206 research outputs found

    Urban design on the schedule : to develope a methodological material about urban design for primary school

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    Stadsplanering pĂ„verkar oss i alla skeden av livet och vi har som medborgare en rĂ€ttighet att fĂ„ vara med och tycka till om stadens utformning. ÄndĂ„ har allmĂ€nheten vĂ€ldigt lite kunskap om stadsplanering och medborgardialogen om stadens utformning fĂ„r idag mycket kritik för att inte ge medborgare det inflytande som var tĂ€nkt. Stadsplanering i skolan skulle kunna bidra till att fler blir medvetna om hur den fysiska miljön pĂ„verkar oss och sĂ„ att vi dĂ€rmed kan stĂ€lla krav nĂ€r vĂ„ra behov inte uppfylls. Jag har i examensarbetet valt att anvĂ€nda begreppet aktiv för att beskriva viljan att medvetet pĂ„verka stadens utformning. Syftet med examensarbetet Ă€r att ta fram ett verktyg för att göra fler aktiva och arbetets frĂ„gestĂ€llning lyder: Hur kan ett metodmaterial för grundskolan om stadsplanering se ut? I arbetet tar jag fram ett förslag för ett metodmaterial för mĂ„lgruppen mellanstadieelever men materialet kan förhoppningsvis anvĂ€ndas i fler sammanhang och med fler Ă„ldersgrupper. Arbetet delas upp i tvĂ„ delar dĂ€r den första delen ger en bakgrund till arbetet och redovisar tidigare erfarenheter, litteratur och referensprojekt i Ă€mnet. Syftet Ă€r att reda ut hur man kan gĂ„ tillvĂ€ga nĂ€r man ska diskutera stadsplanering i skolan. Hur Ă€mnet kan introduceras till mellanstadieelever pĂ„ ett interaktivt sĂ€tt studeras i det första kapitlet genom en litteraturstudie om vad metodmaterialet kan innehĂ„lla och hur det kan vara upplagt. DĂ€refter studerades tre referensprojekt och en utvald referensgrupp intervjuas. I andra delen av arbetet redovisas processen för att ta fram metodmaterialet som bestod av att skissa, testa och revidera materialet tillsammans med delar av referensgruppen samt tvĂ„ skolklasser. I slutet av arbetet presenteras resultatet som Ă€r ett förslag pĂ„ ett metodmaterial för att diskutera stadsplanering i skolan uppdelat pĂ„ Ă„tta trĂ€ffar. Metodmaterialet visar upp ett sĂ€tt att diskutera och lĂ€ra sig om stadsplanering genom övningar som utgĂ„r frĂ„n elevernas egen vardag och tillsammans kommer eleverna sedan pĂ„ idĂ©er för elevernas nĂ€romrĂ„de. Examensarbetet visar att stadsplanering Ă€r lĂ€mpligt att diskutera i skolan och att Ă€mnet kan anvĂ€ndas för att bygga sjĂ€lvförtroende och nyttja elevernas egna kunskaper. Arbetet Ă€r en grund för framtagandet av ett metodmaterial som förhoppningsvis kan spridas och anvĂ€ndas i skolor och andra sammanhang sĂ„ som ungdomsverksamhet eller andra grupper av mĂ€nniskor i lokalsamhĂ€llet. I framtiden skulle det vara roligt att testa materialet i sin helhet och anpassa materialet beroende pĂ„ mĂ„lgruppen pĂ„ deltagarna men ocksĂ„ utifrĂ„n om det Ă€r en lĂ€rare eller en arkitekt som ska leda trĂ€ffarna.Urban design affects us in all parts of life and as citizens we have the right to be part of the planning process. But many of us have very little knowledge about planning and citizen dialog is today criticized because of the lack of influence from citizens in the planning. To learn about city planning and urban design in school could be a way of making more people aware of how the physical environment affects us and demand for change when needed. In the thesis I have used the word active as a way to describe the will to be a part of, and aware off the urban design of the city. The aim with this thesis is to create a tool to make more people active and the research question is: How could a methodological material about urban design look like developed for primary school? In my work I produce a draft of a methodological material about urban design for the target group pupils in upper primary school, age 10-13 but hopefully the material can be used in more contexts and with different ages. The thesis is composed in two parts where the first part gives a background to the study and describes past experiences, literature and reference projects in the field. The aim is to investigate how to discuss the topic of urban design in school. How to introduce the subject to primary school pupils in an interactive way is studied in the first chapter by a literature study about what the methodological material could contain and how it should be set. Then I study three reference projects and interview a selected reference group. In the second part of the thesis I describe the process of developing a methodological material which consisted of drafting, testing and revising the material together with the reference group and two primary school classes. At the end of the thesis the results are presented, the draft of a methodological material for discussing urban design in primary school organized in eight lessons. The methodological material shows a way of discussing and learn about urban design through exercises that start from the everyday life of the pupils and together the pupils then come up with ideas for changes in their neighbourhood. The thesis proves that discussions about urban design is suitable for school and that the subject can be used as a tool for building self-confidence and use the pupils own knowledge. The work is a base for a methodological material that hopefully could be spread and used in schools but also in other contexts such as youth activities or with other groups in the local community. In the future I hope to be able to try out the whole material and adapt it so it could suit different target groups of participants. Also adapt the material depending of if it is a teacher or an architect that leads the project

