2 research outputs found

    Large Room Temperature Bulk DNP of <sup>13</sup>C via P1 Centers in Diamond

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    We use microwave-induced dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) of the substitutional nitrogen defects (P1 centers) in diamond to hyperpolarize bulk 13C nuclei in both single crystal and powder samples at room temperature at 3.34 T. The large (>100-fold) enhancements demonstrated correspond to a greater than 10 000-fold improvement in terms of signal averaging of the 1% abundant 13C spins. The DNP was performed using low-power solid state sources under static (nonspinning) conditions. The DNP spectrum (DNP enhancement as a function of microwave frequency) of diamond powder shows features that broadly correlate with the EPR spectrum. A well-defined negative Overhauser peak and two solid effect peaks are observed for the central (mI = 0) manifold of the 14N spins. Previous low temperature measurements in diamond had measured a positive Overhauser enhancement in this manifold. Frequency-chirped millimeter-wave excitation of the electron spins is seen to significantly improve the enhancements for the two outer nuclear spin manifolds (mI = ±1) and to blur some of the sharper features associated with the central manifold. The outer lines are best fit using a combination of the cross effect and the truncated cross effect, which is known to mimic features of an Overhauser effect. Similar features are also observed in experiments on single crystal samples. The observation of all of these mechanisms in a single material system under the same experimental conditions is likely due to the significant heterogeneity of the high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) type Ib diamond samples used. Large room temperature DNP enhancements at fields above a few tesla enable spectroscopic studies with better chemical shift resolution under ambient conditions

    Plexcitons: The Role of Oscillator Strengths and Spectral Widths in Determining Strong Coupling

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    Strong coupling interactions between plasmon and exciton-based excitations have been proposed to be useful in the design of optoelectronic systems. However, the role of various optical parameters dictating the plasmon-exciton (plexciton) interactions is less understood. Herein, we propose an inequality for achieving strong coupling between plasmons and excitons through appropriate variation of their oscillator strengths and spectral widths. These aspects are found to be consistent with experiments on two sets of free-standing plexcitonic systems obtained by (i) linking fluorescein isothiocyanate on Ag nanoparticles of varying sizes through silane coupling and (ii) electrostatic binding of cyanine dyes on polystyrenesulfonate-coated Au nanorods of varying aspect ratios. Being covalently linked on Ag nanoparticles, fluorescein isothiocyanate remains in monomeric state, and its high oscillator strength and narrow spectral width enable us to approach the strong coupling limit. In contrast, in the presence of polystyrenesulfonate, monomeric forms of cyanine dyes exist in equilibrium with their aggregates: Coupling is not observed for monomers and H-aggregates whose optical parameters are unfavorable. The large aggregation number, narrow spectral width, and extremely high oscillator strength of J-aggregates of cyanines permit effective delocalization of excitons along the linear assembly of chromophores, which in turn leads to efficient coupling with the plasmons. Further, the results obtained from experiments and theoretical models are jointly employed to describe the plexcitonic states, estimate the coupling strengths, and rationalize the dispersion curves. The experimental results and the theoretical analysis presented here portray a way forward to the rational design of plexcitonic systems attaining the strong coupling limits