration with the Scottish Association of Neurological Sciences and the Neurological Alliance of Scotland, we conducted a web-based survey of neurologists and patients between October and November 2020.Findings Data was available for 62 neurologists and 201 patients. The consensus among neurologists was that remote consulting is a satisfactory way of delivering healthcare in selected groups of patients. For practical and technical reasons, there was preference for phone over video consultations (phone 63% vs video 33%, p=0.003). The prevailing opinion among clinicians was that considerable training interventions for remote consultation skills are required (‘yes’ 63% vs ‘no’ 37%, p=0.009) to improve clinician consultation skills and successfully embed this new model of care.Most patients perceived remote consultations as safe, effective and convenient, with 89% of patients being satisfied with their remote consultation experience. Although traditional face-to-face consultations were the favoured way of interaction for 62% of patients, a significant proportion preferred that some of their future consultations be remote.Interpretation Although not a replacement for face-to-face consultations, this survey illustrates that remote consulting can be an acceptable adjunct to traditional face-to-face consultations for doctors and patients. More research is required to identify overall safety and applicability

    Technological Innovation and Agrifood Systems Resilience: The Potential and Perils of Three Different Strategies

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    The interest in technological innovation has burgeoned in recent years. Theory and research support the vital role of innovative technologies in enhancing agrifood systems resilience. In this theoretical contribution, focusing on different sets of technologies, we present three technological innovation strategies, discuss their potential for strengthening resilience, and expose some open issues that need to be addressed. Responsible technological innovation arose as a response to the growing concerns about the possible unintended impacts of mega-technological trends, like digital farming tools or nanotechnologies, on agrifood systems. Although responsibly innovating is far from easy, and despite the gaps between theoretical ideals and innovation praxis, responsible technological innovation is a promising development since it can prevent counterintuitive effects of technologies on resilience. On the other hand, poly-innovation emerged as a social practice in which internetworking technologies facilitate—and create bundles with—organizational, social, and business innovation. In that strategy, technology represents a mediator of resilience-enhancing social behavior. However, by promoting the uberization of agrifood systems, poly-innovation is associated with various uncertainties. Finally, micro-innovation refers to the incremental adaptations of existing technologies or the development of new ones through bricolage and tinkering. The commercialization of such innovations through open design can increase the resilience of small-scale farming, especially in low-income countries. Nonetheless, the lack of financial resources, technical assistance, and institutional support hamper the full exploitation of micro-innovation

    Estimation of diesel-engined vehicle nitric oxide and soot emissions during the European light-duty Driving Cycle based on a transient mapping approach

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    151 σ.Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία ασχολείται με την εκτίμηση των εκπομπών των καυσαερίων που προέρχονται από οχήματα ελαφρού τύπου. Συγκεκριμένα οι ρύποι ως προς τους οποίους εξετάζεται ο κινητήρας του οχήματος είναι το μονοξείδιο του αζώτου (ΝΟ), η αιθάλη (soot) και το διοξείδιο του άνθρακα (C02). Η διαδικασία εκτίμησης των εκπομπών γίνεται κατά τη διάρκεια Μεταβατικού Κύκλου πόλης. Στην παρούσα μελέτη ο κινητήρας δοκιμάζεται κατά τη διάρκεια του Νεόυ Ευρωπαικού Κύκλου Οδήγησης (NEDC:New European Driving Cycle), ο οποίος χρησιμοποιείται για την πιστοποίηση των οχημάτων (επιβατικών και ελαφρών φορτηγών) που κυκλοφορούν στην Ευρωπαική Ένωση. Ο κύκλος διαρκεί 1180 δευτερόλεπτα και περιλαμβάνει ένα σύνολο σημείων ταχύτητας του οχήματος (σε km/h), τα οποία αντιπροσωπεύουν τις καθημερινές συνθήκες οδήγησης εντός και εκτός πόλης. Εφαρμόζοντας τον ψηφιοποιημένο χάρτη του κινητήρα, ο οποίος έχει προκύψει μέσα από πειραματικές μετρήσεις του κινητήρα στο εργαστήριο Μ.Ε.Κ. του Ε.Μ.Π. , προσομειώνεται με ένα απλό υπολογιστικό μοντέλο η συμπεριφορά του προκειμένου να εκτιμηθούν οι εκπεμπόμενοι ρύποι κατά τη διάρκεια του κύκλου (σε g/km).In this diploma thesis we apply a fast and relatively straightforward approach, in terms of cost and laboratory effort, to evaluation of the performance and emissions, including nitric oxide (NO) and soot, of a diesel-engined vehicle, during a light-duty transient cycle. The engine is tested during the NEDC: New European Driving Cycle which is used for light-duty vehicles certification in the European Union.The approach, which lies between simulation and experimentation, is based on a steady-state experimental mapping of the engine that was conducted in the Internal Combustion Engines laboratory of NTUA. Through this approach and the use of a simplified drivetrain model, the vehicle's emissions during the Cycle are estimated.Σωτήριος Χ. Λιούτα

    Aurora A kinase and its substrate TACC3 are required for central spindle assembly

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