36 research outputs found

    Patients’ related sexual outcomes in colorectal surgery

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    BackgroundPatients undergoing colorectal surgery (CRS) have an increased risk of developing sexual disorders, attributed to different mechanisms. In this context, sexual function (SF) assessment of patients before and after surgery is essential: to identify risk factors for sexual disorders as well as to minimize their impact on overall quality of life (QoL), allowing them a satisfying relationship and sexual life.Material and methodsPatients over 18 years of age who underwent a CRS in the University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland, between June 2014 and February 2016 were included. Our main objective was to compare and analyze the evolution of SF, QoL, and marital satisfaction (MS) before and after CRS. Specific and standardized tests were used.ResultsA cohort of 72 patients with a median age of 58.73 was analyzed. The majority of CRS was elective (91.5%). A percentage of 52.8% of patients underwent surgery for oncological reasons. There was no statistical difference in SF, sexual QoL, and MS before and after elective or emergency CRS for men. Interestingly, a significant decrease in women’s SF (FSFI) as well as their satisfaction within their couple (Locke–Wallace) until 12 months after surgery was found (p = 0.021). However, they showed a steady SF (GRISS) within their couple until 12 months after surgery.ConclusionRegarding knowledge about difficulties to talk about this intimate topic and gender differences, this general overview raises the question of the necessity to introduce in a long-course follow-up different methods of sexual health assessment with specific stakeholders

    Douleurs chroniques et éventrations au niveau des orifices de trocarts après cure laparoscopique de hernie de la paroi abdominale : une réalité ? 

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    Cette étude clinique porte sur la survenue de complications à long terme, en particulier les douleurs chroniques et les éventrations sur les orifices de trocarts, chez les patients opérés d’une cure de hernie ou d’éventration de la paroi abdominale antérieure par voie laparoscopique. 148 patients ont ainsi été examinés cliniquement et radiologiquement plus de 4 ans après leur opération. 9.5 % (N = 14) des sujets présentaient des douleurs chroniques sans complication pariétale, un patient (0.7 %) a développé une éventration sur un ancien orifice de trocart et 8.1 % (N = 12) des patients ont présenté une récidive de hernie sur le site de réparation initiale. 81.1 % (N = 120) des patients n’ont eu aucune complication post opératoire. D’après nos travaux, la cure laparoscopique de hernie est associée à une faible morbidité et la crainte des éventrations sur les orifices de trocarts n’est pas justifiée

    Évolution de la prise en charge de l’incontinence anale : la révolution de la neuromodulation sacrée

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    RECENT ADVANCES IN FECAL INCONTINENCE TREATMENT. Anal incontinence is a chronic condition that affects nearly 10% of the general population. When anal leakage concerns the stool and is frequent, the impact on the quality of life is very important. Recent advances in non-invasive medical treatments and in operative approaches make it possible to provide for most patients an anorectal comfort compatible with a social life. The three main challenges for the future lie in the organization of screening for this condition which is still taboo and for which patients do not easily confide, in a better selection of patients to offer the most suitable treatments, and therefore a better understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms; and finally in the establishment of algorithms which prioritize treatments according to their side effects and their effectiveness.ÉVOLUTION DE LA PRISE EN CHARGE DE L’INCONTINENCE ANALE. L’incontinence anale est une affection chronique qui touche près de 10 % de la population générale. Lorsque les fuites anales concernent les selles et qu’elles sont fréquentes, le retentissement sur la qualité de vie est très important. Les progrès récents dans les traitements médicaux non invasifs et dans les approches opératoires permettent de rendre à une majorité de patients un confort ano-rectal compatible avec une vie sociale. Trois principaux défis se dessinent pour l’avenir : organiser un dépistage de cette affection encore taboue pour laquelle les patients ne se confient pas facilement, améliorer la sélection des patients pour proposer des traitements les plus adaptés et donc améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes physiopathologiques ; enfin établir des algorithmes de prise en charge hiérarchisant les traitements selon leurs effets indésirables et leur efficacité

    Levator ani spasm: what to do after biofeedback fails

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    Comment on: Should a colonoscopy be offered routinely to patients with CT proven acute diverticulitis? A retrospective cohort study and meta-analysis of best available evidence

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    Latest evidence indicates that patients with acute diverticulitis have higher prevalence of colorectal cancer than reference patients. Therefore, colonoscopy should be offered after an episode of acute diverticulitis

    Iatrogenic ureteral injuries and their prevention in colorectal surgery: results from a nationwide survey