    The plaza moves indoor : a study of how to improve the experience of publicity in S:t Per Gallerian

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    Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att undersöka hur upplevelsen av offentlighet kan för-bÀttras i en galleria. Det offentliga rummet Àr viktigt för invÄnarna i ett samhÀlle och det Àr av betydelse att det uppfattas som offentligt, vilket pÄverkas starkt av dess utformning. För mÄnga Àr det offentliga livet idag starkt sammankopplat med konsumtion och gallerian Àr en betydande del av det offentliga livet i staden. MÄnga svenska gallerior har privata fastighetsÀgare och Àr pÄ grund av vinstin-tresset utformade för det övergripande syftet konsumtion vilket inte alltid sam-spelar med det offentliga rummets syfte. Det ges fÄ anledningar och kan vara svÄrt att uppehÄlla sig i gallerian med ett annat syfte Àn att konsumera. Gallerian Àr dock en vÀletablerad del av det offentliga rummet som med sitt skydd mot vÀder och vind har en stor potential att inrymma offentligt liv i vÄrt klimat. MÄlet med studien Àr att undersöka vilka faktorer som kan förbÀttra upplevelsen av offentlighet och att pröva dessa pÄ S:t Per Gallerian i Uppsala. Genom en litteraturstudie identifieras faktorer som kan pÄverka upple-velsen av offentlighet i det offentliga rummet. Resultatet av litteraturstudien an-vÀnds vid en analys av S:t Per Gallerian och identifierar vilka brister gallerian har i förhÄllande till den upplevda offentligheten. UtifrÄn resultatet av metoderna besvaras huvudfrÄgan genom ett schematiskt gestaltningsförslag dÀr det framgÄr hur upplevelsen av offentlighet kan förbÀttras i S:t Per Gallerian. I och med resul-tatet ges förslag pÄ hur landskapsarkitekter kan utforma gallerior som en del av det offentliga rummet och förbÀttra dem i avseendet ökad upplevd offentliget. I uppsatsen diskuteras landskapsarkitektens roll i utformningen av gallerior och hur gallerian kan inkluderas i stadens offentliga miljö. I den avslutande diskuss-ionen lyfts frÄgan kring huruvida de identifierade faktorerna generellt kan anvÀn-das vid framtida gestaltning av gallerior.The purpose of this essay is to investigate how one might improve the experience of the public space in a modern mall. Public life is important for citizens of the city and is of highly significance for the experience of publicity, something which is strongly influenced by design. For many people today public life is linked to consumption and as such the mall makes up an important part of public space. In Sweden today many malls are privately owned and designed with the overarching goal of maximizing consumption. A goal which does not always fit well together with the purpose of a public space.One might find it hard to reside in the mall without the purpose of shopping. However, malls are still well inte-grated parts of our public space which as a refuge from the recurring rain and cold weather shows great potential for public life due to Swedish weather condi-tions. The aim of the study is to investigate factors which might improve the experience of publicity and apply them to S:t Per Gallerian in Uppsala. Through a literature review different factors influencing the experience of publicity in public space are defined. The result of this review is then applied in an analysis of S:t Per Gallerian in order to identify the flaws this mall has in its role as a pub-lic space. These results will form the basis for a schematic design proposal for how to improve S:t Per Gallerian as a public space. This proposal will lay out a number of suggestions for improvements through landscape architecture. The essay also discusses the role of landscape architecture in designing malls, and how the modern mall can be better included in urban public spaces. The conclud-ing discussion will also reflect on the use of these factors in designing new malls

