7 research outputs found

    Questionnaire items used for scoring.

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    <p>Numbers in brackets (%) are frequencies of parents' answers, denominator of n = 1226 in Leicester subsample used for generating the tool, and of n = 140 in MAS-90 subsample. * before/after imputation with values from prior follow-up assessments and baseline.</p><p>Questionnaire items used for scoring.</p

    Characteristics of families in sample used for external validation, by follow-up status.

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    <p>ISCED, International Standard classification of Education; BMI, Body mass index; IgE, Immunoglobulin E; 95%-CI, bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals; kU/l, kilo Units per litre.</p><p>Characteristics of families in sample used for external validation, by follow-up status.</p

    Score distribution (relative frequency) from model building sample.

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    <p>(n = 1226, left side, from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0115852#pone.0115852-Pescatore1" target="_blank">[13]</a>) and external validation sample (n = 140, right side). Primary inclusion, scoring and outcome definitions. * no child with age 1 year in external validation sample (score 0 not possible).</p

    Predicted probability of developing asthma 5 years later, for a single particular score value.

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    <p>Performance measures by score in table above. Primary inclusion, scoring, and outcome definitions. Probabilities from original paper (dotted line). * Values not meaningful and/or no accurate estimate possible. PPV/NPV, positive/negative predictive value; LR+/-, positive/negative likelihood ratio.</p

    Discrimination and Performance of the asthma prediction score in the MAS-90 birth cohort used for external validation.

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    <p>* rescaled to its maximum value; # 100 imputations, accounted for calculating confidence intervals; $ according to the corresponding outcome definition; § primary inclusion: cough or wheeze at 3 years – primary scoring: available items at 3 years – primary outcome: wheeze and asthma medication at 8 years; Odds Ratio per 1-point increase in asthma prediction score; Secondary outcome definition details up to age 20 years in methods section; CI, confidence interval.</p><p>Discrimination and Performance of the asthma prediction score in the MAS-90 birth cohort used for external validation.</p