2 research outputs found

    Error Detection Based on Generator Polynomial

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    In today world use high speed computers.Communication between one computer and another orbetween the computer and its peripheral devices must beas error free as possible. However, error free datatransmission in real world communication systems doesnot exist. Errors, no matter how few, will always bepresent. To deal with this problem, a good number oferror detection techniques have been developed and usedextensively in data communication systems known as theCyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). In order toinvestigate the CRC error, handshake data (polynomialand handshake data bit) is sent to receiver subsequently,when the receiver accept the handshake, the polynomialis accepted by receiver. While in data communicationbetween sender and receiver, sender packed the data andpolynomial and then transmitted to receiver. When thepacket arrived to receiver, the received packet is dividedby polynomial. The receiver catches the result data

    Occurrence of Root and Stem Rot of Durian in Mon State and its Control by Trunk Injection with Phosphorous Acid

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    Durian (Durio Zibethinus Murr) orchards in Thahton, Pauung, Mudon and Thanphyuzayat Townships. Mon State, were visited during 2000-2001. Root and stem rot disease caused by Phytophthora palmivora was found to be serious and widespread in those durian growing areas. Disease incidence ranged from 16% to 100%. The investigation was undertaken at Kangalay orchard (Mudon Township) and Kyonka orchard (Paung Township), Myanma Agriculture Service, to evaluate the effect of trunk injection of Phosphorous acid and some chemical application in controlling of root and stem rot of durian. Effective control of the disease on 4-year-old durian trees was achieved by injecting 20% Phosphorous acid twice a year. Phosphorous acid injection in combination with Ridomil 25 WP bark paint and Ridomil 5G soil treatment was also found to be effective