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    AIM: Iatrogenic ureteral injury (IUI) occurs rarely during colorectal surgery but is associated with significant mortality, morbidity and medicolegal issues. Few cases are reported, and recommendations regarding prevention are lacking. The aim of this study is to describe the current state of practice regarding IUI and its prevention among general surgeons in Switzerland. METHOD: All Swiss general surgeons who are members of either the Swiss Association of Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery or the Swiss Surgical Society were invited to participate in an anonymous online survey. Demographics, surgical practice, rate of IUI and methods used to prevent IUI were investigated. RESULTS: All participants were board-certified general surgeons, 63.4% were certified visceral surgeons and 17.9% were certified colorectal surgeons. The mean level of experience in colorectal surgery was 15.6 ± 9.2 years. Formal ureter identification was considered mandatory during sigmoid or rectal surgery by 83.7% of participants, and 31.7% considered identification of the right ureter during right colectomy to be mandatory. In total, 61.8% of the participants and 78.4% of surgeons with more than 20 years of experience had encountered at least one IUI. Prophylactic ureteral stenting was considered useful in complex procedures by 93.5% of participants, and 56.9% had used stents at least once in the past 12 months. Noninvasive techniques for identifying ureters would be considered in regular daily practice by 54.5% of the participants. CONCLUSION: Most general surgeons experience IUI. Ureter identification is widely integrated in colorectal procedures. Prophylactic stenting is widely used for difficult cases. Noninvasive methods to improve ureter identification are now needed

    What is the role of stem cell therapy in the treatment of anal incontinence?

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    Cell-based therapies for anal incontinence have been investigated for over a decade with preclinical and clinical studies reporting encouraging results (1-7). We read with great interest the new report of de la Portilla et al. (8). In this well-conducted triple blinded randomized controlled trial, the authors did not demonstrate any statistically significant differences in functional scores (Jorge-Wexner score being the primary outcome), manometric, or ultrasonographic parameters between patients injected (under ultrasound control) with autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells or a placebo for an anal sphincter defect

    Non-excisional laser therapies for hemorrhoidal disease: a systematic review of the literature

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    Non-excisional laser therapies are emerging treatment for grades II and III hemorrhoidal disease (HD). However, so far, their efficiency is based on low-level evidence. Therefore, we aimed to systematically review the efficiency of non-excisional laser therapies for HD. MEDLINE/Pubmed, Web of science, Embase, and Cochrane were searched from database implementation until the April 17th, 2020. We included studies reporting at least one of surgical indicators of postoperative outcomes of laser therapies, encompassing laser hemorrhoidoplasty (LH) and hemorrhoidal laser procedure (HeLP). Fourteen studies describing LH and HeLP were included, representing 1570 patients. The main intraoperative complication was bleeding (0-1.9% of pooled patients for LH, 5.5-16.7% of pooled patients for HeLP). Postoperative complications occurred in up to 64% of patients after LH and 23.3% after HeLP. Resolution of symptoms ranged between 70 and 100% after LH and between 83.6 and 90% after HeLP. Moreover, four randomized controlled trials included in our review reported similar resolution after LH compared with hemorrhoidectomy or mucopexy and after HeLP compared with rubber band ligation. Recurrence rate was reported to range between 0 and 11.3% after LH and between 5 and 9.4% after HeLP. When compared with hemorrhoidectomy, LH showed conflicting results with one randomized controlled trial reporting similar recurrence rate, but another reporting decreased recurrences associated with hemorrhoidectomy. Laser therapies showed lower postoperative pain than hemorrhoidectomy or rubber band ligation. LH and HeLP are safe and effective techniques for the treatment of grades II and III HD

    Préservation de la fonction sexuelle : un défi pour le chirurgien colorectal

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    Les patients atteints d’un cancer du rectum présentent un risque accru de développer ou d’aggraver des troubles de la sexualité. Ces dysfonctions sont causées par la maladie (impact psychologique négatif, compression nerveuse dans le petit bassin) d’une part, et par les traitements (radio, chimiothérapie et chirurgie) d’autre part. Parmi ceux-ci, la chirurgie est responsable de la plupart des troubles sexuels, par lésion des plexus neurovégétatifs. Une évaluation de la sexualité des patients avant et après traitement, une connaissance précise de l’anatomie du petit bassin par le chirurgien ainsi qu’une prise en charge adaptée par des spécialistes (gynécologues, urologues, sexologues) constituent les étapes essentielles afin de diminuer le risque de survenue de troubles sexuels et leur impact sur la qualité de vie globale des patients