    Effect of substrate proximity on luminescence yield from Si nanocrystals

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    The influence of the proximity of a high refractive index substrate on the luminescence of Si nanocrystals was investigated by time-integrated and time-resolved photoluminescence. The luminescence yield was found to be ∌2.5 times larger for emitters distanced from the substrate compared to those in proximity with the substrate, while luminescence decay measurements revealed only a slight increase in the luminescence lifetime (∌15%). Results are discussed in terms of local density of optical modes surrounding a pointlike light emitter with important implications for the collection efficiency of luminescence and the estimation of internal quantum efficiency for a quantum dot.Support for this work was provided by the Swedish Research Council VR and the Australian Research Council ARC

    X-ray radiation hardness and influence on blinking in Si and CdSe quantum dots

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    We study the effect of X-ray irradiation on the photoluminescence (PL) efficiency and intermittency (blinking) of single Si/SiO2 and CdSe/CdZnS quantum dots (QDs). Our results show that the PL efficiency of Si nanocrystals is not significantly altered up to a cumulative fluence of 1020 photons/m2 (corresponding to $300 kGy of absorbed dose in SiO2), while CdSe particles become completely dark already after a 17 times lower fluence. In both types of QDs, the statistical nature of blinking ON-and OFF-times remains unaltered: mono-exponential for Si and power-law for CdSe QDs. However, the evolution of the blinking parameters with absorbed dose depends on the choice of material. On average, both ON-and OFF-time constants do not vary in Si nanocrystals, highlighting their radiation hardness. Instead, the ON-time exponent increases while the OFF-time exponent decreases with the increasing dose for CdSe

    Active planar optical waveguide made from luminescent silicon nanocrystals

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    We show experimentally that a layer of silicon nanocrystals, prepared by the Si-ion implantation (with the energy of 400 keV) into a synthetic silica slab and exhibiting room-temperature red photoluminescence, can serve simultaneously as a single-mode planar optical waveguide. The waveguide is shown to self-select guided transverse electric and transverse magnetic modes from the broad photoluminescence emission of the nanocrystals resulting in a substantially narrower emission spectrum for these modes. We further report on an investigation of optical gain in a sample implanted to a dose of 4×1017 cm−2. Despite the occurrence of strong waveguiding, results of the variable stripe length method turned out not to be able to give unambiguous evidence for optical gai

    Photonic band-gap effects on photoluminescence of silicon nanocrystals embedded in artificial opals

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    Si nanocrystals were formed in synthetic opals by Si-ion implantation and their optical properties studied using microphotoluminescence and reflection techniques. The properties of areas with high crystalline quality are compared with those of disordered regions of samples. The photoluminescencespectrum from Si nanocrystals embedded in silica spheres is narrowed by the inhibition of emission at wavelengths corresponding to the opalphotonic pseudoband gap (∌690 nm). Measurements of photoluminescencespectra from individual implanted silica spheres is also demonstrated and the number of emitting Si nanocrystals in single brightly emitting spheres is estimated to be of the order of one thousand.This work was supported by GACR (202/03/0789), NATO (PST.CLG.978100), and by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. One of the authors ~J.V.! appreciates financial support from the French government (program Echange)

    Narrow Luminescence Linewidth of a Silicon Quantum Dot

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